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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. 'I'm Australian, and while I therefore can't speak English properly' as a Brit i lold :P I think it would be helpful if you highlighted the mistakes mate so they can change them! But bare in mind it's early access, i'm sure they'll sort them out
  2. Okie dokes! Looking forward to further updates :) But the game is brilliant so far!
  3. Woke up to see the game had updated, could we get a changelog perhaps? :)
  4. Hydra

    Stone Apxs - Mission ref - 6275

    http://steamcommunity.com/app/244030/discussions/0/864975026774507670/ Quite a few people have it :)
  5. Hydra

    Stone Apxs - Mission ref - 6275

    My first rover landing actually crashed and smashed into thousands of pieces :( I was sad, I've been seeing people recommending go into third person view and try backing into the rock and see if that works? I'm going to restart the program after dinner :) You learn new things with each restart! haha
  6. Hydra

    Stone Apxs - Mission ref - 6275

    Me too mate, i tried going up the sloped rock and flipped the rover over :| and because theres no way to get money once yuo can't afford a new rover to do the missions ill have to start again :P Another guy and I have reported it to Dram on the steam discussion I think hes looking into it
  7. Hydra

    Pre Release Thanks

    Maybe because of the scientific nature of the game it attracts a somewhat more mature audience, may be why the community so far has been civil :)
  8. Hydra

    Pre Release Thanks

    +1 Haven't seen this much developer involvement in the community for a long time, thank you :D
  9. Until the ultimate 'Take on the Universe!' in which every aspect of the universe is modelled ;)
  10. Hydra

    Release date today or tommorow?

    Hmm not a bad idea mate, I'm thinking The Planets by Holst might be fitting, or Bach's Brandenburg concertos to make Mars jolly :D
  11. I love you, hardly anyone likes galciv like me ):! GalCiv2 Twilight of the Arnor is my favourite game ever! I really hope they do a GalCiv3 :D
  12. That I would love to see, we know less about the oceans on this planet than we do the moon, it would be an exciting game! That being said I love space, but who knows you could combine the two like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_Saturn_System_Mission
  13. Title says it all, does the engine support humans, whether it would be through modding or future updates/dlc/expansions. I would love to get DLC that adds future manned mars missions in such as Mars One http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_One and a recent idea like this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22952441 I would also like to know how long this game will be supported or updates and DLC developed for, but I suppose that depends on it's success. I presume that all the features that have been shown so far will be in the game when it is out on the 1st of August, but as it comes out as an early-access Steam game further development will be done on it correct?
  14. Hydra

    When will this game be released?

    You can pre-order it off the site and they will email you the Steam key. But yeah you can't pre-order off steam because early access games can't be pre-ordered. Oh and it's released on August 1st
  15. Hydra

    Can we analyse anything?

    Awesome :D Pre-ordered yesterday and I can't wait!
  16. So you showed a scenario in the E3 footage where you were drilling into a rock, and it was highlighted and told you to do that. Will we be able to analyse anything within the environment or is it scenario/mission specific? I personally would like to be able to analyse everything and find interesting chemical compounds, water, evidence of life maybe ;)
  17. Hey guys i was wondering if anyone knows any good maps for sniper practice? Possibly a shooting range as I really need to get my distance compensation right :D
  18. Hey guys ive just bought arma2 and im completely in love with it XD im just looking for some very large scenarios at the momment. That use aeroplanes,tanks you name it in them, and that have bases and factories etc. I just love the idea of a battle that lasts ages and defending captured points. So i was wondering does anyone know any scenarios like this? That are very big and use all types of units? Thanks :D