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About Bhairava

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Do you notice any improvement in campaing?
  2. Any news about grass rendering poblem? You think you are hiding, but the grass is not rendered at distance, so enemy can see you very clearly. How do they think to fix it? :(
  3. What OS? Which drivers? In which situations do you notice SLI working? Campaign or muliplayer? Same questions for you: Which drivers? In which situations do you notice SLI working? Campaign or muliplayer?
  4. That's really intresting. Did you try W7?
  5. I completely agree with you, i opened this thread beacouse i could not find something really useful for SLI owners, only contradictory and scattered informations. But i was brutally attacked by a user who does not know how to waste his time. So better all SLI users post here. I asked moderator to sticky this thread. ---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ---------- I did not notice any improvement ocing my i7 920 from 3,6ghz to 4ghz. I did not try Arma Mark but i will and i'll let you know. :)
  6. Oh that's a bad news :( How is your fps in campaign?
  7. And then a multiplayer match, framerate sucks: I didnt find what you guys said about framerate in multiplayer. :(
  8. Some screens: Here is in "One week after" mission, sli seems to works: The following is "Manhattan mission", sli apperently does not work:
  9. Intresting, so i should go back to 186.18? :( I pushed my CPU to 4ghz and in Manhattan mission nothing changes. And, it's weird, i loaded another mission (the one with cycle) and framerate is very good (50-70). it seems that the frames change by missions, even if scenarios are quite the same. Wtf. On the other hand, i just tried to play online, and it sucks: 30 frames.
  10. I'll give it a try, thanks.
  11. Why are you hammering away at me? Find something else, go kickboxing, or find a woman. I have my i7 920@3,6ghz i cant believe i'm cpu limited. So i will try 4ghz, and of course online play.
  12. Oh my god, you really need something to do. "You're just lazy and can't be bothered to do any research" how can you dare? I'm not your brother nor your friend, so show a little respect and learn some good manners.
  13. I've been searching for days before opening this thread, over this forum and over internet. So if you think this thread is not useful, get off and find something to do.
  14. Are you sure? I have same framerate with SLI enabled/disabled, is that normal too?
  15. Thank you for you help, i really appreciate. Please keep talking in the other thread, so we avoid crossposting. :)