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Everything posted by LRRP_Dog

  1. OK, I downloaded Riva, but I do not see where it gives you a percentage for the fan speed. Under "Power" there are two subfolders that mention fan, but neither of them open up if I click on them. As for the temp, the Evga Precision tool tells me the temp and I have been able to track that at times in game by alt tabbing as you mentioned. It never goes up higher than 65 and is usually 59-61 which shouldn't be a big deal, right?
  2. LRRP_Dog

    ArmA2 crashing my computer

    I have, but it doesn't tell me anything useful. It has a big "X" in red that I think is noting an error, but its got nothing listed as far as cause of the error itself. The Evga Precision panel tells me that I am running fairly normal, especially when it comes to temps, not more than 60. I have been able, at times, to alt tab and open that up after the creen freezes so I can check the panel out. But more often than not, it just shuts down completely with no record.
  3. Doesa anyone have any ideas as to why my PC shuts off completely while inhj the middle of trhe game? Doesn't matter if I am in SLI or not in SLI. It also happens in the campaign as well as the single missions yet I can go into the editor throw 50 groups on there and play normally? I will start playing a mission, all is going well, and than it freezes for about 30 seconds before it shuts off completely. I have to physically turn the power back on. I do not get any error messages at all, even after reboot. My rig is old in use but all parts are brand new. E6850 Core 2 Dup 3.Ghz 8GB DDR2 Ram Asus P5N-t Deluxe motherboard 3 GeForce 9800 GTX + cards with the latest drivers (190.62) They are also Evga cards and I have their Enhancer and SLI patch as well I have 130 gigs free on my hard drive And I run XP 32 bit
  4. LRRP_Dog

    ArmA2 crashing my computer

    I have been having the same issue and I find it hard to believe that its hardware. My PC is new (Rebuilt) and right now, plays everything else, including Arma 1 on it without issues. My Specs E6850 Core 2 Duo 3.0 Ghz Asus P5N-T Deluxe MB 8GB DDR2 memory 3x GeForce 9800 GTX+ Video cards. Windopws Xp 32 bit What happens is I will load the campaign or even a single mission. It will start playing for about 1 minute and than freezes and a few seconds after that, it shuts down completely. No reboot, just turns off. I have to turn it back on manually. My TV is my monitor and I can only set that to 1024 x 768 Res or less. I have tried it in 1024, and 800X600 and the same thing happens, The only thing I have not had an issue with is the editor. I can go in there and throw a bunch of units on the map and it plays fine. But I cannot play the campaign whatsoever.