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Everything posted by yuri123

  1. helloo i want ask if someone have sam-2 sam-6 or sam-8 racketa or still in progress? thanks
  2. hellooo i play arma 2, when i desind the mission on ( mission editor ) and i start play the game , moments and the game off i found my self on desktop why ? my kard anvedia 1 giga and the game is run good but it off when i play and i be out , other thing iam usin version 1.2 i used the other versions 1.4 , 1.3 , 1.5 but the game stop and give erorr during download the patches what to do ? please need help ?? what is the solution ???
  3. red square lenin tomb kremlin wall wooooooooooooooooooooooo will mazy sovit generals
  4. yuri123

    need help

    guys how i can use fragata and destroyer in arma 2 ? i cant use them cause they sunk and not in offor and belfur some one know how i can use them ? thanks alllllllll
  5. i suggest make famous persons in game like ( seddam hussain , j w bush, bin laden ,putin , sakashvili ) it give more action for game and i,m sure game will be find more many millions computers to play it it will be very attraction ??????????
  6. yuri123

    cold war back

    i suggest to make map addon to russia ( moscow ) usa ( wshington ) not all the map but contain some cities like moscoe and kremlin and whsington white house and why not make leaders as addons like the presidents and big generals and design addons missions ?
  7. yuri123

    cold war back

    there is game ( chost recon ) chapter 1 the last level contain map of moscow when we play we feel playing in the same city and the same building ( red squere , and the market beside red squere , and the cnters of building , lenin grave and museum , the church, the krimlen wall ) in the game contain other maps to cities in russia i suggest if can use the maps and imrove it to beable in use for arma 2 game the maps is describing moscow very good
  8. yuri123

    cold war back

    thanks for your note but my english not strong ?
  9. i think we need to make new weapons addons in arma 2 with old addons weapon as we see weapons alwayes developing i,m thinking if can make new addons like make s 300 air defence http://www.strategycenter.net/imgLib/20060213_03.jpg make patriot defence http://www.redstone.army.mil/history...patriot_02.jpg make tomahak http://www.navynucweps.com/images/Ar...VertLaunch.jpg make tobol rocket http://www.armyrecognition.com/image...Russia_003.jpg missles boats and ships battle ships what is good program to make this addons? or there are any suggestions about this or if bossible make it