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About ablueman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The other option is to try for more ambient lighting so you dont need NV. Searchlights, vehicle on fire, flares, fires etc. Make a weather module and put 0 setovercast 0; in the init. this looks really cool but means you dont really have any weather.
  2. Hi. I was doing some simple locking of a vehicle, works for me but not anyone else. Figured this was because the variable was only being updated for me. How do I update the variable for everyone else in multiplayer. Anyone got any good tutorials for server side scripting and/or sources for mutiplayer scripting.
  3. ablueman

    water depth

    heh, yeah but i was using a dock and just setpos which "shouldnt" have been effected by tidal problems ;) I hear there might be another setpos variant like AGL at ground level never got round to looking at it. --edit setPosATL at terrain level.
  4. ablueman

    water depth

    U using setposASL that might work better. ASL = At sea level. One thing to watch out for, I made a set of docks and then changed the time of day, the level of everything changed depending on what time of day it is O_o test it bud it can really fuck your mission up otherwise.
  5. Not sure if it shows the same thing but if you add -showScriptErrors to your shortcut for arma you get informed of errors in your code. So I have: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -window -nopause -showScriptErrors -mod=@panthera for my editting arma.
  6. Erm easiest way of doing this I think would be to make a camera script to select that target and follow it. Perhaps as "Internal", you will have to read up about cam scripting bud.
  7. Ok this is a bit difficult for me to understand let alone explain but i will try, I have a clan based script http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1489412&postcount=7 This is working well and the way I want but with one problem. Because I have it running in my main arma folder ( as If this was a dedicated server). So I can use it on lots of missions without having to update the members list in every folder. It is only now working for me. Because people arnt downloading the file with the mission. Is there a way to make sure init.sqf asks for the script from the server end so i dont have to make sure the clients have it on their computer? This may have to be as a server addon? I can make sure wbg.sqf is running on client. As long as the groups and members .sqf file can be server only. Thanks for any help you can provide. Andy
  8. hahah dont abandon me now :) ok bud thanks for your help will keep trying
  9. Ok tested with if (wbg == 0) then { hint "UNLOCK THE MHQ"; } forEach playableUnits; This works, but I have a feeling this will only be checked on init.sqf so usefull as a chocolate teapot. Do I need to create a loop to constantly check or is it better to do on connect / on disconnect check... ? ohh posted at same time : Im using this for domination does that mean each time WBG member dies if hes the only wbg member on, the MHQ will unlock and relock when he respawns? ps: wbg is just the variable i have which sets to 1 if someone is a wbg member or 0 for not. BTW im not using an array im using a switch. Im still struggling to get to grips with providing the same functionality of my switch statements with an array. Check that link if you have time bud. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1489412&postcount=7
  10. Yeah im already doing something like that: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1489412&postcount=7 The idea is that while WBG present addAction lock MHQ see script in above link, if WBG not present unlock MHQ. I will look more in to playableunits and see what I can come up with. Thanks. --Edit -- Nice to see http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playableUnits is so detailed >.<
  11. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1489412&postcount=7 Its working.... thats another post where i was dabbling with this and the original idea. Check that for future..
  12. Just in case anyone finds this old thread I finally got around to doing it. This allows you to give permissions to people based on their UID or as part of a group. It sits in the main Armour folder (almost like a mod) so all you should need to do is add one line of code to init.sqf. And then add whatever you want to the sections for that member or group or in the missions itself based on the global variable. All three files go in the main folder in your armour folder. Init.sqf null=[] execVM "\wbg\wbg.sqf"; wbg.sqf in /wbg/ // addAction to eject player from MHQ / Lock or Unlock MHQ / If no WBG present = remove lock. WaitUntil{not isNull player}; waitUntil {(getPlayerUID player) != ""}; _uid = getPlayerUID player; _title = ""; _text = ""; wbg =""; #include "wbgmembers.sqf"; #include "wbggroup.sqf"; sleep 1; hint parseText (_title + _text); wbgmembers.sqf in /wbg/ switch(_uid)do { case "111111": // EasyTarget { wbg = "Admin"; _title = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Welcome Back</t><br />"; _text = format["<t color='#ffffff' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='left'>%1</t><t align='right'> [%2]</t><br />", name player, wbg]; }; case "222222": // cpt_custard { wbg = "Admin"; _title = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Welcome Back</t><br />"; _text = format["<t color='#ffffff' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='left'>%1</t><t align='right'> [%2]</t><br />", name player, wbg]; }; case "333333": // KHCloud { wbg = "Member"; _title = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Welcome Back</t><br />"; _text = format["<t color='#ffffff' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='left'>%1</t><t align='right'> [%2]</t><br />", name player, wbg]; }; default { _title = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>Welcome to WBG</t><br />"; _text = format["%1, please take a second to read the rules, you cant fly the aircraft unless your a pilot and on TeamSpeak", name player]; }; }; wbggroup.sqf in /wbg/ switch(wbg)do { case "Admin": { _aa1 = Player addAction ["Teleport1", "base.sqf",["base_spawn_2"],1,false]; }; case "Mod": { }; case "Member": { }; case "Regular": { }; default { }; };
  13. ablueman

    Admin Mod needs

    Disabling mods seems to help, but that means everyone has to use stock stuff only. As for the admin thing im trying to develop a clan based script which will allow certain stuff but as someone else said the best solution seems to be a server with an admin on.
  14. Can you use a command to list all the online players on the server, so i can do an if statement on them. Anyone know if there is a way to easily do this. The idea is to see if any clan members are on. If so have a lock / unlock script on the MHQ (to stop the noobs driving it in to the red zone) but unlock it if there are no clan members on the server. I can handle this part but i have no idea how to list the players online.
  15. How are you triggering this from a trigger or a script or what? Basically you can do an if his name is Bob, it will tell him he sucks :) I think that will work but it might help if you gave more information in your posts bud, my crystal ball is broken and for the best solution specifics help ;)