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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. Guess the A3 campaign will have a different "vibe" and that can be great! Hopefully its not about simple black-vs-white / blue-vs-red crap that one can watch and play in many/all action games. Something that is challenging and forces the player to think and act like a human and not like a SuperfutureSEALSASOMGSpecialForce fastmover operating mostly-only with all the cool blingblings. :)

    Before they altered the website the Faction list included Militia (collaborating with Iran) Resistance, Smugglers etc. These various groups with their own inevitable conflicting interests could have the in game atmosphere you described. Unfortunately only Resitance is left (in addition to NATO, Iran, Civilian). However they are alluded to somewhat in the Personnel descriptions, so may still play a part.

  2. Having not served I can only presume this from films and books, but in RL would not a squad be unable to tell the difference between a single sniper bullet passing by and a single pot-shot fired from a regular rifle anyway. They would only be aware that a sniper had a bead on them if that one shot was particularly effective. Therefore could one option for your system be that if incoming fire proves immiediately effective and hits someone the whole squad goes into full suppressed mode?

  3. A good analysis. Making it greek would certainly help reduce the work to do with buildings, though I do think it likely that this could be a port of it as a European terrain, especially with the expansion that's supposedly coming in the ACR dlc.

  4. Well the second part of the interview is up:


    And here is the reason why we can't have "ALL THE THINGS":

    Ivan Buchta: Well, it’s like… The gamer with a cheap hard drive and an excellent graphics card, things like that, he may suffer from the weakest part of the hardware, which is just getting the data into the GPU…

    Dean Hall:: We don’t run supercomputers. None of our computers seem particularly amazing in Brno, anyway.

    Crowe: We sit on gold thrones…


    Also this was interesting:

    Buchta: It was partly our fault, because optimization of course was something I’d definitely like to do… We planned a four-week sprint towards some better mapping… I’ve mentioned to our lead programmer, just some classified information, we’d like to expand the Chernarus theme in the Arma 3 engine, partly because of Dean’s zombies, partly because it’s a good map and we know it. We can get the data real cheap and we already have a working basis, so there will be more realistic terrain and new vegetation. And I’m also trying to push all those environment-related things like underground structures, bridges, better handling of water, power lines, many things which were omitted.

    If I've understood it he's talking about adding this stuff to Chernarus...does that mean it is already in Lemnos?

  5. I believe TrackIR has been very effective in ARMA and highly responsive, it can take into account leaning and so on. Recognizing a crouch and even prone, is essential for this in ARMA and ideally one day so soon your exact RL movements will be reflected by the character in game. All that is needed then in a rapid, responsive, small and affordable omnidirectional treadmill and it is sorted! ;)

  6. The new videos from last night's E3 demonstration.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SObs9KnK0Ng&feature=youtu.be - Trailer

    - More detailed trailer including game "concpets"

    http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2012-gameplay-walkthrough/731180 - Interview with designer Kip Katsarelis

    Everything I have seen in those trailers is overhsadowed by one phrase: "City Specialization" - "Sports city, coal city...etc". If that means what I think it means, that we must choose a specific type of city to create in order to conform to their ill advised multiplayer orientated gameplay, there is no way I will buy this game!

  7. CWC didn't have any swearing in it, and I think it came off pretty well :)

    That's true. I think many games misuse swearing these days. Incorporating it into a story should make the characters seem more gritty and believable. Most of the time it just comes off as childish and inappropriate in games, movies and books.

  8. That's not entirely fair as there are teens that will play a game respectfully just as there are unfortunately 'adults' with horrible attitudes. That said I agree, it is not really possible to make this game suitable for an M rating, though in many cases the grammar of in game dialogue has been far more offensive than any of the language used! ;)
