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Everything posted by .Taffy

  1. Ditches by the roads are certainly a great idea, not only because they look more realistic but it also turns roads into tactical features for infantry in their own right. Are they quite complex or time intensive to implement?
  2. .Taffy

    Battlefield 3 Simulator

    Hopefully someday BI will get the chance to give this a go! Arma or VBS2 would be awesome in this.
  3. .Taffy

    Grand Theft Auto V

    http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/10/28/what-we-want-from-gta-5/ An interesting article, and one I'm sure many PC GTA players would agree with. Ideally, what would you want to see Rockstar do with the next version of GTA?
  4. Congratulations on the release! I've been looking forward to this one and I must say it doesn't dissapoint. The detail is brilliant and the layout of the city will make for some great firefights. I also think it's good that you've included a decent countryside beyond the city and the airport is very believable as a City Airport. It's also good that there are hardpoints and tactically valuable areas within the city such as the Police Station and Stadium. I think a few more blocks like the one east of Central Park would help add a sense of history to that specific region of the city, as well as creating an area of intense firefights. With the railway lines running through the city, I think a large perhaps even grand station or terminal would really complement the inner city area. Smaller stations on lines running through suburban areas could make good points of interest too. As for suburban areas, I think it would really add to the sense of increasing density between the countryside and city limits if the suburbs were a little larger, particularly at South District and the area south of Little Scania in the valley beneath 'Bracer's Chillout' (nice spot by the way). Industrial facilities like the ones south of Monikute (a great town) and South District could do with some concrete texture on the ground within their walls rather than grass. A few more small villages or hamlets, tight groupings of a handful of houses (occasional pub/shop/church) at certain points on roads, particularly crossroads, in the countryside would really add to the environment and provide more points of tactical interest. Finally, simple bocage (hedges and tree copse) marking out fields and meadows on some plains would help add more variety and realism to the countryside, as well as providing some relief for infantry. Sorry for prattling on, but I hope some part of my feedback is useful to you.;) Emita is a great map, well done!
  5. .Taffy

    Grand Theft Auto V

    I think you've hit the nail on the head there, that's certainly what the significance of the 5 dollar bill style suggests to me. Perhaps it may be a new city too, something to do with power and money, like Washington. If this is the case I also imagine that the charachter we play will start off fairly powerful and affluent, sort of like Vice City. Bit of a long shot of course, based on just that one image but Rockstar do load their clues with plenty of meaning.
  6. Is one of the buildings on the left collapsed against it's twin like in Cloverfield? I like it!
  7. .Taffy

    Operation Gothic Serpent

    Hi Wiki, Great campaign, I'm enjoying it. Just wondering about 'Irene', I've captured the HVTs and everyone's outside, but my current task is still on 'Capture HVTs' and there are no others to switch to. Is it a case of waiting for the convoy to show? Or was something supposed to happen to the objectives after using 'Capture' in the action menu? EDIT: Ah, just found the radio commands! :p
  8. .Taffy

    ToH + A2?

    Also will the opposite be true? Can we use Take On content like the Seattle map in Arma?
  9. .Taffy

    Squad Management

    I agree, the ability to control a number of soldiers at once easily would be very welcome. I used the team colour system very effectively in OFP and would gladly do so again but for some reason it has been changed so much it is only a fraction of the use it was then, it may even be a hinderance. For instance before you pressed 9,9 (assign colour) and then 9 just once to pick the number of the team colour you want. Now, bizarely, the first time you press 9 you get the assign colour menu and you have to press 9 twice to get to the select menu. Not ideal in the middle of a firefight. Then, even if you do manage to select the team moveing them becomes awkward. You can't even use the map, they don't respond to any placement orders you make using it. EDIT: Is that how it actually works in game Mr. Charles or your suggestion of how it could work?
  10. I've been having trouble controlling helicopters in game due to the very basic joystick I had to buy when my old one went caput. The old one had incremental control for the yaw with a twisitng stick and also buttons. The new one I had to settle for is a Logitech Attack 3, which is ok but for yaw you have to use simple buttons so it's full on or full off. I've been thinking about getting a wheel (for use in a multitude of games) and was wondering if it was possible to map the pedals to control the yaw, with the pressure applied dictating the amount of yaw? Has anyone tried this? Or at least know if it should work. If it does, can anyone recommend a cheapish steering wheel that'll do the job.
  11. Proper rudder pedals, nice! Never understood why they were so expensive, or at least why there aren't more affordable models on the market. What other flight peripherals do you have?
  12. That's not so bad really, I plan to use that for driving in Arma too, which atm just isn't as satisfying as it was in OFP. So having it nearby will be useful.
  13. Button definatley, a genuine nice guy. Shame BBC and Sky have conived to ruin next year's season for millions of Brits. My full thoughts here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=123073 :D Back on topic - I'm glad this pedal solution works, dedicated rudder pedals are ridiculously expensive.
  14. Thanks tommytoad! I think I've decided on the wheel I want, http://www.thrustmaster.com/product.aspx?ProductID=93&PlatformID=5 should do what I want it to. Style could be a problem, I'm a McLaren fan myself, and certain friends of mine must never be allowed to see it!
  15. Just to be clear, when a product description says "Progressive Pedal (Assembly)" it means that the pedals provide a varied response dependant on the pressure you apply right?
  16. No, good build quality for little money is a rare thing these days. A shame. I'll shop around and look for deals and good reviews.
  17. That's great news, thanks Mr Burns! What wheel model are you using?
  18. So the game would recognize both the accellerator and the break as the same axis direction? It probably wouldn't be possible to get it to recognize the left pedal as controlling left yaw and right pedal as right?
  19. .Taffy

    Preview up

    In the first picture caption he states "A soccer field in the highest graphic resolution". Poor chap, not only does he get the name of the game wrong but he has completely failed to realise that those are in fact....tennis courts!
  20. It is not at all hilarious that a deranged 50 year old man took it upon himself to hunt down and physically attack a child. It doesn't matter what that child has said. However, what is hilarious is the Daily Mail's description of CoD as a 'war simulation'!
  21. .Taffy

    Wall Street Occupation

    Have you all seen this? That man is not fit to call himself a police officer. Disgraceful! (Can't get the embed to work)
  22. .Taffy

    Praha (Prague) - what to do, what to see?

    You should definately climb Petrin Hill and then up to the top of the Petrin Lookout Tower. The view out over Prague is fantastic. You can reach the top of the hill by riding the funicular, however, if you tackle the half an hour walk starting from the base at Hellichova, near Charles Bridge, you can reward yourself with a beer halfway up at Petrinske Terasy, also with great views of the city! When looking for food, it is always worth crossing Charles Bridge onto the Castle side of the river and looking for somewhere nice. The food is better and more reasonably priced. When I was there we did this and found an underground pub/restaurant, in alley off Kamelitska with great food, a free beer with your meal and cheap, but good, wine! I loved Prague, and will definatlely be visiting again!
  23. .Taffy

    ITV fakes terrorist footage using ARMA II

    This from the BBC. BBC It is incredible that anyone could think this was real. No offence BI to the brilliance of your artists, although I have sometimes been startled at how seemingly life like images of ARMA 2 are, those are typically screenshots! I wonder what the fallout from this will be? Has anyone seen the claimed real life footage?
  24. .Taffy

    How you cut Fossil Fuel use in the third world

    I saw that story on the BBC news website, it's simplicity is brilliant! That they can provide the equivalent of 50 watts is incredible (during daytime of course).
  25. .Taffy

    Codemasters Guildford Studio to close!

    Does anyone think BIS might buy back the OFP title if it went for sale. I don't imagine they would, or at least might not use it if they did. As Marek Spanel explained here a lot of thought has been put into the ArmA name.