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Everything posted by Tongeh

  1. Tongeh

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Blatant repost from 1.04 suggestions.. i'll bang on about it till its fixed! BTR 90 needs some love.. command one every weekend in a campaign so have got quite used to the issues and swearing of my team-mates! Gunner currently has permanently ZOOMED IN sight so cannot track targets easily and makes it very hard to spot anything due to the tiny viewing angle. Why not assign use of some weapons to the commander maybe the Konkurs missiles, and/or gren launcher - realistically a BTR commander can take control of ALL 4 weapon systems.. seems poor to have them under gunner control only. Suggest cannon/mg stay under gunner control as the mg is coaxial lol The HUD could use some tweaking - turret direction indicator to aid driver/gunner/commander co-ordination - a heading indicator for driver so he knows where hes pointed when turned in (a view change from letterbox -> internal then hitting K for Kompass, K to put it away again, then viewchange back kinda sucks and takes a couple of seconds) (Think some of the HUD changes could apply to LAV as well - dunno, never drive it!) Drivers view point thru the 'letterbox' when driving uphill/cresting etc is terrible - turned out is the only way to travel fast. Turning in/out on BTR seems wrong - if the commander is turned out, driver turns out, no problem, but as soon as the commander turns in, the driver automatically turns-in as well?? Surely these should be independant of one another? Why not add a telescopic sight to the RPG-7 as per your description here - and bring it up to the useability level of the SMAW - the ironsight is pretty inaccurate over 350m or so.. I'll get you 3 shots and 3 kills with a SMAW against APC's at 1100m! never mind the 500m 'effective range' lol
  2. while the singleplayer has its own draw... i find the game really comes into its own in multiplayer. Either a group of mates, some beers, comms, and some trick co-op missions to try and crack, fail, laugh about it, plan again, rinse repeat.. tis excellent.. however.. try MP arma2 in 'all its glory' - 100 or so likeminded peeps, no pickup groups, no tards (well maybe the odd one but they dont last) a command/unit structure, objectives, 3hr weekly battles, silly banter on comms.. you can't beat it! www.cfarma2.com beta campaign is nearing final stages. first campaign proper is weeks away.. you'll thank me later ;)
  3. Tongeh

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    Not seen any of this this mentioned so far, apologies if I've missed it while searching... BTR 90 needs some love.. command one every weekend in a campaign so have got quite used to the issues and swearing of my team-mates! Gunner currently has permanently ZOOMED IN sight so cannot track targets easily and makes it very hard to spot anything due to the tiny viewing angle. Why not assign use of some weapons to the commander maybe the Konkurs missiles, and/or gren launcher - realistically a BTR commander can take control of ALL 4 weapon systems.. seems poor to have them under gunner control only. Suggest cannon/mg stay under gunner control as the mg is coaxial lol The HUD could use some tweaking - turret direction indicator to aid driver/gunner/commander co-ordination - a heading indicator for driver so he knows where hes pointed when turned in (a view change from letterbox -> internal then hitting K for Kompass, K to put it away again, then viewchange back kinda sucks and takes a couple of seconds) (Think some of the HUD changes could apply to LAV as well - dunno, never drive it!) Drivers view point thru the 'letterbox' when driving uphill/cresting etc is terrible - turned out is the only way to travel fast. Turning in/out on BTR seems wrong - if the commander is turned out, driver turns out, no problem, but as soon as the commander turns in, the driver automatically turns-in as well?? Surely these should be independant of one another? Why not add a telescopic sight to the RPG-7 as per your description here - and bring it up to the useability level of the SMAW - the ironsight is pretty inaccurate over 350m or so.. I'll get you 3 shots and 3 kills with a SMAW against APC's at 1100m! never mind the 500m 'effective range' lol