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Everything posted by RocktheBloc

  1. Hey all. I've hit a "wall" in one of Harvest Red's early missions, "Amphibious Assault." I've made it to the city I was ordered to, but the game no longer advances. I am assuming that this is because I have not reported to Captain Shaftoe as the briefing states I need to. However, I cannot find Capt. Shaftoe anywhere. I am assuming my team leader reports to him, but nothing happens. Is this a bug, or am I missing something here? Is it possible that Capt. Shaftoe was killed during the assault, as I see three dead Marines near the LAV-C2? Any help is much appeeciated. I am trying to avoid skipping each mission if I can avoid it.
  2. Is there any way to take on the base without artillery support? It sounds impossible, with the tanks and all. It really kills me. I thought we're supposed to have 3 opportunities to use artillery, too. And I was retarded enough to use a fire mission on an enemy sentry camp.
  3. Therein lies the problem. My whole team is at the LAV-C2, but the game doesn't end. I really don't want to just use the endmission cheat, because that seems to screw up the campaign...