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Everything posted by .Taffy

  1. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    He should be an hour away now!
  2. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It's ASTUTE As in the new Astute class submarines of the Royal Navy.
  3. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I wouldn't be suprised if BIS had a contingency if no stepped forward to go. Though I prefer to believe UnuldorCZ is simply an heroic member of the community!
  4. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Ah the Eagle Has Landed! Well done and drive safe.
  5. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Don't think he was due to be back yet, and perhaps it's not posssible to report from the field. EDIT: Or the BIS sniper got him....
  6. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    LOL, just waiting for the AAR of the recce mission.
  7. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Well perhaps no 'normal' developer would do something like that...
  8. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Haha! Amazing isn't it, the minds of ArmA community members knows no bounds. On the Take On Helicopters point, unless they're being purposefully cagey, there is plenty to suggest they won't be changing engines. Though the point I suggested, hinted at, made wild speculation for, was that TOH was BIS laying the groundworks for a move to Outerra. As speculative as that may be, can you imagine the reaction of the various related communities if it were announced? It would be phenomenal!
  9. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Oh and thanks for the Take On vid Iroquois Pliskin I hadn't seen that one
  10. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Well presumably if it were to b e used it would be an overhaul, as in they would drop VR. Though I'm no expert in the possibilities of engines and so on so maybe I'm just being optimistic....;)
  11. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Good luck UnuldorCZ and Godspeed! @Schancky Although I'm not sure what at this stage what an announcement for ArmA3 using Outerra has to do with a hole near Krasnostav and HMS Astute, there is proimise in what you suggest. http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/03/31/exclusive-interview-bohemia-interactive-talks-take-on-helicopters/ In the above PC Gamer interview (incidentally even PC Gamer have picked up on this hacker story) it suggests developments in Take On Helicopters could find it's way into "future installments of the ArmA series". Perhaps, just perhaps, if they were to use Outerra in ArmA 3 they would need their own higher quality flight model.....
  12. .Taffy

    How many Helicopters

    In line with the initial question of this thread, this article pretty much confirms there will be 15 helicopters in 3 categories. Czech Article http://games.tiscali.cz/prvni-dojmy/take-on-helicopters-prvni-dojmy-z-nove-hry-od-tvurcu-arma-55602 Translated by Deadfast http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1909052&postcount=272
  13. It's amazing how much news about other BIS games is coming out of the Take On Helicopters releases. The PC Gamer interview for instance is surely the biggest suggestion we've had that there will likely be an ArmA 3.
  14. Brilliant, how detailed do you intend the British part to eventually be, if your other priorities are taken care of first?
  15. .Taffy

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    A bit off topic but Dale, I always found that when you don't have a stick in ArmA it can also be effective to use the WASD keys for direction and then activate 'freelook' (2xAlt) so that the mouse moves the head for increased situational awareness.
  16. .Taffy


    I think Warfare can work well in the context of a campaing, certainly one with elements of High Command can, jus look at Bardosy's campaigns. The problem for me with Harvest Red was the way it was used, with Razor Team controlling it, just didn't really sit well with me. However it is used very well in the BIS made scenario 'Bear Rising' which sees you as commander of a tank squad being part of a much wider war where the units around you all have their own objectives and intentions. It's a great way of creating that essential feeling since OFP that you are a cog in much larger machine. Warfare could be used within missions where you have specific mission maker assigned objectives to create a very immersive environment. It's clearly a versatile game mode so I personally hope we see it used much more in missions in future, just perhaps in more subtle ways.
  17. .Taffy

    Mission IDEA

    I'm sure BIS will make some very good scenarios to showcase the game's abilities but if they make the game as accessible to modders and mission makers as they did with the ArmA series, which they surely will, then the number of good quality scenarios available for this game will be huge!
  18. Yes...but can we still use helicopters to splatter people all over the place? Naturally I, and I'm sure everyone else, hopes the answer is no as I oppose such sensless gore and violence...;) What would the Daily Mail say?
  19. .Taffy

    What RL language is Takistani?

    I am almost 100% absolutely certain it is Welsh....but it could be Farsi
  20. .Taffy

    Real life.

    Carrier = STOVL Varient like the USS Khe San in Arma 2 Aircraft = F-35 Amphibious Troop Carrier = AAV7-A1 Troops = Marines Map = Oil Rich Island Chain That's just if the base game units are given simple reskins and a limited amount of modification. But knowing BIS the game will be open to much more significant levels of modification. I would say it is feasible.
  21. .Taffy

    Real life.

    I will most likely buy this game as is at some point. Though if modders of the quality we see producing things for Arma 2 get stuck and make a modern version then I will not hesitate to buy it. Though I'm sure the 'vanilla' game will be brilliant anyway. A great concept to be sure.
  22. .Taffy

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Brilliant campaign I really enjoyed it. I particularly liked 'Unlikely Allies', not just the firefight but somehow the whole atmosphere of that mission seemed just right. An excellent job and I look forward to future campaigns and missions!
  23. .Taffy

    Persian Hammer

    Sorted, didn't realise the version was not up to date. Installed the latest patch and it worked.
  24. .Taffy

    Persian Hammer

    This is a fantastic Campaign, which brings back memories of the OFP Campaigns and..surprisingly...the old Delta Force games! It is well made and I am thouroughly enjoying it. Unfortunately for me I have run up against a problem which I suspect is a fault at my end with either my system or the install. Whenever I click "Continue" to begin the mission "Escape" either from the end of the previous mission or from the Campaign menu the game just freezes and becomes unresponsive. I have to get out of it using Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Do you have any idea what could be casuing this, and how I could fix it? Or if not is there anyway I could bypass the mission? It would be a real shame to have to give up here I really want to see this through.
  25. i'm sorry but you will almost certainly have to start from scratch. This mission is particularly frustrating and I suggest you read some of the spoiler threads on it. By doing that this early on you'll get the hints that help you beat mission structure but might still have the patience to enjoy it properly.