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About Obowo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Obowo

    US Support

    I know how you feel... I cant figure it out either. I can figure out most scripting, but adding someone elses like this one I have no clue. This is exactly what I want to.
  2. Obowo


    sorry dealing with an ahole in another thread at same time because I asked for help on a script I could not get to work... ---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ---------- oh ok grouping, I couldnt remember how I Linked the trigger to the unit, but that makes sense... Ill give it a go when I go back in the game... Again sorry, I really hate posting cause I have no patience for people who just come in posting that is no help at all. I only post after hours of trial and error in game with what I have found doing thread searches.
  3. I did, but could not get it to work hence the thread...
  4. Obowo


    Im not looking for posts to disagree, just some help... Again pointless to post if your not helping someone looking for help... If i was making posts about editing for others to use that was wrong then yea, but dont even reply to me if your not gonna post something helpful... Maybe if was grouping, its been years. I just recall making a trigger that was linked one way or another to a NPC when I killed him or if he walked through it he would die... Ive only been back to editing a week.
  5. well then, if I had time to read every post like you, then why dont we just lock all the posts so no one can ever post again and just tell em to search and spend hours trying to find it...
  6. Obowo


    i recall syncing triggers with npcs, i cant do it here. maybe Im missing something, but OFP seemed easier to do. I had made a trigger in OFP that when a NPC went through it he fell dead... I tried a few ways here and I cant get it to work. Oh its been years since ive done this stuff, so if your not posting some help why do you even bother posting?
  7. its been quite some time since Ive done this type of stuff, so yea im not up to par with the rest of you, but thanks for your smart@#$ remarks..
  8. nope doesnt really tell me how and cant get this to work
  9. ill give it a try thx
  10. Im trying to make a trigger sync with killing an npc for a mission. I just want it to show text that the target was killed... In OFP this was easy, Arma 2 I dont know I cant get it to work. Ive looked through the forums to some that are the same, but I cant theirs to work either... Anyone able to go into more depth then just type put this in the cond box for the trigger?
  11. Obowo

    menues not opening.

    got it thx, patch worked
  12. I used ti play OFP long time ago and was pretty good at mission editing, but this Arma 2 is so much more... How do I make a a HALO jump mission for insertion? Id rather have it tell us to get rdy to jump and when to jump in text if nothing else...
  13. Obowo

    menues not opening.

    i just bought and installed the game and f7 modules is not listed as it is in the demo and tutorial vids...