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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. So it's seems BIS have decided to back away from the backstory that involves Iran knocking on the door of Westen Europe and stops it at the Aegean; if the removal of the reference "2nd Battle of Brno" from the profile of Col. Vahid Namdar is anything to go by. Despite this they still seem to have pushed towards a true world war by the mention of a conflict being fought between China and the US, even if it is a proxy.

    With the US locked into its own proxy-wars against aggressive Chinese expansionism in the Pacific, with each year more member-states leaving NATO on the promise of Russian oil, the fragmented alliance faces the growing risk of a global conflict that they can ill-afford.

  2. On the matter of regime change in Iran there's this from the character profile section of the Arma 3 website:

    Col. Vahid Namdar

    Military commander of Limnos

    Colonel Namdar, a career officer of the Iranian Armed Forces in his forties, is Supreme Military Commander of the Limnos task force. During his youth, he took part in The Lions Movement, joined the army and became an airborne officer; he led one of the Nationalist commandos in the Esfahan Coup d’état in 2024. His military record encompasses the Iranian campaign in Europe. In the First Battle of Brno, his airborne regiment assisted in the breakthrough in the NATO defenses. In 2030, he became a staff officer on an unidentified post in the European Theater Command in Izmir. His transfer to Limnos suggests an ongoing important military operation or facility development. According to several sources, Colonel Namdar lately became a subordinate of General Ostad Javeed Attar, one of the chief officers of the Iranian military research and arms production.

    Who knows what this movement is comprised of, the ideology, religion, motivation or what political events occured prior.

  3. I enjoyed the post PurePassion, thanks for taking the time. I was unsure of the future-ish setting to begin with but have since come around.

    I agree with you paecmaker in a world where Iran is powerful enough to invade Europe it's unlikely Israel would have been left alone, if those are Mekarvas or copied variant then it's likely the technology came from an invasion of Israel.

  4. The fact that Maxis and some of the orginal team are working on it is good news, though I guess that didn't stop Spore failing to live up to it's potential. One positive is that developers have confirmed it will be moddable, hopefully indicating that they won't try and prevent mods and might even release tools to help create them.

    My main worry at the moment is that 1-16 player thing. Hopefully it means that gameplay will be exactly the same regardless of how many players there are, so entire regions and the promised resources even in singleplayer. If it is purposely crippled like Cities XL was that will be very dissapointing. However, 16 players isn't exactly MMO territory like Cities XL was meant to be and actually makes a fully modded game pheasible even online.

    Another thing that reassures me at this time is that SimCity 4 (as far as I can tell) has consistently outsold Societies, which may be all the convincing EA needs to sit back and give Maxis free reign.

    Finally, have look at this. It's a sample of the coding used in the GlassBox engine. I barely know a thing about code but even I can see how simple this is and build a picture of how the game mechanics will work. If modders were to get their hands on that God knows what would be possible!

    Gamasutra Article

    Simtropolis Forum Analysis

    EDIT: One more thing; the price. It's an eye watering £65! As shocking as that may be, it's worth bearing in mind you don't charge that kind of price for a game aimed at the casual players.

  5. EA have announced at GDC that Maxis will return to 'reboot' the SimCity franchise. A new engine has been created for the game called "GlassBox", the first details of which are beginning to emerge. It is promised to be a true succsor to the previous SimCity games, particularly SimCity 4 and at this time seems to be exclusively for PC and Mac (yes really!). Time will tell if this is the true, long awaited sequel, personally at this stage I have a good feeling about it.

    In the mean time, what are your thoughts? How many of you hardcore tactical mil-simers are also hard core urban planners at heart?

  6. In this european escalation, I´ve already seen quite suprising ways to play. Yesterday one team-mate built around 50-80 cheap rifle squads that he spread around the map (edges). I though he was joking (since I made few mistakes at start and we had only one zone captured, and even lost it early), but once he began to attack with those, the victory came fast. Still the opponents were playing quite poor too, my one AA-guy dropped at least 5 cobras and they constantly attacked with tanks very close each other which could be easily scared with arty.

    But of the best aspects in this game is the possibility to play in different way. And you dont need to be fast. Someone said the leading player in league make only 12 clicks in minute (I make 9.8) while in starcraft 2 the best (koreans) use 200-300 clicks in minute.

    Excelent game, and it only gets better.

    I'm glad you said that, I do worry with games like this you are so busy rushing around getting new orders in that you don't get a chane to admire the visuals or enjoy a particularly fierce firefight. I imagine the scale of the maps has a lot to do with this, an aspect I find lacking in WiC and CoH.

  7. If you think Czech or Russian is hard, look at this Welsh town name: :biggrin:

    God damn, and they can say it so quickly as well lol.

    I would not like to get lost in them ends, because asking for directions would require some serious communication skills :upside:

    I can pronounce it, the town isn't that far away from me. It's actually not very difficult if you know the Welsh alphabet, though that does include 'ch', 'dd', 'ff', 'ng', 'll', 'ph', 'rh', 'th' as individual letters! :p

    Edit: Little secret; most people round here just call it Llanfair PG!

  8. Well you have my backing, I would love to see this mission campaign realised! If you can properly capture the chaos of moments like the one depicted in that trailer it would be awesome!

    Perhaps you could consider an Apache mission if you make it a campaign, I'm currently reading a book by a guy called Ed Macy called Hellfire (Another version is called Apache I think) which recounts his time in the UKs first Apache Squadron while in Afghanistan.

  9. Yep, more of the same vast sprawling, detailed open environments, more of the same unforgiving combat, more of the same difficulty curve, more of the same soul. And there is nothing wrong with that, despite the new additions it will still retain the original feeling, nothing wrong with more of the same in that regard :).

    Oh agreed! But I don't think that phillestine meant it with the same positivity...his loss.
