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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. "Advance," "Stay Back," "Flank Left," or "Flank Right can be very usefull and I´ve used them quite a lot. I really can´t tell the diference between Stop and wait for me though.

    I always thought that 'Stop' meant that AI would hold their position indefinitely, regardless of where the player moves. Meanwhile 'Wait for me' causes them to hold until the player is near then they start moving again. Could be wrong though. 'Hide' can be a useful one, especially if you are expecting contact imminently.

  2. Thought no one mentioned Limit Theory till I saw Dwarden did in passing -worth a look http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/tag/limit-theory/

    Goodness I assumed it would have been brought up earlier in the tread! Limit Theory is very impressive and the creator's (Josh Parnell) ability to code is incredible. His video posts often show off major design features or improvements that he only began working on that week...sometimes even that very morning!

  3. Well Tonci's video was a recording in both the first and second parts, he was moving the mouse around rapidly to show the viewer which vehicle types were present beneath the icons. During the actual gameplay he would not necessarily have been all that active, though he would have to confirm that. Wargame is not a "click's-per-minute" type game; although a lot was happening much of it was autonomous, game's aren't won by the person who issues the most orders in a short space of time.

    There is less micromanagement than WiC because in reality it is much more about the grand strategy than the small scale tactics. Having said that a lot of WiC fans have made the move and loved it.

    As for the surprisingly short time between releases I agree that does raise eyebrows. However, the truth is that so far it has not been an issue. AirLand Battle was a big advance on European Escalation with jets, dynamic campaigns and improved visuals while Red Dragon promises naval warfare, amphibious landings, larger maps and tons of new units so these aren't just lazy rehashes of the same old game.

  4. Red Dragon is their next stand alone installment.

    The series is both similar and dissimilar to RUSE. Certainly realism/authenticity is the main driver in the Wargame series. What did you dislike about RUSE, perhaps people here can confirm for you if those aspects are the same or different in these games?

  5. Yeah, clearing the base in Radio Silence is fairly straight forward even if the mortars are ineffective. It is frustrating though, because to begin with it feels like you are doing something wrong or haven't understood how to target them properly.

    Though I will add, in general, the level of polish and quality throughout the campaign is very, very high! Not at all disappointed.

    Additional things I will note; Death Valley, at the end when the order to retreat comes, the squad lead runs straight through the town's buildings like a ghost. Not sure what could cause this. Whilst not a massive issue it does sully the otherwise excellent immersion of the campaign.

    Also in the final mission whilst making the final sprint to the boats, with the enemy paratroopers running parallel and firing off shots at us, why are the mini-gunners not engaging? Seems to me that would be a very cinematic way to finish off the campaign. It would put me in mind of the scene in Act of Valour where the boats arrive and let rip.

  6. Angela Merkel uses her mobile more than the average teenager. The BBC's Andrew Marr recently created a documentary about her and described how she is constantly sending texts to various politicians at home and abroad in an effort to keep her finger on the pulse and slowly guide discussions and negotiations, as is her forte. It's highly unlikely she used the phone to discuss state secrets but the personal messages she sends would no doubt provide a great insight as to her intentions around the negotiating table.

    On the one hand the outrage over this issue has left me thinking "How could you be so naive?" after all spying has never been exclusively applied to a nation's enemies and at times the whole thing seems like a case of a 'storm in a teacup'. At the same time the extent of US spying on allies suggests an element of hefty paranoia which will act as a wall between nations when it comes to cooperation. There is already talk of the long planned EU / US free trade scheme being scrapped or at least stepped back, an essential economic boost for both sides of the Atlantic.

  7. I made a Video that I would like to share :)

    Tell me what you think of it

    I enjoyed that video Tonci! It was a good idea to show the tactical view after the cinematic part to put the whole thing in context. For instance I had no idea what the smoke screen was supposed to achieve until I saw the nest of AT infantry in the next scene! I hope you make more videos like this in the near future!

  8. You know, Iranian invasion of the US wouldn't be plausible within the scope of the story. However, I'd like to see Turkey. The Iranians invaded the country in the E3 storyline, so that'd be interesting. Either that, or some part of Crete (the whole island would be waaaay too big for Arma 3).

    ---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

    That changed after E3 2012. Story is, they only pushed through half of Greece.

    Indeed, I'm aware of that. My point was that BI may still intend all those events to happen but have shifted the main game campaign back to the period prior to the invasion of Central Europe, we won't really know until the final part of the campaign is released. It's also likely (more so, I concede) that the campaign won't lead into that story arc and that BI have opted for a more reserved scenario but I was only suggesting what in my opinion would make for interesting DLCs and expansion.

  9. The background story could provide an interesting basis to build off.

    - The old background may or may not still be relevant as it all depends on how BI intend the campaign story to play out. It mentioned the conflict having expanded into central Europe already and then pushed back. Perhaps, if the campaign ends with a loss of sorts for the player and CSAT continue their march then any expansion or DLC could cover this. The "First Battle of Brno" was mentioned in the old background description, perhaps an urban map with a campaign about this would be good.

    - Also described in the game's background is the fact US involvement in the Altis conflict, at least initially, is limited as the US is busy fighting proxy wars in Asia against China. Perhaps DLC could see us taking on the role of special operators working with local armies and rebel groups.

  10. Saw the official post yesterday. They are going for some really small maps (2km squared max) though, infantry only, and no vehicles. Still, I'm really looking forward to it.

    EDIT - http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news/124409-project-reality-2-game-announced.html

    “Initially, Project Reality 2 will be a small scale, infantry based FPS with a comprehensive weapon handling system that will aim to be as realistic as possible. Map sizes will be 1km and 2km with an Advance and Secure (or “AASâ€) style game mode, similar to that seen in the Project Reality: BF2 and Project Reality: ARMA 2 modifications.â€

    They do say initially so the scope may well increase to include vehicles in the far...far future. It seems a daringly over ambitious project but then, if they've pushed BF2 as far as it can go and the new installments are not mod friendly it's quite a logical step. Their biggest challenge, I suppose, will be keeping the team strong for what will be a significant development period.
