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Posts posted by .Taffy

  1. It was, I believe, developed to fight as part of a full blown conventional conflict of the sort we don't fight anymore. If, as the game suggests, there was a full scale conventional war then I imagine the whole project could quickly be brought back into development.

    In fact, considering recent stories about "Stealth Blackhawks" it may never have been cancelled at all? ;)

  2. Why does it look like there is a Comanche?

    Weren't those cancelled back in 2004?

    Well this is set in the near future, in a full on conventional conflict, which is, I beleive what the Comanche was developed for. I'm sure in real life, if the need arose, the project could be revived quickly. In fact, what with stories of the "Stealth Blackhawk" perhaps it was never cancelled at all? ;)

  3. Funnily enough the storylines I've read so far remind me so much of Flashpoint (ours not some derpy shit using the name) & Resistance type storylines it almost gave me goosebumps!

    True, that is a reassurance. Hopefully it will be like the James Gastovski missions in OFP (the real one) where you crawl through hedges terrified of being found by Ruskie patrol and feeling your world has come to an end when a tank appears.

    Not thinking: "Oh no, a tank, hope I have enough grenades!"

  4. However, the mission is compromised and the task force destroyed, leaving Cpt. Scott Miller washed ashore upon the hostile island. In his effort to carry out the mission, he will face the dangers of modern warfare, an unforgiving environment, and the consequences of his own decisions...

    I'm sure my fears will be unfounded but please don't tell me this means COD like Lone Wolf aspects of the game...

  5. Arma 3! Brilliant, and much sooner than I expected! I hope the Arma 2 mods don't run out of steam now. Not sure about the future weapons thing but the fact that they are all in development or on the drawing board is good. I'm sure it will a brilliant game all the same!

  6. Some Czech guy had it before, using it for some half assed Arma2 fansite. I don't think that was a coincidence.

    If BIS had "officially" owned the domain before, people would have found out earlier and they couldn't have kept the development of A3 a secret.

    Like I said last week, if I wanted to secure a domain without giving away the fact that I owned it, I would have a friend hold on to it for me and put some random crap on it. I believe that's exactly what BIS did.

    I absolutely agree with you, it would be the perfect way for BIS to keep a hold of the name without people reading too much into it.

  7. Who is with me that this whole "hacking" bit is nothing more than a viral marketing campaign and that it has been very effective judging by the 656 pages and 6,552 posts?

    Oh yeah btw:


    Its got a count down timer on it. XD

    Well that would really have been the point, to whip up a bit of excitement before the announcement. It's still a rewarding experience from the community's point of view.

  8. Well they might have been working on Arma3 but, i still think it should take a while for it to be released. I prefer ato have an extremely optimized game, than for it to be released ASAP.

    Aa for hardware, we are less than 1 month from having 8 cores, with advanced instruction sets, like XOP and FMA4.

    Oh I hope so, I would happily wait years for Arma 3. There's still plenty of potential to be realised in Arma 2, particularly from mods and user made missions.

  9. @PuFu My assumptions (I'll admit that's what they are) are based on Tech Videos demonstrating the Flight Model, Vehicle Physics, Water and the ability for people to walk around etc. And also the aspirations and goals of the developers mentioned in the occasional blog or forum post.

    I wasn't aware of the Infinity Engine, you're right it does seem to offer the same scope as Outerra, thnks for telling me about it.

    I appreciate your apology, thank you.

  10. And what exactly would you call what Dwarden, Suma, Gaia, and all other BI programmers do on a daily basis? Are they just digging up old forks from the Poseiden svn?

    "Oh hey Maruk, think I'll introduce this AoTC feature finally because folks want more features. I'll wait a couple months before I add that Render-to-Texture feature I worked on back in '99"

    Pretty sure that's not what I was trying to say...

    I'm too busy to dig for the actual links, but look up this game called "Take On: Helicopters". Your explanation for larger worlds will be hidden within :icon_rolleyes:

    True, I do remember the article you're talking about, I think it was the PC Gamer Interview. Yeah it's bigger but not compared to the size of Europe. I realise the fact that map of Europe was shown does not necesarily mean that's what the map will be. Then again maybe it does.

  11. I take your response is based on your first hand, long term experience as a developer with a handful of different game engines, including BIS, yeah? May i see your resume please, i am planning on making a game myself these days

    There are limitations on the way we can interact with water, the AI still struggles with pathfinding and with each release, although the maps get larger, they are balanced between greater size and detail aginst making the demand on player's systems too heavy.

    All aspect's of this engine are clearly being improved but you don't have to be an expert to realise that newer technology means possibilites could be expanded further.

    You don't need to provide concrete evidence for every single thing you say, especially on a forum. There would be very little conversation in the world if that were the case.

    Speculation is based on some sort of evidence (even if incomplete). What you are doing is called dreaming.

    My speculation is based on the first clue, the map which covers an area far greater than the current engine is capable of and the words "The World Will Change" which of course are open to interpretation.

    I would also like to say that the way you have been talking to other forum user's throughout this thread has disgraceful and rude. There is no need for it, especially here.

  12. Shocking. The outerra posts are still rolling in.

    I guess it hasn't clicked into everyone's head's yet that the shear amount of work required to port everything ArmA2 has into Outerra (or vice-versa) would take years [to reach a playable state like current ArmA2].

    Up until a short while ago posts about Arma 3 were widely met with that same response. It would not be wrong to say the the current engine is probably pushing the very limits of its abilities, it wouldn't be surprising that BIS went for an overhall. Meanwhile Outerra is planned to include the sort of capabilities that Arma would need.

    It is a mil sim, not just and infantry sim, so the massive potential of the Outerra engine would make it a more complete simulation. Which would increas it's saleability massively in the real money winning market...the Military.

    Yes it's speculation but that's all that's left to do right now.

  13. I am now convinced this is building up to an announcement for ArmA 3! (Perhaps with an expansion to fill the wait) If tomorrow's annoucnement also includes Outerra in the feature's list my VINDICATION will be complete! Haha!

  14. Personally I would look to accomlish these training goals fully (I'm somewhat diehardy-ish) and would enjoy the challenge. But if this course is intended to get people who don't have the experience up to speed and flying then you should really avoid the whole tutorial avatar saying "Do this perfectly and to my standard or you may not proceed".

    People should be able do the tutorials and if they just can't get their head round something (for instance autorotation) it should be up to them if they want to carry on or not. It could be very frustrating otherwise.

    Sure it will mean that if they're engine cuts they will most likely pancake but that would be their choice.

    Otherwise a really good idea for organising a tutorial, with just the right amount of detail.

  15. We already had one of them I think:


    Not much I could make of it...

    You're right, whether or not amadman114 is a spy or not (a can of worms that we best not open) he has a point. The lines of the map he linked http://gozonews.com/6257/malta-signs...d-declaration/ do resemble the lines on the map from the first clue.

    And I'm still sure there's more to be made of that, perhaps, with it being the first clue that required an epic journey to reach, it may be BIS intended it to become clearer as more clues are released.

  16. There are a lot of possibilities with the map. The primary use will feature a centrally located server we support. The mission will be a campaign that features beginning a pre-invasion frontal system. This will be multiplayer pvp only with 128 slots. Allies will have to invade France or alternately, the Axis invade England.

    Crossing the channel initially by either side via air, or sea. To gain control of specifically linked key logistical towns. In other words, if your Allied, you need to take control of one of the Beach invasion areas and a few adjacent control points before moving further inland. Same with the Axis.

    More details to follow.

    Sorry to drag this up after the conversastion has moved on, but will you be organising events on your server every now and again? So that the mission reaches it's full potential.

    It would be nice not to have to plead with some idiotic Rambo to hold the landing craft for me (or a whole squad) only for us both to be cut down (or him to run into a mine...seems more likely)! :p

  17. I'm concerned that this program won't list the search items it finds, it will just overwrite the current string at the bottom with a new one. I don't want to leave the program alone :(

    Could you set FRAPS or something similar to work if you have it? That way you could record it and play it back whilst getting on with whatever you need to do?
