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Everything posted by .Taffy

  1. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Remember the last one was very discreet, it may have alreay happened. It's quite early in the morning in Europe (I'm only awake because I've been doing uni work all night) and in the US it's the dead of night so there aren't as many eagle eyed people around to spot it.
  2. .Taffy

    I remember.

    Am I sad for thinking that actually sounds kind of cool? :D
  3. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    You are absolutely right! Seems too unlikely to be a coincidence.
  4. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I agree there's more to this. 'Greek' on it's own is not much of a clue compared to previous ones. I'd say there is a good chance that those files are more closely linked to the passwords. Though no connection jumps out at me right now.
  5. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Someone did mention the arrows pointing to British Bases in general a few pages back, but I'm not sure that is an entirely correct assesment. Nether the less, it is interesting that you bring up a similar point. This whole Greek link in the last hack has confused matters somewhat. However there is British involvement in border peacekeeping operations between Greece and Turkey on Cyprus. Perhaps this potential flashpoint (an unikely one these days though) is linking the clues?
  6. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Because of licensing. Sure BIS would need to provide some things in VBS that are not available in ArmA to keep the deal sweet but the main justification for any Software that has different pricing for different customers is the licence it requires. Any software that is provided for a commercial business or government is practically guaranteed to carry a much higher price and that's just the accepted norm. It would be illegal for and government or military to use ArmA to train its troops.
  7. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    There were also suggestions that "Game 2"'s campaign would be run as an ongoing war with your squad or tank etc. being assigned tasks on the fly, though with some of those being inetgral to a story (think that was in a PC Gamer Article). That evidently came to be Warfare mode though I think the intention was for it to be a a more integral part of the game. Perhaps if this is the build up to ArmA 3, this concept will be revived?
  8. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Why do you think BIS would just churn out any old shelf filler if they made a brand new game? I'm sure they'd maintain their same high standards whatever they did. Such are the benefits of not being under a publisher's thumb!
  9. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Doesn't the Armaverse carry on throughout all new versions of the game? For instance Armstrong has been in all of them and isn't Sarhani reffered to every now and again?
  10. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

  11. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    The required e-mail address is not p8h8@p8h8.info... EDIT: ah nevermind lol
  12. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Do hackers take weekends off?
  13. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    has it been hacked?
  14. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeah I guess so. Is there an average time period that ARGs tend to cover or can they be as long as the creators like, with the plot getting thicker and more convoluted than a Lost box set?!
  15. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Lol if ever there was a way to cause CHAOS this would be it! I wonder if BIS predicted just what a storm this would create and increased their capacity? Hopefully when the next hack comes along it will begin to point at how all the previous hacks connect. Do we have any idea how long the hacker's campaing will continue?
  16. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I believe that's when the next hack is due.
  17. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It was one of BIS's blog articles where one of the team talks about their projects. http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/company/developers-blog It's there somewhere as part of their Report In series but I can't find the actual article sorry.
  18. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I beleive that when someone opened the picture in PS they found guide lines that indicated the letters should be read from bottom to top.
  19. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Is it possible to set up a Wiki of some sort?
  20. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I though Ion-Inc but what to put in the user name?
  21. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/camouflage_4.jpg Time to start head scrathing!
  22. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Armaholic it's armaholic!
  23. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    F5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
  24. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

  25. .Taffy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    LMAO, sorry!