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charon productions

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Everything posted by charon productions

  1. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    During editing my campaign, i noticed that some towns would not spawn zeds via the virtual infection system. I tracked down the bug and now all locations spawn zeds as intended. It`s like a big mission where the objective is to save survivors that hide in safehouses in locations. I know there was a Quarantine mod that rewarded saving survivors with money. Wonder if there is other alternatives what a reward/motivation could be to save survivors. Something like ammo?
  2. charon productions

    DPICM Artillery Addon

    Your point about the small stuff is well taken. The thing is that the mod is already that complex, that it takes ages to debug. Adding all that stuff would really cost a lot of time, maybe in the future. Hmm, i never said the groups would be split up, just a waypoint gets added for evasion. Groups stay as they are. That will be a bit difficult to determine when to react to flares. Most mission makers would want to keep control of their groups when a distant flare is up in the sky. I might add variables, so the mission maker can read that out on the event. The dim tracers will only be visible with NVG. All other tracers in the demo videos are just for visualization purposes. Needs to be tested. I think as long as the submun is spawned only locally i see no problems. Thanks for your points and interest in this
  3. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    How can i know? Try it out. All i can say is that i did not use any Chernarus-specific attributes or anything that would make this only work on Chernarus. Instead generic locations are being used. So as long as the map maker paid attention to naming his locations and listing them in the island config, the migration will work.
  4. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    It was extensively tested on custom islands. My campaign uses Panthera by Icebreakr and it works as intended and flawlessly. The virtual town infection and population with zeds is still something that could be better, but to check all the locations on the map for player proximity is taking a long time for the scripts, so there is a delay issues.
  5. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    If anyone ever wants to make one, for the config of custom zombie addons the following config entries are needed: For infected: For zombies: The type of the unit MUST start with CHN_UNDEAD_ or CHN_ZOMBIE_ followed by the name (with the exact letters) used in the typename of your custom uninfected unit.
  6. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Because the zombie models in this mod don`t just use the injury textures from the original models. I never liked that approach in CZM, but at that time it was a compromise. The downside of that was that the zeds were constantly highly damaged to have the blood textures appear on them and thus hard to handle with damage. In the Undead mod, EVERY civilian and most Blufor soldiers have their OWN Blood textures, that was a lot of work, but looks much better than the Arma1 approach. That`s why it does not work like you described. Even for CZM i wrote many updates to get the SWAT addon and the woodland addon to appear bloody, never worked out of the box right away. I can post some guidelines for addon makers on how to adhere to the undead mod naming conventions, if they are up for making zombie textures for their custom units.
  7. charon productions

    DPICM Artillery Addon

    Active, but hard to find enough time for it. It is veeery complex and hard to debug.
  8. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I have finally managed to fix the injection animation. Now the player is not stuck in the animation anymore (was a bit annoying). The list of things to fix has gotten significantly shorter now, which is nice. Additional fixes so far for the next update: - Fixed a bug where female civilians would attempt to pick up weapons from dead soldiers which resulted in an arma error message because female characters can`t use guns - Static weapons like M2 minitripods on rooftops won`t be assigned as target for the zombies anymore - AI medics will now heal every unit that they normally heal from damage ALSO from the infection IF they have the antidote in their inventory About the multiplayer thing. I have looked into the scripts and as long as the host machine is being played by a player also, then the virtual infection system should work fine when there is only one human team with the host player inside (CoOp etc.) This player will trigger the town zed population scripts. For the final release it would be nice to include a mission pack, so whoever wants to contribute a mission to that pack is welcome to contact me.
  9. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Yes it`s planned, however it needs lots of work. The shadow LODs have to be done and there is some geometry issues. I hope some guys will then make a map with a big north american style metropolitan city )
  10. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    You find your answers in here on page 11: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=838 Just read a few tutorials about scripting and you will be good to go to understand how to write simple scripts like that. It is easy, really.
  11. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I noticed if you as the player character shoot too many of your own men (when they are infected) your rating will drop too much and all "friendly" soldiers will shoot at you of course. So i consider offering an optional function that keeps the player rating positive, so that this never happens.
  12. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Yes there is a way. Write a script with a sleep 120; and repeat the spawn function.
  13. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Sounds good, glad you guys have fun with it. Surprising actually since except for a few lines to keep the zed scripts running on the server only i have not laid this out for MP at all, but it`s cool that it works.
  14. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    While making that campaign, i noticed that the module considers zeds not getting into the safezone, but unfortunately soldier AIs INSIDE the safezone will disregard walls and stuff (of course, Arma2`s biggest annuyance) and try to run up to the zeds through walls/fences and leave the safezone which is undesirable. So i will integrate also a script that keeps AI inside a Safezone, that the mission maker can set up with wall-triggers. These wall-triggers will also possibly enable zeds to enter a Safezone when the gate is open AND just at that gate position where the trigger would be temporarily removed when the gate opens. Since the safezone will play an important role in any kind of zombie infection survival mission, i concentrate on maximizing that as much as the engine limitations allow it.
  15. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Okay, i will add that option as it is an easy fix. Someone else here actually proposed that as an addition to the atmosphere lol. Sure, seeing you guy´s missions helps me to develop the things needed to make kick-ass zed mission. I am actually creating a big campaign-like infected-mission just to find out what problems or necessities a mission designer could run into while making such mission. ---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 AM ---------- That would necessitate to rip the whole script structure apart and restructure it with exceptions and it would risk the disruption of the functionality which was a 4 months job to establish in the first place. Just animate civilians or something.
  16. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    2 things that are limited by THE ENGINE, nothing can be done about it. - player actions can`t be sorted to appear lower in the list. - I am too lazy to develop a config for radiocfg, so the sound appears to be on the radio but is played on the player character. But how can you actually know that the radio zed is dead? The sound only plays back with radio chatter when that character is far away from the player. ---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ---------- So what benefit should this have on the mod? It would be lots of work for little gain. ---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ---------- I agree on the civilian point, i will exclude them from playing the radio message, that was a case i had not tested, as with that whole mod lol. It literally meant 1000s of tests of different scenarios.
  17. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Here is a mission with the working trigger : http://www.sendspace.com/file/3zdq34
  18. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Resistance side soldiers will not be attacked nor will they attack the undead. They are on the same "team" as you expressed it. There is no way around that, some segments of the scripts are based on resistance side comparisons/evaluations as the zeds need to be side-based.
  19. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    I don`t know this mod. If it spawns civilians, they will be "tagged" by the undead module as humans and attacked, i don`t see what would prevent that. I cannot ensure compatibility with all the mods out there, because that would necessitate me to look at the code of those mods and try to understand how they work which is a long and time-consuming process.
  20. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    i would be surprised if this works, the commands seem wrong, there is no "format"-command. The correct syntax is : or with format: where VARIABLE contains a number. example: But alternatively i would recommend you to use the functions to spawn a group as described in the documentation. ([_spawnpos,_spawnnumber] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRP)
  21. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    The Undead V0.83 (27/01/2010): - Resurrecting undead will now be correctly positioned also when they resurrect inside of buildings or bridges - Custom soldier addons will now be replaced with a generic model belonging to the same side as the infected custom soldier - Zedgroup count works now as intended - Fixed a syntactical bug in the populate function and fixed every zed spawn function so that it would spawn zeds also if there is no zed on the map yet (createcenter issue) - Fixed a significant bug that would cause newly spawned zeds to attack each other because they would be declared "human" by another part of the module. That also fixes the occasional bad vehicle type :"UNDEAD_UNDEAD_xxxxx" error - New undead group type with the identifier variable "CHN_UNDEAD_STATICGRP" which does not migrate or patrol but does nothing until it spots humans. - infected soldiers will be audible over radio when they die from the infection. - New variables : CHN_UNDEAD_INITIALIZED : true when the module is initialized CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDPOPUL1 : true when a town gets populated with undead by the virtual infection system. Can be set to false again by the mission maker if he scripts a reaction to the population process. False at module startup CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDPOPPOS : contains the position of the populated location CHN_UNDEAD_ZEDPOPLOCNM : contains the name of the populated location New function: [_spawnpos,_spawnnumber] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRSTATZEDGRP spawns a group of random type undead with _spawnnumber members that does not migrate or patrol returns: group Download link: The Undead Mod V0.83
  22. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    As of now it`s not. i will have to implement that case. You can always "send" them somewhere else (if you don`t like where they are going) with the previously discussed functions ---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ---------- No way that would justify the time and effort in regards to the uncommercial nature of this. The only feasible way would be BI releasing a tool that conveniently allows the import of .fbx or other mocap data AND it`s binding to the female skeleton which is different than the male skeleton which makes it impossible to use the unofficial animation tools. But that`s not gonna happen. ---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ---------- Okay, i will try to implement such case. Looking into the functions again, i tracked down the cause for an error that occasionally appeared where it seemed as if a zed was killed by a zed and thus it was attempted to spawn an undead undead :D The problem is that there is some delay between setting the variables in the script and the unit actually having that variable available for readout and in the meantime some other script would tag the newly spawned zed as a human, really weird. EDIT: Alright, i have implemented that case with a new variable "CHN_UNDEAD_STATICGRP" A group with that variable set to true will not patrol or migrate, just stand there and wait for humans
  23. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    Ah now we got it, well the system automatically makes them "guard" the nearest town (assuming the group was spawned there) by choosing patrol waypoints IN that town. In your case the nearest town is like 1-2km away, so they will run to a patrol waypoint in that town. So what is it that you are trying to achieve with spawning them in the wilderness? Do you want them to patrol just that area or just have them stand there, do nothing until they spot a human? Ok,cool.
  24. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    It does not explode ?! That is prevented by script. Flipping it over should be possible, will see. ---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ---------- Okay, you keep making that observation. I will have to go back and test that. Please understand that there is literally hundreds of different cases and features that i had/have to test, that`s why it is still beta. I had a look into the functions and found that i had done the same mistake. I have assigned the variable to the group prior to spawning the individual zombies that would in the init-EHs overwrite the migration variable. It will be fixed in the next update. The command as you posted it, is like it is supposed to work. EDIT: No it`s actually not , it`s named differently: [_spawnpos,_spawnnumber,_movepos] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRPMV The one you posted just spawns them, the "MV" suffix makes them move. EDIT2: I just realize that we might have a misunderstanding. With migrate do you mean that the whole group (_spawnnumber members) migrates, or do you talk about a single zed (An Envoy) that moves to the next town? Because the envoy system is still in place, just that spawned group itself will not migrate and "guard" the town. I just tested it again and that spawned group stays in the town (as with the changes i made for V0.83) ---------- Post added at 09:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ---------- Can`t be fixed, it`s hard-coded that a unit goes prone when damaged too much and the conditions when that happens are not accessible. Personally i see that happen only like in 1 zed of 100 that it goes prone due to damage.
  25. charon productions

    The Undead Mod

    The thing is i don`t wanna bother the guys from armaholic with mini updates. I will just make another V0.82b mini update for the custom units and then if i collect more fixes make a bigger V0.83 that can be hosted. About the cars, i can`t see a possible connection to the undead mod. There is nothing in there that alters empty unused vehicles except of couse when they have been used before and attacked by zeds. That is to make it more cinematic and avoid the ridiculous case that a bunch of zeds can set your car on fire with their bare hands ;) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es_qv8NkS9M&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es_qv8NkS9M&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> As can be seen in this video, the car was used and still can be set on fire by projectiles