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Posts posted by BritTorrent

  1. Hi all,

    Bought Arma 3 a couple of days ago. Just jumping on the low FPS bandwagon :)

    My specs;

    AMD FX-8320 @ 3.5Ghz

    Asus M5A97 rev 2 AMD 970 MoBo

    3GB XFX Radeon R9-280X 1000MHz

    8GB Ram

    - On a completely empty Altis I get around 60-70fps.

    - With a handful of AI (Infantry showcase) this dips down to around 40.

    - On a mission with anything more than a handful of AI (Combined arms showcase) I'm getting sub 30fps consistently.

    My ARMA2 performance was nowhere near this bad, with the same PC. Add about 20/30 to each of the above and that's roughly where my ARMA 2 FPS rate was.

    I've tried everything (apart from overclocking) in the optimization guide going around (https://www.day0.com.au/forum/arma/638-arma-3-performance-tweaks-and-settings-guide). And I'm not sure if this actually made a difference.

    Now I'm not moaning, I'm not expecting miracles. But is there anything else that anyone can suggest? Maybe something hardware specific? I don't think it's too much to ask to expect a consistent 30fps in a medium sized mission.

    How do my specs measure up? I know it's not a super high end machine, but I certainly don't think it's a budget build. It can run most of the current game crop at high or highest settings easily enough.

    And on a side note. Is there realistically anything BI could do with ARMA 3 to improve performance? At this stage in the games development?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. Just been reading through the ArmA Mission Editor entry on the BI wiki, when i noticed this entry regarding the 'Support' waypoint.

    Support - A group with a current waypoint of this type will move to the waypoint's position, then wait until it can provide support for another group that requests relevant support using "Call Support" command menu. At this time, the waiting group will proceed to the location where support was called for, disembark from any vehicles is possesses and wait for the supported group to declare "Support Done" before continuing to wait to respond to any further calls for support from their new location. Only groups with a medic, ambulance, fuel, ammo or repair vehicles can respond to support requests. In the case of multiple support groups, the first placed available group will always respond first, irrespective of distance. While this is a powerful waypoint type it requires diligence on the part of any human leaders, as they must announce "Support Done" to allow the AI support group to continue being able to provide support. AI leaders also tend to request that every single appropriate support group attends them. AI will not take a support group's vulnerability into consideration when requesting support.

    My Bold, correct me if i'm wrong but does this mean that if I, in command of group A, ask group B, who has a medic, to support me, group B will arrive and starting healing my units? Or is this just wishfull thinking :(.

  3. @Karskin, you forget that most won't bother with the campaign and those that do will have it completed within a hour or two... then we turn to the editor where we make our own missions. The Challenger 2 would come in great use here. :)

    But the DLC is still designed around a particular theme, in this case being COIN ops. This is the developers vision.

    The theme of the original ARMA2 was the USMC going into Chernerus to act as a peacekeeping forcem, push back the Chedaki and capture Lopatev and thus they designed the game with this vision around a MEU.

    You could say that it would have been usefull to put CH-46's in ARMA2 as they would have come in great use in the editor but it wasn't in the developers vision.

    Just accept it for what it is and everyone stop moaning, if you want totally realistic military simulators with all the units included, get VBS2 or JCOVE.

  4. Why no Official Challenger ? It's not very hard to model : bulky box on threads + no interiors...

    Yes, there's already one made by the community, but the whole concept of a faction package is to make it complete enough to have a standard MP game while assuming everybody has the same units... otherwise, why not download everthing from the community already ? (apart from supporting BIS development, obviously).

    Edit : Still time to go... there's still hope.

    I would assume that since OA was loosely based on the Invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan. This DLC will be loosely based around the subsequent insurgencies in both those countries.

    It says somewhere in the OP that the British troops are there for Counter-Insurgency ops and assymetric warfare, the key factor in winning COIN ops is Hearts and Minds, winning the support of the local populace.

    Cutting about in dirty great Challenger 2 MBT's doesn't really say to the Takistani people "Hey, were here to help!".

    The unit list so far seems to fit in well with what they are wanting to do, the Challenger's don't really.

    EDIT: I'd just like to add i think this looks great and i'm glady looking forward to buying! Official BIS British troops in ARMA2 have been long overdue in my opinion.

  5. sure thing , finding the sound file isn't the hard part, the hard part is to know when to play it.

    How about making a trigger so that when your withing earshot of the town, or when they notice your there, the sound starts playing from various places in the town? That way it would sound like the whole town is in uproar.

  6. Sorry to but in on your post, but how did you get them to through stones? That'd be really interesting.

    Also, you could try de-pbo'ing the VBS files and using the sound from there? Or find a free sound file on the internet of a rioting mob and just having it play as a custom sound emitted from the centre of the crowd or something?

  7. Now dont get me wrong here, disableai "TARGET" just makes them not move away and engage, they should stay where they are and still fire on the targets.(Ive done it tons of times in the editor for myself).

    But setting their behaviour to "Engage at will" will make them break formation and pursue the enemy, dont do that.

    Use unit forcespeed 0 if you need them to stand still.

    This sounds promising, i'll give it a try thanks! If i apply 'disableai "TARGET"' to the convoy before it starts getting shot at will it stop them from breaking formation when they do?

  8. First of all, the sitation (ideally).

    Group of infantry in a compound indside a town are under attack, eventually they have to evacuate so a convoy of 4 Strykers fights their way into the town, stops outside the compound, dismounts get out to provide cover (i'd like to do this but its not essential, might be too complicated), the troops in the compound load up and the convoy fights its way out and back to the main base, ala Black Hawk Down.

    Now the easiest bit is getting the convoy to stop outside the compound, wait for the infantry to mount up and leave. Thanks to the improved driving AI in OA this actually looks pretty good. The problems start when i start mixing enemy troops into the equation. This completely stumps the convoy's AI, and they instantly start driving into walls, going in circles, exploding and generally acting very ARMAish.

    Not to mention the fact that every taki within a 100 miles runs home to get his RPG and have a pop at them.

    Now im quite inexperienced with mission editing but the solution i'm looking into at the minute works like this.

    Just as the convoy approaches the town, i'll set their behaviour to 'Never Fire' so they don't start engaging the enemy and also set them to be invincible (so they don't blow up until i want them to). When they reach the compound i'll disable their movement AI so they will stay in position and also change their behaviour to 'engage at will'. (I'm not sure if disabling the AI will stop the turrets moving, haven't tested it yet). As soon as all the troops are onboard ill reverse the process and allow them to drive out as planned.

    The obvious disadvantage with this is that they can't shoot on the way in, and if my disabling the AI trick doesn't work, they can't shoot at the compound either.

    What i want to know is if their is a way through advanced scripting to force the the convoy to stay in safe mode (or at least act like it) so they stick to the road and remain in file, whilst at the same time blasting away at the enemy.

    Is this possible, or have i just hit a limitation within the engine?

    I've also looked at setting the convoy as captives which will stop the enemy shooting at them, but again they won't be able to shoot back either :S.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    EDIT: Just thought on, i could remove all the fuel from the convoy when it stopped. But this wouldn't sound too good as the engines would turn off, also it doesn't solve the problem of them getting in and out.
