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Everything posted by Gameadd1cted

  1. PvPscene, It works Thanks a lot :) Now, why does it happen so? This is my guess: player returns null on a server. However, player can be null for a short period of time on a client machine (until it synchronizes?) So, if the machine is a CLIENT and player isNull => JIP The sleep in the init code resulted in player not being Null. Therefore the code would never catch a JIP state. Is this correct?
  2. Gameadd1cted

    orderGetIn in Multiplayer

    I uploaded the mission as required in another thread (JIP issues). In case you want to have a look at the final result for the heli script: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A59FNU1N The scripted heli in the center; you can see the pilot waiting to board it close to the control tower. 111114 Entrenamiento by Militar2k, on Flickr
  3. Hi, I have a strange issue. Description: AI Pilot is commanded via Radio Alpha to board a chopper. Pilot waypoint1: MOVE - very close to its initial position so it won't move. - synchronized with trigger activated by Radio Alpha. Pilot waypoint2: GETIN On Act. Pilot1 assignAsDriver Heli1; Pilot1 orderGetIn true Problem: Eveything works OK in single player. In multiplayer works perfect IF the pilot boards first the helicopter. But if one of my mates get into the chopper first (in back seat position) the pilot won't get into the chopper anymore. Any ideas? Thanks :)
  4. Hi PVP, The mission can be downloaded here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A59FNU1N As a quick description, there is a chopper that can be commanded via radio to do an insertion and extraction. Bellow there is an image showing the scripted chopper in the center. 111114 Entrenamiento by Militar2k, on Flickr
  5. PvPscene, I have 1 server and 2 computers acting like clients (a total of 3 different computers). I see no JIP message on the second client even though I join later (the first client is still on) I even tried accessing the server from a different network (via mobile internet). Still no JIP.
  6. Gameadd1cted

    orderGetIn in Multiplayer

    F2k Sel, thanks a lot for your patience. I leave it locked. Anyway, the mission is played by friends (all adults) so no childish things like stealing vehicles. I'll try your last idea at some stage.
  7. First of all, thanks for the quick answer. Tested as soon as the answer arrived. Definitely it's me doing something wrong or not understanding the JIP. 1. I created a dedicated server on PC1. Server is started. 2. I join the game from PC2. Login as admin. The game starts. "No JIP here!" is displayed. Perfect. 3. 30 seconds later I join the same game from the laptop (PC3). "No JIP here!" is displayed again. :eek: Edit: I tried joining 10 minutes later. Still "No JIP" message. At this stage, I am lost.:confused: Wasn't supposed to display " I am JIP!" on the laptop?
  8. Gameadd1cted

    JIP sample / example

    Basically I am looking for a well done mission that takes into account the JIP factor. I know it's quite vague, but I need a starting point. I am familiar with doolittle's scripts and kylania's exquisite work. But those are just samples or I am too ignorant atm to use them as building blocks for my own missions. So, any mature mission as a sample would be great. Synchronizing tasks would be a great start. Thanks for your patience. ---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ---------- I can't manage to get it working in init.sqf. Please see http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=127520 The condition is equal, but I just can't get such a simple thing as a hint for the JIP machine. Thanks :)
  9. Guys, I am starting to get into multiplayer scripting. I searched for "JIP sampe", "JIP example", "JIP mission example", etc. Is there such a thing as a sample mission covering the basic aspects of multiplayer setting? I had a look at F2 framework but it's overkill at the moment. I read several times the 6thsense guide, but I still feel like I need a sample to start build upon it.
  10. Gameadd1cted

    orderGetIn in Multiplayer

    Blocking the heli works like a charm (tested SP and MP) Using the second init simply doesn't work. The pilot won't move at all. Just in case: wp1: MOVE; in front of pilot; synchronized with trigger (radio Alpha) wp2: MOVE; very close to the chopper; needed so the AI won't run wp3: GETIN; Init: pilot1 assignAsDriver heli1; [pilot1] orderGetIn true wp4: LOAD; in front of chopper; ; synchronized with trigger (radio Bravo) wp5: MOVE; some other place on the map. Thanks for your great input!
  11. Gameadd1cted

    orderGetIn in Multiplayer

    The problem with this solution is the total lack of realism. It basically warps the pilot into the chopper (no anomation). I tried setting a waypoint so that it get close to the heli door, but he still warps from a certain distance.
  12. Gameadd1cted

    orderGetIn in Multiplayer

    Buliwyf, thanks for the quick answer. Both sodiers are from the same side (WEST > US) I modified the argument for orderGetIn. Nevertheless, pilot still won't board the heli. Looks like if a player or another AI boards the chopper before the pilot, it resets the assignments resulting in the AI pilot not boarding. In single player the AI can board the heli before and the pilot enters. Therefore I think is something related to multiplayer.
  13. Hi, I set a few waypoints on a road and I set myself as cargo. The vehicle that carries me stops (speed = 0) at every waypoint. Is there any option for the AI to pass through a waypoint without slowing down? I tried setting the speed to full and behaviour to careless but AI still stops. Thank you.
  14. Hi guys, I am trying to script a mission where a specific player can spawn enemy units by clicking on the map (onMapSingleClick) I managed to do this via action and radio command. Now I want to be able to select which unit to be spawned. I read the Dialog Control Article on http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dialog_Control and now I am able to create dialogues with buttons and text. I can't manage to create the combo. I even ventured to look on Loki's scripts (Lost Key mod), but it's too much for me. So, anyone happens to know / have a sample combobox where you can select a unit? I hope I made myself clear. Thank you :)
  15. Hi, I placed an open container in the editor. When the game starts, the doors are open; is there anyway to close them by script? I had a look on the actions (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armed_Assault:_Actions_List), however I don't find anything like "CLOSEDOOR"; Thank you.
  16. Gameadd1cted

    Close container doors

    @Andy455 Thanks a lot, works like a charm. It is exactely what I needed Already in the mission! @Taurus I just had a look on the animate link and I would like to know more about it. How can I access config.cpp? Sorry for the noob question. Thank you.
  17. Gameadd1cted

    Add a mod to mission pbo

    Thanks Splicer. Weel, I guess I'll have to ccreate that mission with the available units...
  18. Hi, I belong to a clan that has an official list of addons; these are required in order to make sure everyone can play the missions. I woud like to use a few specific units from a mod that is not on the clan's list. Is there any way to enclose the addon in the mission pbo? Thanks! EDITED: Just found this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81031 Looks like it is impossible to add mods to missions.
  19. Taurus, Congratulations for this guide. I think it fits very well between way too basic introductions to SQF and über complex examples. Personally I find it most interesting because it makes the bits and blocks very clear (what is a procedure, a function, variables, etc.) Looking forward for more updates. Thank you :).
  20. Gameadd1cted

    US Desert Vehicles (WIP)

    I confirm this bug. The TOW HMMWV does not show the weapon; it happens both for the manned crew as well as the empty vehicles. Btw, great work. Looking forward for the complete release ;)
  21. Hi again, got stuck again :( I have a dialog and 2 combobox controls on it. Combobox 1 (idc 1701) has the following items: [A, B, C] Based on the selection the player makes, the second combobox (idc 1702) displays an according list (e.g. If A was selected, the second combo list woud be A1, A2, A3... If B was selected, the second combo list woud be B1, B2, B3...) I managed to do this, but if the player changes again the first list, the second one doesn't update. Maybe LBSelChanged is the solution, but I am clueless with ctrlSetEventHandler. Here it is the code: ok = createDialog "GadCreateEnemyDialog"; // Seleccionador de tipo de unidades a crear (infantería, grupos, vehículos, etc.) for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count GadTypeToSpawnArray}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _item = GadTypeToSpawnArray select _i; _index = lbadd [1701,_item]; }; waitUntil {lbcursel 1701 != -1;}; currentType = lbcursel 1701; switch (lbcursel 1701) do { case 0: {GadElementsToSpawnArray = GadInfantryToSpawnArray;}; case 1: {GadElementsToSpawnArray = GadGruposToSpawnArray;}; case 2: {GadElementsToSpawnArray = GadVehiclesToSpawnArray;}; }; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count GadElementsToSpawnArray}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _item = GadElementsToSpawnArray select _i; _index = lbadd [1702,_item]; };
  22. Gameadd1cted

    Show / Display the map

    Fantastic! Thanks a lot for the tip :) Just one more question... is there any opposite command (e.g. closemap)?
  23. Hi, I made a script that allows the user to place units on the map (onMapSingleClick). I would like to bring up the map to the player automatically (no need to press the "M" key). I tried: - showmap: doesn't display the map at all. - forcemap: it overlays the map, but no good as it does not allow clicking on the map (you're clicking in 3d). I found a similar thread without answer. I post the link just in case I didn't explain myself properly (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=54599) Thank you.
  24. Murklor, Thanks for the early reply. Your solution works like a charm in single player, but radio command shows to other units in MP. Is it OK to use "player" in MP?
  25. I imagine it is quite straight forward and I've searched for this, but no success :( I created a trigger that is activated by Alpha Radio. I want the radio command to be available only to a specific unit. I've tried grouping (F2), synchronyzing (F5), etc. but I'm doing something wrong. Thank you.