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Everything posted by .Taffy

  1. .Taffy

    Yet more Dogs of War bugs!

    thanks david, truth be told i got frustrated with the badlands mission and used endmission. I guess i'll revert, persevere with it and see if that makes a difference to the start of Dogs of War.
  2. .Taffy

    Yet more Dogs of War bugs!

    Alright guys, here's a real poser! Truly unbeleivable! Please tell me what you think of this, what has to be BIS most exemplary work at making this game impossible to complete! lol I start the game and am chatting to Razor Team about our new objective. Within a matter of seconds, all NAPA soldiers in the base we started at begin shooting us, Razor Team shoot back and seem to be invulnerable, whilst Coops is not so lucky. Does anyone have even the slightest idea what's going on with this bug? This campaign is so broken all you can do is laugh. Think I'll buy the new COD tomorrow.....
  3. .Taffy

    Badlands bug list.

    So let me get this staraight, we're not supposed to do the rest of the badlands mission in high command mode? Just the first part, and that's why some of the options (such as send units to a high command group) are unavailable in badlands). If this is the case then it explains a LOT, and alleviates a lot of frustration.
  4. .Taffy

    Corrupt Savegame

    Well I tried it and it worked! I deleted the most recent save which in this case was "continue.ARMA2Save" and it loaded the previous save which luckily was only made a few minutes earlier!
  5. .Taffy

    Corrupt Savegame

    Thanks Bulldog, I'll give that a go! Don't hold out much hope though considering what kevlav said....:( Will report back as to how it goes.
  6. .Taffy

    Corrupt Savegame

    I have a similar problem where after selecting resume it says the save is corrupted and gives me 2 options, remove and ignore. This corrupted save is usually an autosave or a suspend save, so if I could just load a previous save it might do the trick. I know you can't repair a save, but I was wondering could I delete the corrupted save causing the game to load an earlier save when I select resume? If so which save should I remove? I don't want to delete the wrong one and ruin the entire game!
  7. .Taffy

    Razer Two

    If you fail to get to him the mission will end and you'll move on to the next one. This is what happened to me, i didn't bother trying again because I prefer to go with the flow of the game. If you miss the intructions that come over the radio go to map, scroll down to 'chat log' and look for it there. Unfortunately, while the radio message will have used a codename, the chat log uses the actual name of the person who spoke to you. Shaftoe or Dressler are a safe bet but failing that you'll have to look through each name for the chat log that included the intstructions. Hope this helps