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Everything posted by Stubbinz

  1. Stubbinz

    The Undead Mod

    Ah, well anyone know of a good PBO extractor? And I'm in the springs ha.
  2. Stubbinz

    The Undead Mod

    Hey, i've got a question that i can't seem to find in this thread, what exactly are the classname of the zombie units?
  3. Is this level dead or something? Been wanting to play this.
  4. Okay, so i have a script that"s set up to just spawn a simple helicopter already in flight, it does this, however the copter just goes nose down and crashes. I have it trying to follow waypoints as well. Tell me what I'm doing wrong, i want to learn this scripting stuff. EVAC = createGroup east; Pilot01 = EVAC createUnit ["RU_Soldier_Pilot", position helospawn01, [], 0, "form"]; EVAC01 = createVehicle ["Mi17_rockets_RU", position helospawn01, [], 0, "FLY"]; EVAC01 lock false; Pilot01 moveindriver EVAC01; Pilot01 Moveinpilot EVAC01; Pilot01 domove (position Land01); EVACRoute01_1 = EVAC addWaypoint [LAND01,0]; EVACRoute01_1 setWaypointType "Land"; EVACROUTE01_1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; Pilot01 flyInHeight 150; sleep 120; EVACroute01_2 = Pilot01 addWaypoint [EXIT01,0]; EVACRoute01_2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; EVACROUTE01_1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
  5. Stubbinz

    The Undead Mod

    Also, i keep reading things about the infected city logics or whatever. How it sets up a city being infected and spawns zombies when player gets close. How does one actually go about setting those up? Location names and such? How do i know the zombies will even go to them? because it doesn't seem like the want to do anything cept stand in the woods until they see someone. :/
  6. Stubbinz

    The Undead Mod

    Okay, i have three zombie spawns. Zedspawn01 Zedspawn02 Zedspawn03 i want 02 and 03 to be disabled until a trigger activates them with the Civilians not present global settings. Yet, whenever i start, all three start popping out zeds. :/ How can i fix this? Zedspawn02 and Zedspawn03 have the same properties, except for the name. ZedSpawn02 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",false,true]; this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_INTERVAL",120,true]; this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_NUMBER",random 20,true]; this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_GRPTYPE","MIGRATING",true]; As for the trigger. Axis: Global Condition: Civilian - Not present Activation: ZedSpawn02 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",true,true]; ZedSpawn03 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_ACTIVE",true,true]; am i doing something wrong here?
  7. Stubbinz

    The Undead Mod

    I got mine to spawn, i just, am a little confused on how to get the to migrate or whatever. What logics do i use? i guess, if anyone knows, can you tell me step by step how to get the zombiespawn to send the zombies to random villages in the area?
  8. Stubbinz

    Undead Mod

    I got mine to spawn, i just, am a little confused on how to get the to migrate or whatever. What logics do i use? i guess, if anyone knows, can you tell me step by step how to get the zombiespawn to send the zombies to random villages in the area?
  9. Okay, first off i would like to say i've been a long time reader and follower of this forum, and I much appreciate the work and time all of you have put into this to help novice map makers such as myself. I am however, very, very, not skilled at scripting. I'm just learning this stuff and have a decent comprehension of everything. There is just one thing that is plaguing me and i can't seem to find it on google or the search here. (or I'm stupid and don't phrase the words right) Either way, simply, i would like to know how to make time go faster. For example. Playing a mission i want every hour to = 8 in game hours. How does one go about and accomplishing this? Thanks in advanced. You guys rule.
  10. Yes, thank you, and i didn't mean to post that in the wrong thread, i multitask alot and usually have more tabs open than i care to count, ha. just got mixed up. But THANK YOU for for letting me know about the respwn thing, i couldn't find it to save my life. ha. And i would much appreciate the readme files. :D
  11. Stubbinz

    Undead Mod

    I don't even have the infected spawn module, as soon as i read that, i went looking for it. ha.
  12. Actually, i got it copied and saved, but like i said, i'm very inexperienced when it comes to scripting and i don't know if i put it in something's initialization box, or if i run it as a script secondly, along with how to run scripts all together. ha.
  13. Thank you sir, i shall try this out now. As for the title, yeah that's my bad, i didn't even realize until after i posted and I sat there dumbfounded. Can't believe i didn't think of it. Thanks though. :D
  14. Once i downloaded this mod, all i have been doing on my computer for the past couple of nights is make missions for me and my Brother. It's a blast, however, his computer isn't as fast as mine, and can't handle the amounts of zeds that i can, but i deem necessary for the sake of a good zombie mission. So i say thank you for providing this for us, and taking your time to entertain us lesser talented people. :cheers: However, is there any advice as to possibly increase the frame rate when you have say, 40+ zeds on screen? Also, I'm not sure I'm doing the zed spawns right, but i lack good scripting skills anyhow, would just like some clarification on how to set those up. Again, thank you for the sleepless nights of running around a besieged Chenarus. In the event of a real zombie apocalypse, you have my gun.
  15. First off, I would like to introduce myself. Stubbinz is the name, first time poster, long time reader. I would like to thank everyone for their help with editing. I've been editing since the Flashpoint days, and whenever i needed a script or question it was already here. But, the challenge i have for you guys here would be.... Having long played the Chernaus Life RP servers, and being a long zomb-aholic. I was wondering if there has been any attempt to make a RP zombie setting map. Something like the Chernarus Life, but, have NPC zombies (assuming there are any yet) randomly shambling about. It can all take place in the same Chernaus Life area so it doesn't have to be huge. And a couple ideas i had for this, not demanding, just mentioning, * you could replace shops with like barricaded traders, and instead of money, you could introduce a bartering system. Such as, you can trade whatever valuables you had (ig: A weapon or spare food or whatever, for additional equipment or something) Example being: trade 20 boar meat for an AK, trade a number of things for a selected value, and receive something for the same value, for those of you who have played the Fallout series, something along those lines. *Still have Hunger in play, so, even at hideouts or barricades, fortress, whatever you'd like to call them, you'd still need to stock up on supplies, gather food, gas, whatever, either way, you'd need to leave your safety to get what you need, or even items to manufacture things. *As for the PvP portion, anything goes in the post apocalyptia, if someone has what you need and wont trade, you could kill and pillage, but, you'd be quick to burn bridges, and someone who could make you an AK, would now be worthless to you because you wanted some food. (although, you'd need admins to make sure it wasn't just all DM'ing) *Remove boats, that way players can't cheat a game and sail out to sea and avoid the zeds, however, still have spots on the beach where one can use a fishing pole to collect fish, such as using the jackhammer in Chernaus life to collect oil. Either way, just thought I'd throw that out and see what others thought about it, seemed like it could be interesting, and i have nowhere the editing skills to make it happen myself. Thanks everyone for your time.
  16. I didn't realize it was in the wrong section, my apologies. Was just high, and posted what i thought would be a good idea, but i'm going to look into Jantemplar's mention of the Fallout 3 mod.