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Everything posted by Etex

  1. Etex

    Disposable ATs

    I wish Bohemia Interactive's developers answers to this question: Until when we will be forced to handle with NLAWs and M-136 with ammunition to reload these weapons systems ? Everyone knows that these weapons systems are disposable. Until when ? Arma 3 is knocking our door and the same mistake is pushed to us: Rechargeable ATs. A little information to clarify our minds: http://www.army-technology.com/projects/mbt_law/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT4
  2. Kerc Kasha, the solution is rename the file to "onPlayerRespawn.sqf". Thanks a lot man. :)
  3. Thanks a lot for answering so fast, I'll try out your tips. Cheers.
  4. In fact, when player dies, he enters only in BIS native spectator mode, but when he enters with the match in progress the Kegety's script runs normally. Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks in advance.
  5. @Kerc Kasha, this is happening to me: 1 - I've followed all instructions and I installed the script just the same way as the downloaded one. 2 - Now, the script only runs when the player JIP, when he dies nothing happens. Any clues about that ? Thanks in advance.
  6. Looks like last week Arma 3 update have corrupted again the spectator script. Any ideas how to fix it ? Cheers
  7. Etex

    Disposable ATs

    Arma 3 Alpha Feedback tracker report about this issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2213 Please, vote up for this.
  8. Awesome job again ! Congrats.
  9. Now I got it to run. :) Thanks, bro.
  10. Hi Mack, Wich CBA version are you using with RTE ? I'm using CBA, CBA_OA and CBA_A2 because i'm using Arma 2 Combined Operations 1.62 with ACE/ACRE mod and I'm using Jayarma2lib_new instead Jayarma2lib. Thanks
  11. Hi, After the last game update (1.62), my RTE doesn't work anymore. When I open the editor, an error message shows up on the screen like "script not found" and I can't get RTECapture syncronized no more. Edit: When I open the RTE ingame I get these warnings: 1 - "No connection to RTE Capture established, export won't work ! To fix this establish a connection and reload the mission." (When I open RTE) 2 - "Script.0.ionclose|Ion_rte.ion not found" (When I close RTE) Note that I use ACE/ACRE mods. Any ideas ? Thanks in advance.
  12. Gents, I've updated my TS to 3.0.3 and ACRE to 1.13.15, and I'm using ArmA2 CO beta via SU. The manpack and portable radios are working fine, but when I try to use vehicle mounted radios, the thing doesn't flow. Simply doesn't works. Any clue about that ? Thx :D
  13. Good to know you never stop working to help us !! Thx :)
  14. Etex

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    You might be running the beta patch and server does not, but it will not affect the proper functioning of the game. I think.
  15. Etex

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    Thanks for reply. I'll try it and keep you posted. Thanks Edit: I did exactly as you said and the game is running perfectly. Thanks for the assist.
  16. Etex

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    Arma 2 Launcher just runs the game and its addons and mods, just like a shortcut, nothing complicated. My question is, since my game is Steam version, if I runs it through SU and patch it, will i have future issues ? Thanks :)
  17. Etex

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    I didn't use Steam for playing the game too, only for updates. To run the game I use Arma 2 Laucher. But the doubt remains, can I install this patch via SU and not even have any issues ? Thanks
  18. Etex

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    I'm having the same issue only when I enter an ACE server with Battleye enabled. When playing in non-ACE/Battleye-enabled servers the game simply crashes on a blue-screen style in my windows. My game is a Steam version. If I do an uptade of my game via SixUpdater, will I have other issues or it's ok ? Thanks for the assist.