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Everything posted by VI.Animal_Mother

  1. Anyone else get this? I only tried the first mission tonight, works fine - only the mission notes is garbled and mentioning something about not being able to load from database. ps got the full dlc from sprocket Cheers, Sig.
  2. VI.Animal_Mother

    PMC mission notes is jibberish

    nice one! silly me :)
  3. After flying for a while the graphics engine crashes and restarts, game runs "fine" Nvidia GTX260 Video memory settings: "high" View distance 3000 Relatively low graphics settings Before last patch, the game used to crash/freeze completely - now it just restarts the gfx engine. Its hella annoying, because I crash my helicopters and planes. Is there still a memory leak in the gfx engine? Will it help if I set my videomemory back to "low"? I hope this gets fixed, at least in Operation Longbow.
  4. I want you to collect all the goodness here. For my gtx260: -faster framerate -i think my gfx card crash when flying driving for long time in MP is fixed, but unsure!
  5. Still getting CTD when playing long multiplayer sessions, in particular: Warfare and when flying around for a long time. Still, seems like it happens more seldom now, but that is a sheer guess on my part. It seems to be a memoryleak on the vram, not sure if its driver or game related...
  6. OK here are system specs: Intel Core2 2.4GHz 4GB Ram (3.5 used) Gainward Geforce GTX260 w 896MB VRAM XP - 32bit In general: better framerate and less crashing.
  7. Lots of nice response here! Since we are having mixed results with the drivers, maybe we should all also post system specs? Like this: :Processor :Amount of RAM :GFX model and manufacturer :Operating system :Experience with driver, positive and negative Ill do mine when I get home
  8. Heh I cannot recommend a card that I dont know... ;) And it gives good value for money!
  9. mind you, i run with vsynch off and single display optimalisation from hw settings (before AND after driver change) that might help you a little Cat.
  10. I read through the specs for all now, none have the gfx card needed. However you can buy a proper card separately and install yourself. I recommend the NVIDIA gts260 which will give you a pretty good punch for your money (approximately http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/12590/34/ )
  11. All these models have enough CPU power and RAM. Question is, what kind of graphics card is inside?
  12. Ok, i adjusted HW settings as explained in bugreport (single display optimalisation, forced vsynch, disabled multithreading) I was able to play much longer in helicopter, but finally crashed my client (freeze screen, unable to access task manager). I think there is a significant memory leak in the arma2 client pertaining to the graphics card. Balls. On the upside, my fps was much much improved.
  13. I get this too. Will Bohemia fix this in a patch or do I need to tweak the settings on my 260 card? (Hoping for the former...) ;) edit: I see on the bug tracker that this problem is "resolved". How can it be resolved when the author had to tweak hardware settings? Shouldnt this be addressed by patching the game itself?
  14. VI.Animal_Mother

    Small arms damage models

    Hi! First of all thanks for a great game! I have some ideas/questions about the damage models in Arma2. Back in the 90s I served one year as a munitions specialist in the norwegian infantry. In particular, the 5.56 round seems underpowered, sometimes requiring 4-5 hits on human targets to render it ineffective or dead. As you might or might not know, the 5.56 NATO round is hollow inside, deforming it quickly on impact. Also the round will tumble on impact. This will make it less effective on body armour but it WILL drop an unarmoured target on the first round on a body hit. Another thing I find slightly annoying is the absence of splash effect on the 12.7mm (.50). Sure, if standard API rounds are fired, it will not be as effective on groups of infantry but nowadays most forces are using the Multi-Purpouse round, which combines armour piercing capability with a local splint effect which can be deadly up to a 5m radius of impact. If any of this has been discussed before, please point me to the right thread. Sincerely, Animal Mother, 3rd Infantry Brig N
  15. VI.Animal_Mother

    Small arms damage models

    I guess being high on adrenaline counts too
  16. VI.Animal_Mother

    Small arms damage models

    It would be interesting to hear more why multiple hits are required. Do the insurgents carry their bananamags on the chest?