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Everything posted by James22

  1. James22

    Converted OFP SP Missions

    I gather these work fine with the 1.04 patch? I never played OFP so this will be cool. I'm sort of getting over Arma2 SP - Manhatten mission has given me the the snoots lol Nevermind, found in the link 1.04. This is gonna be awesome :-)
  2. Hey all. I was wondering if anyone had an idea as to what is going on here. I'm running a E8400 @ 3.95ghz, Nvidia 9500GT, Vista 32bit, and 3Gb of DDR2 Ram. I bought some ram and upgraded from 2gb to 3gb of ram, but it has not changed the FPS one little bit. I was expecting to see some sort of increase, but no joy. I tried to run Armamark, to get a comparison. But for some reason after updating to 1.03, it now just crashes to desktop halfway through loading. I ran another benchmark (provided with Company of Heroes) and I also noticed that my FPS didn't increase with that either. 25-27 FPS - Normal settings, AA & AF Off, 1280x800 res Any ideas?
  3. James22

    Upgraded RAM = No FPS Improvement

    The thing that gets me is; Crysis has better graphics - but is smoother and way better FPS than arma. Arma2 honestly looks like crap next to cryengine, but can't even get half the framerate. There's gotta be a problem in their engine somewhere. I can get better FPS in crysis on max in Dx10, than I can in arma on low and using DX9 (of course) Patch, Patch, Patch lol
  4. James22

    Upgraded RAM = No FPS Improvement

    Installed xp on the weekend. Formatted the hard drive and partitioned for XP and Vista. Havn't tried arma2 yet. I didn't want to start a new game. But crysis fps has increased by around about 10fps, so hopefully i'll see some sort of improvement with arma. I'm only aiming for 30fps for christs sake, shouldn't be too hard lol
  5. James22

    Upgraded RAM = No FPS Improvement

    Rhamstein; Unfortunately it is running in Flex mode now. I was running Dual Channel before, but I have a uneven chip now. Originaly I had 2 x 1gb chips, now i have 1 x 1gb and 1 x 2gb, making it uneven. The original 1gb chip is 800mhz/pc6400 and the new one is the same speed. System is really clean, and I can't pump anymore FSB into it without getting a aftermarket cooler. I'll try to tighten my ram timings up a bit, becuase they are still a bit messy. I loosened them for stability when I was testing the 439 FSB clock. So the general consensus is that my CPU is fine (E8400 OC'd to 3.95ghz), but my graphics card (9500gt-512mb) is the problem? If thats the case, I'll just make do with what I have for the time being, and wait for the prices to come down with DX11 cards release. Anything else I can do to increase frame rate? Already disabled PhysX. And pre-rendered frame are at 3, anymore than that and I start getting mouse lag.
  6. No problem. Let us know if it makes any perfromance difference for ya. This game isn't following the usual rule book lol (bunch of tricks)
  7. James22

    Upgraded RAM = No FPS Improvement

    Now that you mention it, It DID run in Dual channel mode before. But now its running in Flex mode instead Originally 2 x 1gb chips - Now 1 x 2gb and 1 x 1gb. --------------------- 500mb - Thats preety lame? Whats a decent graphics card then, that wont make me broke lol
  8. James22

    Help please im new!!!!urgent!!!

    As above - Graphics Card?? Make sure you have the latest drivers for the graphics card and March 09 build of directx - Included on DVD if you bought it that way.
  9. Change your initial to 1.5 times your ram Change your max to 3.0 times your ram In my case - 3gb of ram = 3072mb 3072mb x 1.5 = 4608 initial size 3072mb x 3.0 = 9216 max size
  10. James22


    Any ideas on why ARMA mark won't work now that i've updated to 1.03? Starts loading then CTD's?
  11. James22

    1.03 - Won't Launch

    Well I finally got 1.03 to work. I uninstalled the game, rolled back using system restore to a point before i purchaserd the game. Cleaned the registry, and removed all arma2 related folders on c:\. Then re-installed the latest graphics drivers & March 09 build directx. DISABLED Physx - I think this may have been causing a problem. Reinstalled the game and it ran fine (of course because at this time it was v1.0) and I never had a problem with that anyway. I then patched directly to 1.03 - and strike me pink, the bloody game started. So for anyone in the future who might have this problem, I made a little checklist. Because the game definitely does seem sensitive to some of these things (some may have no bearing on the game whatsoever) Goodluck, Latest Directx - March 09 Build Latest Graphics drivers (in my case nvidia 190 something i think) Disable any image mounting device - Daemon tools etc (I think this may have been causing a SecuRom issue Use latest DVD firmware available - (I already had it installed, but this may make a difference to others) Disable any antivirus / spyware (nothing to do with me in this case, but again may help others) Disable Physx (notable frame rate improvement with it off) Disable UAC - Run as admin Clean fresh game install (all registry entries removed, folders removed manually etc) 8. By now, if you have had the same problem as me, you will be able to play the game :-) P.S - Awesome :p P.S - I have noticed a frame rate improvement after this too. I was sitting around 23-25 with v1.2 and before I done all this ^^^. Now i'm sitting around 26-29 fraps :-) Normal graphics settings
  12. Hey all. Been reading through these forums for a week now and no closer to finding a solution to my problem. So I'm sorry if this has been posted elseware. I've been able to play arma 2, v1.0 - 1.1 & 1.2. As soon as I install patch 1.03 - The game refuses to start. The process "Arma2.exe" starts and shows up in the taskmgr, but the game just does not start. I have tried re-installing, but nothing I do seems to help. As soon as I upgrade to 1.03 it just refuses to run. I'd really like to be able to use 1.03 - because I see that it corrects a lot of issues. Can anyone shed some light on the situation? Thanks in advance James P.S - DVD version of game (not steam) and I have the latest nvidia drivers. P.SS - Returned computer to STD clocks and still made no difference, ARMA2.exe starts, but no game. ----------------------------------- E8400 & 3.8ghz (currently stress testing a 4.0ghz clock) - Vista 32 - 2gb DDR2 - Nvidia9500GT OC'd Game runs good for me on normal settings - 25fps, minimal stuttering I have also disabled UAC, and have no antivirus software. ---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ---------- I have found a few other threads, with the same/similiar problem. But I still can't find a way to "fix" this yet. Anyone have any idea's?
  13. James22

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Thanks bulldogs i'll give it a go. Just for reference. I have; The latest graphics drivers (nvidia) The latest DVD firmware The bought DVD version of the game The latest directx drivers Disabled UAC (exclusive admin rights) Disabled daemon tools No antivirus / spyware installed Thats all I could find in other threads of the game not working. I read 80odd pages of the troubleshooting thread to gather that info, and nothing has worked yet. Any more advice?
  14. James22

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    Well I like the game. BUT- What the hell is the point of releasing a patch that is unplayable (in my case) V1.0 - Works V1.1 - Works V1.2 - Works V1.3 - WONT EFFING START - I mean WTF is the deal with that. I can play all other versions, but not 1.3.
  15. James22

    Patch 1.03 Stability Survey

    Hey all. Been reading through these forums for a week now and no closer to finding a solution to my problem. So I'm sorry if this has been posted elseware. I've been able to play arma 2, v1.0 - 1.1 & 1.2. As soon as I install patch 1.03 - The game refuses to start. The process "Arma2.exe" starts and shows up in the taskmgr, but the game just does not start. I have tried re-installing, but nothing I do seems to help. As soon as I upgrade to 1.03 it just refuses to run. I'd really like to be able to use 1.03 - because I see that it corrects a lot of issues. Can anyone shed some light on the situation? Thanks in advance James P.S - DVD version of game (not steam) and I have the latest nvidia drivers. P.SS - Returned computer to STD clocks and still made no difference, ARMA2.exe starts, but no game. ----------------------------------- E8400 & 3.8ghz (currently stress testing a 4.0ghz clock) - Vista 32 - 2gb DDR2 - Nvidia9500GT OC'd Game runs good for me on normal settings - 25fps, minimal stuttering ---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ---------- Why quote from earlier posting? what a waste of space!! ... Planck I have also disabled UAC, and have no antivirus software.