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About Pexxx

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  1. Anyone know how to make respawn time increase during the mission? Im making a "hostage" type PvP mission and would I´d like to punish each team for any civillian casualities. So, for each civilian kill the respawn time would increase a bit.... Any ideas how to do that? Any mission that have anything similar? Thx
  2. Well thanks for the anwsers, but I did this way: Put a trigger that activates repeatedly with: Cond: pilot damage < 0.5 On act: pilot setdamage 0.6; pilot sethit ["legs",1]; And a groupchat explaining that theres nothing they could do 'cuse his leg is shattered... This way he´s always hurt, but alive. This turn out to be a pretty simple and effective solution. I guess this will even work with the other two first aid modules synched.
  3. I was already using setdamage.... Dont know if setunconscious work in multiplayer coop, But Ill try setHit. Thx.
  4. I´m finishing a rescue-type mission and would be really interesting if the AI could not walk, so I can force the players to drag/carry him to the helicopter while avoiding enemy fire. I´m using the first aid modules and it´s working fine, but i want to prevent the players from healing him... (like his leg was amputed during the crash :eek: ) Any ideas? Ps:First post here...