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charon productions

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Everything posted by charon productions

  1. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    You could alternatively use a V0.81 function to do that. It`s called CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP and is documented in the archive.
  2. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Ok, familiarize yourself with this then: format Global variables false Math operations What exactly is it that you want to do with the script?
  3. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    What is SOME? What exactly don`t you understand? This script contains just 4 different scripting commands. position createGroup createunit sleep
  4. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    It`s exactly the same scripts concerning migration for both slow and fast zeds.
  5. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Maybe it`s caused by ACE, i have never run it with the Undead mod and as i said never got hit out of the blue, otherwise i would have traced the cause for such a case.
  6. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    The variables are related to the player unit, so character switching seems to unfortunately affect the switched unit. So you are saying that you received damage when there was absolutely no zombie near you (let`s say 50m radius) ?!?!? I have made hundreds if not thousands of test runs and never experienced something like that. If the lag is big sometimes it appears as if you have been hit out of nowhere when having passed a zed for 10 seconds. Can anyone else confirm this happening to him too?
  7. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    The joke is that they actually DO damage vehicles except tank classes, so i don`t know what happened in your case or in that motorcycle case. Could be the lag. The vehicles will just not be destroyed but rendered immobile. I used UND_ before, maybe that would be a good convention. I had the idea for a while to introduce an experimental substance that would in fact completely reverse the infection even when a human is already an infected for some time. It could be used in special projectiles to be fired at infected that would revert back to being a human or in a syringe.
  8. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Well you think i SHOULD focus on MP, but as i have dozens of times before, i don`t have the test environment to even think about modifying the modules for MP. So it`s not gonna happen. And when i read something like this: Then i am asking myself why should i even bother making the complete functionality work in MP, as most MP nuts only wanna shoot some zeds without challenge and story and additional features. :confused:
  9. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Arma2`s weakest spot is the display of animations. Sometimes they don`t play, sometimes they get stuck, sometimes they only play halfway through. Nothing can be done about that, it`s BI`s animation playback code that causes those problems, unfortunately
  10. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Okay i will consider replacing non-accounted custom units with generic soldier models. My main focus, in the little time i have for this at the moment, is to create missions and see what could be missing to create quarantine-kind of missions. I noticed that a function to set certain towns to infected status at start-up would be helpful for that. @Hatedread: I initially considered it, but since i had to add an additional scope to the town infection script the global variable is not at the right scope position and i don`t want to risk disrupting functionality by restructuring the script scopes.
  11. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    As you can easily see in the error message, it is related to the map. I have nowhere in the mod used such a texture file. ---------- Post added at 09:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ---------- Hmm, you don`t understand how this is working technically. All the zombies in the mod have been retextured. So if someone (Addonmaker) wants a certain unit to appear as a zombie he would have to retexture his units to look like zombies and then adhere to the undead mod config naming convention. Only then would custom unit addons show up as their zombie counterparts.
  12. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I have fixed a couple of issues including friendlyfire now working for those who really want to be constantly killed by their AI teammates. The Undead Mod V0.81 part1 Just replace the file chn_undead.pbo and chn_undead.pbo.CHN.bisign in your addons folder. The other files don`t need to be updated. The Undead V0.81 (20/01/2010): Fixed zeds "running in the air" for a too long time in steep terrains Humans on rooftops or significantly higher altitudes than the zeds won`t be assigned as their targets anymore Static weapon crews are now vulnerable to zombie attacks as intended Friendlyfire works now. CHN_UNDEAD_FRIENDLYFIR=true in your init.sqf of your mission enables friendlyfire, but it can`t be turned off at a later point.
  13. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Hmm, why follow? They follow automatically after target prioritization. If you would attempt to assign a sub-optimal target to the group, the module would override that with the optimal one. In case you just want to move a group somewhere, you would have to pass a couple of variables to the group: _wp=_zombiegrp addWaypoint [YOURDESIREDPOSITION,30]; _wp setwaypointspeed "FULL"; _zombiegrp setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ONTHEMOVE",true]; _zombiegrp setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_MOVEDEST",YOURDESIREDPOSITION]; _zombiegrp setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_DESTSIZE",30]; That should work, haven`t tested it. Keep in mind, that this can screw up the virtual infection
  14. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    http://www.mapfact.net/include.php?path=news&contentid=81 I will release a little update later or tomorrow that fixes: The Undead V0.81 (20/01/2010): Fixed zeds "running in the air" for a too long time in steep terrains Humans on rooftops or significantly higher altitudes than the zeds won`t be assigned as their targets anymore Static weapon crews are now vulnerable to zombie attacks as intended
  15. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Hmm, how do you want it served? On a golden plate? It`s in the demo missions. Analyze the demo mission Infected_Gorod-scripts and you`ll find exactly what you are looking for.
  16. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I don`t know what you mean with "better", because they are identical except for the models ;) But i have thought about speeding the slow zeds a bit up too, i realized today that they are a bit slower than the group leader, so i will speed them up a bit in the update.
  17. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I might include custom locations in future updates. I am aware that this is desirable for some mission makers, but i had to get the location system going with the towns first. My advise is to build a safe base inside of a city/town and use the Safezone triggers to keep them out of the perimeter walls. A base between towns might work as long as they will be able to spot any human on their way. There is however a little workaround to make a zed group go to a position of your choice. You would have to declare a group a mover-group and give them the waypoint coordinates. But it would of course be more convenient if the zeds include that base location in their migration choice automatically.
  18. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    That base would have to be added to the locations array somehow. As of now only map-based Arma2-locations are considered. They do not communicate enemy positions, because i don`t think zeds would be up for a chat with each other or use radios ;)
  19. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Well, i would say run a script that check the zedcount and keeps it at about 80 max. Then of course just use recon team sized friendlies, so also not more than maybe 60-80. The mission Rapidinfection has about such a unit count, it does however use ALICE. What i did in ALICE-less missions is that i just placed one civilian per town on the map just to get it infected, the rest is done by the virtual infection system.
  20. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    ALICE is not needed for town infection markers. A death due to infected attack has to occur in that town for the marker to appear. It might depend on the island/map you are using. The islands i have tested it with worked fine. The location in question needs to be recognized by the scripts as either village,city or capital. The whole system is group-based, so a high zed count can be reached with less lag than if each zed would be his own group. Not sure what you mean, they attack when in a big group. There is special script segments that make them attack and leave their formation position when a target is nearby. Infected civilians will leave their group and join a nearby zed group or be their own group if none is nearby. It is an entirely new AI that replaces the civilian.
  21. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Sure i gladly do it, there was just not enough time. Am a musician in RL and usually write tracks like this, so it is fun to do it ;) @Karamazov: CHN_UNDEAD_FRIENDLYFIR=true; in your init.sqf will make your player character take friendly fire damage. @Dogmeat of Finland: It`s a global variable, not a variable space thing. @HateDread: Which list are you talking about? Under the resistance side there is infected (fast) and zombies (slow) types. A town will be marked infected when the first human dies from the infection or the zed attacks IN that village. That`s intentional. They will damage the vehicle until the point that it won`t move anymore, forcing you to get out by yourself ;) There is a fix on that in the first post of this thread that does not need TroopMon. I seriously recommend you and EVERYONE else to read the documentation, your answer is in there: CHN_INFCOUNTER=420; (default) @avager: Your thoughts are correct. I consider writing something like a civilian spawn module for the map, that does not clog CPU with them doing stuff or constant respawns. There is one more point to the functionality of this that you might have missed. It`s the envoys. If you place a group of 12 zeds in a village then the first new infected will not join that group but become an envoy to be sent to the nearest uninfected town that contains at minimum a single civilian. @That guy Over there: 1. Hmm, they are all right there in your addon folder to look at ?! @ Rayers Big ROFL, what do you think have i done the last 3 months ? There is no way to speed that up, it is entirely limited by BIs 3ms script execution limit, that can`t be disabled. @Many: Concerning a group spawn of zeds, look into the script named SpawnZeds.sqf in the mission Infected_Gorod. It`s as simple as that. No waypoints needed/advised even. Look into all the demo missions/scripts. They have been made as a help for mission makers. @D@VÅ There is no way to mix the modules, the movements are too different and they would both try to control the map infection. @Krycek Well, its a bit complex to answer that. The zeds will always search for the nearest uninfected town that has minimum 1 human (civilian or soldier) and migrate there. Then when they have arrived, they will start to patrol that town and if they "knowabout" any human will hunt him. Once the town is clear of ANY humans, they will repeat the first step If you have multiple zed groups they will choose to migrate to different towns, so they won`t show ALL up at one town. That speeds up the spread. While this is happening some additional processes happen though. If the zed group is big enough (12 members) the next resurrecting infected killed by that group will look to join a nearby emptier group (<12 members) within a certain radius and if there is no such group, he will become an "Envoy" being sent to the next town while the big groups keep hunting in the town they currently are in. That way the infection can`t be contained, by simply keeping humans in a village (ALICE would spoil that with it constant respawn) Also if there is infected towns still on the map, but the REAL zedcount is down to zero, those towns will send out NEW WAVES of infected, until those towns are cleared. Hope that cleared it up a bit. There will be a little update in the next few days fixing target priorities concerning rooftop humans and undead running "on air" ;)
  22. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    The warping as described in the KNOWN ISSUES is a consequence of the collision disruption occuring when the undead are sprinting towards the target with disabled AI-Pathfinding. There seems to be no way to counter that. It`s all a trade-off and a big work-around. An infected group can be found under the groups in the editor under the resistance side and it can be spawned just like any other group. As long as there is infected towns on the map, one single random town of them will spawn an infected group to send it out to infect other towns once the zedcount is really low. That way the illusion of a wide-spread infection is created.
  23. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Yeah something like that, i will see if i can integrate that.
  24. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Should the undead lure at the bottom of a building when a human is on the roof WHILE there is still other humans in a village? I just ran into such a situation and it takes quite an amount of momentum away from an attack wave. When you as the player walk up to them then they however will prioritize you as a target and hunt you. But i think as long as there is humans that are easier accessible then they should not gang up at the bottom of a building but patrol the village.
  25. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Oh, didnt have enough time to check the demo missions for addon requirements. Here are the 2 demo missions without TroopMon requirement (it is easy to fix though for advanced users) Also the mission RapidContainment1c did not use the correct player character. Now its using the intended character to play the mission. Here they are: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zf08nu About the damage, it is a feature that i added because i got very annoyed with friendly fire during tests. You own team members would use grenades on nearby zeds killing you too, or just hit you while shooting a zed that is very close to you. So i added the friendly fire disabled variable : The trade off is that you don`t take falling damage or explosion damage. Don`t know how else to find a compromise to not constantly being shot by your AI members and still taking that damage.