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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. It's been a while but some new goodies have been posted on the Game's website this weekend.

    New screenshots, lovely atmoshpere:


    New Interview with Excutive Producer Jan Kunt:


    It seems we'll be seeing weekly updates every friday now, at least shoing some screenshots.

  2. Not played much PvP on Arma 2 but I'm intruiged as to what that game mode would be like on your Wake Island. In Battlefield it was the push/shove natyure of the map that made it so intense, though having the freedom to stop it feeling linear.

    In the Arma 2 engine, the battle would not only be push shove but engagements would take place across the lagoon, adding an interesting dynamic to PvP.

  3. Just found this today and I am very interested, love that you can go from a view of the whole battlefield to a detailed close up each unit. Hopefullythe control over units will be as wide ranging too. We haven'ty seen much of the infantry but I hope they really come into their own in urban areas with effective use of cover.

    I think the closed beta has started, an open one will come along at some point and release is expected Q1 2012.

  4. It strikes me that small island like this would have small part time defence militia to deal with any problems until the main CDF can arrive from the mainland. They would most likely have an office or barracks in one of the towns, with the vehicles necessary for them to patrol and respond to problems from civil disturbance to invasion.

  5. Congratulations on the release, it's a really nice island, wonderfully bleak and falklands esque, should make for some good mission atmosphere and expanding Chernarus is a great idea.

    Perhaps a few sheep trails along the plains and a few cliff paths could make some good additions.

    Also found a rock in the road at grid 079 031.

    Looking forward to see what you've got planned for this project in future.

  6. Very interested in this one. I never thought of the period suting a game very well, and it wasn't a period of history I took a great deal of interest in until I read a brilliant book by Ken Follett called the 'Fall of Giants'.

    It told the story of the war in full from its politics to the conflict itself and the way the tactics developed. It also explains the reasons the war started more succinctly than any explanation I have come across even while weaving it into the storyline.

    If you have not already I thoroughly recommend giving it a read.

  7. Looking forward to trying these campaigns, but I think I may be doing something wrong. I copied the folders "Wings" and "BattlefieldTakistan" into my Campaigns folder with all files inside them included and unaltered yet neither shows up in game. Any idea what's gone wrong?

  8. That's certainly some supreme piloting skill, though I'm not sure it would make him the best pilot. I would say that the guy who landed his airliner on the Hudson River pulled of one of, if not the most impressive landings ever. There are probably exaples of ever more daring and skillful landings than even that though!
