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About Sarastro

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  1. I've played the High Command tutorial, which is pretty basic. I've also looked online where I can, and in the wiki. The manual is no use whatsoever. Is there, anywhere, a decent guide to High Command? Dogs of War is currently very frustrating since the Command elements are either inscrutable or don't seem to work. Questions I have, which I'm sure others would be interested in... What is the 'City menu' and can someone outline the steps to access it? How do you assign crewmen to the defences you build? Why do the High Command group units seem to revert to doing their own thing after a short period? (ie you order them to go to a town, after being in that position for a while, they then disappear and start taking another town on their own) There will be more, but that's a starter...
  2. Sarastro

    Non-blinding sun mod

    Sorry, but this is meant to be a military sim - I've been on ops, and those effects aren't remotely realistic. There are a hundred and one physical and behavioural compensations which you make either automatically or intentionally to minimise the effect of blinding, motion, etc. When I loaded up Arma 2, the headbob was like a seesaw having an epileptic fit. In the game, these effects have a hugely disproportionate effect. At the same time, in-game tinnitus and disorientation from explosions last for a few seconds, where in real-time they can be disabling or will last for hours. And obviously, there's also getting shot in-game... The game is never going to be realistic, I'm just saying that the balance could be slightly better.
  3. Sarastro

    Non-blinding sun mod

    Problem is, it isn't more realistic. Head-bob / motion blur don't happen because your body compensates. Look to either side as fast as you can - your eyes focus on what you are looking at before your head moves. Similarly, your muscles steady your head when running while your brain adjusts for most residual movement. ...and as for the way that the sun affects vision in the game, it just doesn't happen. My entire screen gets darker to the point of not being able to see anything when I look towards the sun - in reality, the sun and area around is blinding, but you squint your eyes and adjust pretty fast. The things which make real soldiering hard are physical, and can't be replicated in a game. I understand the aim to make the game harder and more realistic, but making it more annoying isn't really a good substitute.
  4. Problem with Squad command that I can't find an explanantion for in any of the guides: I'm in Badlands, I've 'buy units' recruited 6 extra blokes into my squad to give me 10. I then bought an APC as well, which added an arrow pointing to the right at the end of my squad command bar. The APC follows us around, and is presumably number 11 in my squad, but I don't know how command or access it. Is there any way to click / activate that arrow so I can see units 11+ in my squad?