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About jirkaelda

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    Private First Class
  1. Well, it is working now. The problem was solved by setting "windows XP SP3 compatibility mode".
  2. Well, last version working for me was 1.3. Version 1.4 just crashed everytime i tried to connect. In the latest version I get this error if I try to connect to the Linux server: Invalid memory access Code:-1073741819 Code Address: $771120CB TargetAddress: $0 SourceCode line: 1180 Windows 7 pro, tried run it as adminisrator too. Could you help me please?
  3. Thanks, it worked for me. Did not realize it can help.....
  4. do not know if it is answer for me, but tested without any change.
  5. Hi, have a problem with running 1.55 on my linux server. All pathes installed on the windows dedi server and running. All data was copied into linux again. If I try to run the server (doesnt matter if it is 1.54 latest od 1.55 beta), it says: WATCHDOG (31424): [Tue Nov 23 11:48:58 CET 2010] Starting server (port 2302)... Item str_disp_server_control listed twice Data file too short 'baf\addons\tracked_w_baf.pbo'. Expected 11158172 B, got 4170832 B Critical:Destroying running thread! Critical:Destroying running thread! Critical:Destroying running thread! WATCHDOG (31424): [Tue Nov 23 11:48:58 CET 2010] Server died, waiting to restart Data is copy of my game and there is BAF Full version bought. Checked repeatedly filesize on Windows and Linux and it is a right file (or it seems cause it works on Windows dedi server). Could anybody help me? I saw something about not running BAF full on the dedi server or something....
  6. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    well if I have more time later, I can do more detailed guide. Now: If you need to start BETA server, you need to start the EXE from the BETA folder and add param -mod=beta If you have a shortcut for it, you need to specify where to run it FROM (start folder) - you need to let it to the Game folder. Not to the BETA. Well in the shortcut: Target: Path to the EXE in the beta folder (example: d:\arma\beta\armaoaserver.exe -port 2302 -mod=beta) Start in: Path to the root of the game forlder (example: d:\arma) I guess this settings needs the config files placed inside game folder directly. Do not remember, but I suppose so.
  7. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    well, i recommecd you to run the exe with params like the path to the EXE, path to the config. I guess it is better to specify all of the params paths exactly not relatively to the EXE. But I do not use beta versions of server. I use the final version placed in the main folder. arma2oaserver.exe -port=2302 -config=EldaServer\Server.cfg -cfg=EldaServer\Arma2.cfg -profiles=EldaServer where Eldaserver is the folder inside main arma folder containing all of my configs.
  8. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    If you install the patch, there will be the server EXE in the beta folder.
  9. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    well, do you have arma2.cfg configured? You need to have arma2.cfg and server.cfg. Errors displayed in your watchdog shows unconfigured lines from arma2.cfg. here is my arma2.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=160; Resolution_H=120; viewDistance=2500; terrainGrid=40; MinBandwidth=8192000; MaxBandwidth=16384000; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSend=0.0024999999; MaxCustomFileSize=0; Windowed=0;
  10. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    well it is easier if you need to do it only once. If you change the mission everytime new version comes out, more easiest way how to change mission parameters is to set it in the server.cfg file. Cause you only channge the mission, but parameters are still the same. You only need to set newly added params.
  11. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    well, nice. It helps me a lot.
  12. Well, I allready manage the Rcon on my 2 servers. You need to create beserver.cfg in the BE folder ON THE SERVER. Then you need to run the RCON.exe or the RCON Gui from your PC (anywhere you have rights). I am running windows7 and needed to set compatibility for WinXP SP3. After that I could manage my both servers (windows and linux) same way. [PH] Eldo
  13. As I remember, you need to know which version you are running. If it is Combined Operations, you need to put the config into the BE folder in Arma2/expansion (....\arma2\expansion\BattlEye).
  14. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    Uf, it was the map=0 dont know why I did not test it. Or I did and forgot what happened. Now it is solved.
  15. jirkaelda

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    ??? There is weapon cursor enabled and i suppose the enemy tag too. It is not solving my problem, is it?