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Everything posted by Zarf

  1. Has anyone got a magic configuration to make Arma2 run decently on the above system without frequent crashes or texture corruption? I've tried a whole slew of different drivers and adding parameters to the startup shortcut, but still not got great results. If possible i'd prefer not to limit my ram. Thanks in advance.
  2. Cheers TheMantis, I think i've sorted it, I rebooted to safemode, uninstalled everything nvidia and ran a driver cleaner to get rid of any traces left, then restarted and put the latest 190.62 WHQL's on ... now it runs fine. Must have just been some holdover from an old driver revision in there, I've had this install over 2 years now. The fun will begin again on Friday, i've decided to go Solid State Drive with Windows 7 (fed up of the loading times), but tonight has given me hope it'll run well on a clean system.