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charon productions

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Everything posted by charon productions

  1. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    You can retrieve it via the following variable from the module's variablespace : "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP" So you name your module something like MYMODULE, then it would be : _pointerToSpawnedGroup = MYMODULE getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_SM_CURGRP"; There will be no group handles in the future version due to reorganisation of the addon structure. The group limit has always annoyed me hehe. They spawn either at the position of the spawn module or where you place them as units in the editor on the map. First variant, meaning it first spawns a group, then waits, spawn again and so on... The actual undead module (not the spawn module) determines which type of undead will be spawned even by the spawn module. It is not possible to mix the zombie types due to their different animations and the resulting script differences. No, the zombies use the Eventhandler system, so there is no way to achieve that. ACE is for humans, zombies can take a bit more damage otherwise they wouldn't be zombies ;)
  2. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    It's technically not an update per se. V0.9 was still too buggy like Genesis had to find out too, so it was unavoidable to completely rewrite the entire system for improved performance (about 500%). So actually it's something completely new ...
  3. Inconvenience compared to what alternative? Createunit (regardless of the used syntax) does not work in any other way than adding that created unit to an existing group, even if the given group is empty. You must specify a group and that group necessarily belongs to a center (side). You problem is easily solved as suggested by assigning a crew to it that belongs to the desired side.
  4. charon productions


    Like Snakeman said, TroopMon2 works okay for OA considering the fact that it was written before OA was even made. TroopMon3 will support OA better. It is slimmer than TroopMon2 but also offers more capabilities developed in regards to giving mission makers even better possibilities to analyze their missions. I assume most people don't use the waypoint and unit creation functionality anyway. Since i use a lot of get/setvariable stuff on units, there is a window now to monitor a unit's variablespace, so that dynamic changes of the variables throughout a mission can be precisely observed which is very helpful. It now also supports factions as some people have missed in TroopMon2. It is basically completely rewritten and code optimized.
  5. charon productions

    Stop AI Firing?

    If you didn't solve the problem yet and are proficient with writing weapon configs, you could consider making a little addon that introduces a new magazine and ammo class with a insanely high cost value, so the AI would consider the targets not "worthy" enough firing at them when you addmagazine that magazine to their weapons and remove grenades and secondary weapons. This is mainly to prevent an "Out of ammo" message, if it's for a cutscene then you could do what was suggested here before. Or you could monolaterally setfriendly the target side to friendly for the time in question.
  6. I would suggest to constantly monitor the trigger's detected array (thisList) [called here YOURTRIGGERARRAY] in a script and simply check for if (!(player in YOURTRIGGERARRAY)) then { { if ((_x getvariable "CHN_UNDEAD_INFECTED") and (_x distance player > 200)) then {deletevehicle _x} } foreach YOURTRIGGERARRAY; }; You would have to put something like YOURTRIGGERARRAY= thisList into the trigger itself. Hope that helps.
  7. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    There will be. After Gamescom ... ;P
  8. charon productions

    Staticweapon gunner absolute position ?

    Ok, found a solution. Basically you need to determine the axis position coordinates with a combination of 2 selections ("HitBody" >> "name" and "memoryPointGunnerOptics"). From there it's simple trigonometric math.
  9. Trying to get a reference to the gunner of a static weapon turns out to be complicated. getposASL on the gunner delivers a wrong position. Using selectionpos only returns selection positions before the model was animated. So if an M2 gunner turns the position is not accurate anymore. That would all be no problem if the gun or turret axis parameter could be accessed. In cfgvehicle/Mainturret of the Staticweapons there seems to be no config entries concerning the axises. Finding config axis selection values would really do the trick, but how? Boundingboxcenter does also not help because, the m2model was placed very much off-center of the model. Eyepos and aimpos do also not work for gunners. [0,0,0] is returned. That would be the easiest solution. Anyone has an idea on how to get the absolute position of a static weapon gunner?
  10. charon productions


    Due to time constraints, i have not much time to develop this any further, so i thought i just release it sort of like a public beta for anyone who might enjoy a bit beafier artillery ingame. This also contains a M224 60mm mortar addon which can be integrated into the artillery module and with proper script usage it is mobile. Keep in mind that this is a beta, so there is still some functionality issues in certain situations. Enjoy :) This mod is enhancing the capabilities of the Arma2 artillery module with more ordnances and custom sounds to create that battlefield atmosphere. The new ordnances can be used to create totally new mission objectives and tactical scenarios like creating mine fields deep inside of the enemy territory or disrupting enemy communications/equipment. The Arma2 artillery module has been written by Headspace and he deserves all credit and respect for its functionality. The mod presented here is simply an enhancement of that functionality with additional scripts, configs, particle effects and sound effects New Ordnances: DPICM, ERGM, AD/EXJAM, AD/EXECM, ADAM, RAMM y0rOK6G5QUI 1JF2FvitjfU SotxWvVJY7w oLg1ddbY_io <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUcGIBdB9EI&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUcGIBdB9EI&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> And here with tracers to visualize the submunition trajectories: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWA6M48QfhU&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWA6M48QfhU&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Download: CHN ARTY+ V0.8 (Armaholic) CHN ARTY+ V0.8 (Mediafire)
  11. charon productions


    Didn't really have time to test manual firing, this is mainly meant for having the artillery being called in and let the scripts do the job. I try to have a look into the manual part.
  12. charon productions


    @Munger : I had planed it actually, since the SADARM was probably not fully implemented in Arma2 due to development time issues. Maybe i'll throw it in, if i find the time. @mad rabbit: To convincingly simulate the wp secondary effects would take some cpu punishing efforts. Also there is no way you can access the cloudlet positions from a script, so it could just be a general area. @NouberNou: Good to hear that, good luck with your projects ) @The Hebrew Hammer: If you mean with "lost" that you find it hard to adapt to your missions, just check the included demo missions. In the file called check.sqf you see exactly how the respective ordnance is called.
  13. charon productions

    Predator Mod

    Will take several weeks to complete it, many things to do atm.
  14. charon productions

    Predator Mod

    Hmm, its a config value, so its a bit hard to do it. I will try to find a condition in the config definition that checks if any predators are on the map. Cant promise it works though.
  15. charon productions

    Predator Mod

    Hey Icebreakr, it has been considered to disable it. Just set "CHN_PREDATOR_NOSPLASH" to true in the init.sqf of your mission.
  16. charon productions

    Predator Mod

    The tree jumping will be toggleable with a user action key in the update, so it wont steal control from you. Its more for the AI anyway because tree selection GUI would be a horror and too slow. On very slow machine the lag might be so big that the character does not get switched properly. The other "me" is due to a new unit with different config values being spawned for a cloaked predator. No way around it.
  17. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Yep, as Raserisk said. Even in vanilla Arma, you can see soldiers running right through half meter thick concrete walls. The collision handling isn´t implemented that nicely in the game. As discussed in this thread, additional collision problems originate from the custom movement of the undead, which can not be realized with what Arma2 has to offer and needs an enormous tweak. I hope to find some time to fix the remaining issues and release V0.9, but real life is busy around X-mas.
  18. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    It´s based upon the Arma2 civilians and was written for Arma2, so indeed it cant run in OA standalone. Concerning the infection module, it is script-intense, but it is the core of this mod. So playing without it makes no sense really. V0.9 does have a lot of unnecessary script lines removed and is more efficient.
  19. charon productions

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    You are using Operation Arrowhead, right?
  20. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Sure, it´s : "CHN_UNDEAD_SPAWNMOD"
  21. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    In that case, "createvehicle" the module once you need it.
  22. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Hmm, why do you put the module on the map if you intend to disable the spawn at init (or even before init) ? You can only set the variable to false AFTER the module has initialized which is 1 second after you spawn it/ or start a map with the module on it. So just issue the command from a trigger or a script and it will stop spawning. Hope that helps.
  23. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    That is actually no glitches. The first is the trade-off for full direct motion, but a lack of collision avoidance due to switched off path finding. The second is a phenomenon that is also connected to the custom movement system that i have no idea why this happens. It´s most likely connected to the Arma2 animation engine. So that can´t be fixed at all, but generally with the update, you will find though that the zeds move around faster.
  24. charon productions

    Crocodile Addon

    Please take not of the first post : Its not made to move outside of the water because it cant erect his spine like a human character. ---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ---------- Good to know :)
  25. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Make sure to install all Arma2 patches and look into the demo missions for correct usage of the modules and comprehending the functionality. Then based upon the demo missions, make your own missions.