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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. Remember the last one was very discreet, it may have alreay happened. It's quite early in the morning in Europe (I'm only awake because I've been doing uni work all night) and in the US it's the dead of night so there aren't as many eagle eyed people around to spot it.

  2. I did, my best / most crazy mission was using four walruses and three mantas. One manta with telemetry booster, one with laser, all other pods full of rockets. One walrus with ACCB, three with refuel, main pods loaded with rockets and laser. Mission target: lonely neutral island which was too far to waste fuel of carrier.

    All vehicles on route to first, walruses at full speed, mantas at lowest speed (they were still a bit faster, so they needed to wait for walruses a few times). Mantas refueled on airport of first island, two warluses refueled other two so only two were able to continue their travel with full tanks, one refuel remained. Second island and only one walrus remained with full tank. I lost laser manta here ... damaged while landing, so it was using more fuel and was unable to reach last island.

    Last island, CC builded, about twenty seconds after planting ACCB manta with telemetry booster ran out of fuel and crashed, folowed by other manta and last walrus :)

    I was exhausted maintaining carrier (which took course another way) and seven vehicles :D But it was worth it :-)

    I know i had two mantas and most weaponry useless, but i had plenty of those, only limited resource was carrier fuel and i didn't know if i meet enemy carrier :)

    Am I sad for thinking that actually sounds kind of cool? :D

  3. I noticed something with regard to the files. Maybe it's nothing.

    Filename        Password
    No filename     No Password     (_.txt)
    name            ignorance
    sound           think
    stop            draw
    difference      statue
    fools           animal
    nothing         thing

    The pairs appear to be unrelated directly except _.txt and nothing/thing. However, those pairings would appear to indicate that the files names and passwords have more importance than just that. Also, the fact that the files names and extensions were reversed seems to draw attention to them.

    I agree there's more to this. 'Greek' on it's own is not much of a clue compared to previous ones. I'd say there is a good chance that those files are more closely linked to the passwords. Though no connection jumps out at me right now.

  4. I don't know if anybody has pointed this out yet, as too many pages to read. But on the map the arrow in Scotland is roughly pointing to Her Majesty's Naval Base (HMNB) Clyde.

    Someone did mention the arrows pointing to British Bases in general a few pages back, but I'm not sure that is an entirely correct assesment. Nether the less, it is interesting that you bring up a similar point.

    This whole Greek link in the last hack has confused matters somewhat. However there is British involvement in border peacekeeping operations between Greece and Turkey on Cyprus. Perhaps this potential flashpoint (an unikely one these days though) is linking the clues?

  5. Don't agree :)

    vbs2 offers much more content to the army, modules like, for example, aar or vbs2fires, and more features (take a look at youtube video) than armed assault and even arma2. And the price of each license is much more expensive than arma2, obviously.

    Now imagine that bis offers exactly the same product to the armies, but vbs3 costs 300% more than arma3. ¿Why they should buy it instead of buying arma3? BIS needs to offer something on vbs3 that arma3 didn't have and never will have. In other case they will loose a big part of their income. And i'm 100% sure that arma3 will not have the same capabilities of vbs3.

    ---------- Post added at 04:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

    No. Long time ago Maruk give an interview to maybe pcgamer, can't remeber, talking about game 2, and it was much more advanced than arma 2, it covers all the aspects of war, including sea, bigger maps, etc..

    Because of licensing. Sure BIS would need to provide some things in VBS that are not available in ArmA to keep the deal sweet but the main justification for any Software that has different pricing for different customers is the licence it requires.

    Any software that is provided for a commercial business or government is practically guaranteed to carry a much higher price and that's just the accepted norm. It would be illegal for and government or military to use ArmA to train its troops.

  6. The poem, where is it, is an English version available, all I can find is this:

    In a way its a comparison of BIS to other devs, or OPF/ARMA series vs other games, long lasting appeal.

    OT again: Nostalgia purposes, http://www.theofpfaq.ashnav.co.il/

    I know right?


    From a BIS press release way back

    This will be Game 2 cont.. :P /jk

    There were also suggestions that "Game 2"'s campaign would be run as an ongoing war with your squad or tank etc. being assigned tasks on the fly, though with some of those being inetgral to a story (think that was in a PC Gamer Article).

    That evidently came to be Warfare mode though I think the intention was for it to be a a more integral part of the game. Perhaps if this is the build up to ArmA 3, this concept will be revived?

  7. BI is no standart developer.

    And if BI is going mainstream and fueling generation retard. I am out.

    I am sure im not the only one.No Dlc no futer products from BI.

    Generation retard has to many games killd.

    Arma is far away from being good but you see the love for details, loots of work put in and konstand progres.

    With the Mainstream rail this will all end.

    Support ends.No SDK becouse there was no time develop it or the engine was licensd from some else OR YOU DONT WANT TO SHOW the copetion how it works.

    We see it every day how the industry works, and how the development product costs get higher and content/playtime gets shorter.

    no thx as a gamer.

    I rather buy two BI games/DLC than one mainstream BI game.

    this is my opinion.

    Why do you think BIS would just churn out any old shelf filler if they made a brand new game? I'm sure they'd maintain their same high standards whatever they did. Such are the benefits of not being under a publisher's thumb!

  8. True but i don't think it is a new game aether because the hints where coming from within the story of HR and EW.

    I can be wrong doh, everything is so twisted that i don't know exactly anymore what to believe at this point.

    Kind regards

    Doesn't the Armaverse carry on throughout all new versions of the game? For instance Armstrong has been in all of them and isn't Sarhani reffered to every now and again?

  9. Hee's mine, there are some subtle differences


  10. might even be these forums ;)

    Lol if ever there was a way to cause CHAOS this would be it!

    I wonder if BIS predicted just what a storm this would create and increased their capacity?

    Hopefully when the next hack comes along it will begin to point at how all the previous hacks connect. Do we have any idea how long the hacker's campaing will continue?

  11. Have we collectively decided that AAN reporting is the stamp of truth? If they report on what we have divined from the clues then we are in fact correct? AAN is the De facto nod from BIS that we are on the right track? Or could AAN actually be neutral and simply reporting? (whether we are correct or not) "...trust no-one"

    As stated many times, the odds are that the yt reference is correct, but we don't know exactly, their purpose is yet.

    I do have an issue with the ASTUTE sub conclusion. I just don't believe that the numbers in the picture outlines a submarine from an oblique angle. I just think it is a stretch. ASTUTE could just as easily be AT UTES. (Someone mentioned this already too)

    Has anyone overlaid the points from the picture onto the island of Utes? Could they possibly line up with roads or places on the island?

    I beleive that when someone opened the picture in PS they found guide lines that indicated the letters should be read from bottom to top.

  12. Some ideas:

    just imput the code ...THE CODE as code!

    We need a BIOGRAPHY of the SCARECROW, Spukayev and all the related ppl .

    There should be a connection.

    We also need a list of keywords: like scarecrow or SDDUSTER via LCIGNITE...all this kind of stuff.

    it would be nice to open missions from the campaign...check for this keywords there also.

    I think not only the 1st post should be used...we need something else...editable document with ALL the stuff. Including press relase from AAN, texts from p8h8, pictures, etc etc ...

    Is it possible to set up a Wiki of some sort?
