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Everything posted by .Taffy

  1. .Taffy

    If you could decide the author of A3 campaign

    I feel like I've seen it before.....?
  2. In the case of BIS, mainly because they are not under the thumb of a developer, the more money and success; the more of their ambitions will be realised.
  3. .Taffy

    If you could decide the author of A3 campaign

    A book author rather than a game designer but I would like to see Ken Follet pen the story for ArmA 3. He's an historical novelist mainly but wrote a great book about the First World War called the Fall of Giants. His charachter development and the way he can put action into words would make him great for writing an imersive storyline for the game.
  4. .Taffy

    Cover system for Arma3?

    True, there has been a big improvement, so I am hopeful for the future of the AI. Their behaviour in urban environments does need improvement though, and I would quite like to see a system where you could point at the corner of a building and have the selected units stack up againts it etc. I appreciate that doing it would likely be very complicated though...
  5. .Taffy

    Cover system for Arma3?

    As others have said before me, I think there is no need for a cover system for the player, but I would really like to see the AI respond more interactively with the environment to take cover.
  6. .Taffy

    They better have female soldiers...

    I think female soldiers should be included in a combat role. At the moment it (at least in the British Army, I think) women are allowed to join though aren't allowed roles that guarantee offensive combat. However they are put into positions where at some point they are highly likely to have to defend themselves. There was a programme on ITV(UK) recently, following some of the soldiers from a logistics group that had to drive resupply vehicles to FOBs in Afghanistan, facing certain attack from the Taliban each time. It is surely only a matter of time before women IRL take on full combat roles, and in the case of a conflict like the one planned for ArmA3 where NATO was "being pushed into the sea" they would surely be called on to fight. More than that I imaginea huge amount of them would WANT to fight.
  7. If CC:GM, ArmA3 and TOH all get exposure at E3 BIS will steal the show for sure!
  8. .Taffy

    Arma 3 and the real world

    Of course we know about the island, the thread starter was talking about matching one of the screenshots from the announcement to a real life location.
  9. .Taffy

    SimCopter anyone?

    To have that in a modern day city sim would be fantastic!
  10. .Taffy

    Arma 3 and the real world

    Oh that was....embarrasing. Here's the proper link if anyone's interested, has about 200 "Likes" http://www.facebook.com/pages/Limnos/103106629730235
  11. .Taffy

    PLEASE enable us to command a chopper to LAND!

    But what if you just want him to put down and keep the engines running?
  12. .Taffy

    Remove the blinding sun in A3 please

    You shouldn't be able look at it directly, but it shouldn't blind you when it's just at the corner of your eye. In real life, people can look fairly near the sun if they squint and don't look directly into it. I think this should be implemented rather than completely blinding the player if the sun even appears on screen.
  13. .Taffy

    Arma 3 and the real world

    There is in fact a Facebook page for Limnos. I wonder if any of them could identify the locations, perhaps even take some photos? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=119452 EDIT: Perhaps it was this one http://www.facebook.com/pages/Limnos/103106629730235
  14. .Taffy

    ArmA3 scenario first look

    Oh I absolutely agree with you, this focus on 4-man-wins-all-special-forces-missions really needs to go. As I said earlier the special forces missions in OFP were much better, stealth was you only friend and you lived in fear of the dawn. And the mission you mentioned where the pilot (Sam Nichols I beleive) has to escape captivity and go on the run in Kolgujev is brilliant. It's a shame it was never recreated in any of the other games because the newer maps would have made it better and better.
  15. .Taffy

    ArmA3 scenario first look

    With the size of map being created here it would surely be possible to make a very convincing landlocked country, somewhere in Europe. Although any conventional battlefield will have the battleines moving very rapidly, this could be portrayed as the "Stalingrad" moment of the war. The point where the attacking OPFOR loses momentum, followed by a bitter struggle befor BLUFOR begins regaining ground. Who knows, maybe Lemnos is a proof of concept for BIS, and an expantion will tell the rest of the story.
  16. .Taffy

    ArmA3 scenario first look

    If the Special Forces missions become more like they did in OFP when you played as James Gastovski crawling through bushes to avoid detection the they would be on the right track.
  17. Is the image in that article new concept art? I'm really liking the shape of the carrier.
  18. .Taffy

    ArmA3 scenario first look

    I share your concerns, a conflict focused on an island while a Continent wide conflict raes with battle lines shifiting potentially 100s of miles a day. The website does say there's some sort of military secret on the idland, which could be a plausible reason for an intense conflict in such a small area (I say small, I mean in terms of the world, clearly the map is impressively large). I guess it depends what the secret is, and for that we shall have to wait. EDIT: Also I imagine if it is a Middle Eastern side then it's some kind of Persian Coalition, rather than Iran itself. The ARG was cenred around a group reffering to itself as the Persian Black Hat Boys.
  19. .Taffy

    Project RACS

    Had a few ideas for a campaign using RACS, hopefully will get the time once my degree is finished. Congratulations on the release Wld427!
  20. .Taffy


    Isn't it also in VBS2? It would make sense to add it. Though it's true, we've heard nothing about it...yet.
  21. .Taffy

    Some fresh ideas for ArmA3 Warfare mode!

    It would be cool if standard missions could be generated on the fly within a warfare game. I don't mean pre made ones that are just slotted in and nor do I mean the exisitng "attack this town, now this one" but ones that respond to the flow of the conflict. "Set up ambush here, destroy this bridge, investigate suspected activity here, gather info from population here etc" Difficult? Sure. Brilliant fun and replayability? I think so! :D
  22. .Taffy

    Some fresh ideas for ArmA3 Warfare mode!

    Well no one's talking about replacing it fully but certainly there's room for improvement and additional features.
  23. .Taffy

    Some fresh ideas for ArmA3 Warfare mode!

    I really like these suggestions, particularly when it comes to controlling Ports and Airfields etc. it would make controlling specific areas of the map more important. Perhaps it would be good to make playing it offline in singleplayer more enjoyable, so that players will find it easier to cut their teeth as commanders or even just grunts. Then maybe they'll be more willing to set up games. Also a way to be able to have warfare missions where you don't have to join a server for several hours to see it through. A savegame function perhaps or some way to make a perpetual drawn out game with JIP a more realisitic prospect? I think warfare is a fantastic game mode with so much untapped potential. I would love to see more made of it. EDIT: There was a game called Conflict Zone, an RTS, a while back which included the press and the way you treated civilians as a way of controlling the cash flow. It's an interesting idea for controlling resources in this game.
  24. .Taffy

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    In line with the original intention of the thread, I would only support full gore (dismemberment etc) if it were to facilitate some sort of advanced medical/first aid aspect of the game. Therefore it has purely practical reason for being there. Without that I feel it would just be in bad taste, in fact it may be in bad taste in any situation. Difficult to judge.
  25. .Taffy

    Community feedback - improvments for Arma3

    For me there are a couple of things from OFP that could do with returning. 1. A return to the OFP driving system. 2. Assigning team colours like in OFP 1. Steering vehicles in OFP was very enjoyable, you pointed the cursor where you wanted to go, your head followed it, then it slowly returned to the central position. Since ArmA, there has been no cursor and when you stopped pushing the mouse left or right the wheels snapped almost instantaeniously back to straight alignment. This meant you had to keep lifting the mouse bringing it back and pushing it across again sharply to maintain a turn, either that or use the WASD keys which were prown to overcompensation. Driving is simply a chore, I personally don't get any joy from it anymore. 2. In OFP you selected the troops you wanted, pressed 9 (for teams), 9 again (for assign), then selected the colour 1-5. Having done that you would hit 9 (for teams) and then just the number of the colour 1-5 to select the team. This was VERY useful in a fire fight. Now, since ArmA, after pressing 9 the first option you get is to assign a team colour. You have to press 9,9 to reach the team selection options. This often leads to mistakes in the heat of a firefight and wastes valuable time. Also, you can no longer select a team this way and then order them around on the map properly. I would like to see a return to the OFP system or an intorduction to an improved streamlined system...perhaps with improved context sensitive commands.