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Posts posted by Majick

  1. I think peoples satisfaction of the game is determined by what they expected from it in the first place,if you've got an expensive pc setup with top of the line hardware then you would expect to to be able to max out all the settings,and get great framerates aswell,and it's understandable that people are annoyed when it doesn't pan out that way.

    My satisfaction is based on the fact that it doesn't work at all on my PC and BI have shown no interest in fixing it. Not even a response on this forum. As another poster said....thieves.

  2. Any word from the publisher? Don't be strangers. After all this is your own forum......

    Are you offering refunds for the tiny minority of the gaming population that use GEforce cards?

    ---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 AM ----------

    Hi Bulldogs. It peaked at 87% before the last crash

    ---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------

    Degrees I mean... :)

  3. I've trying to get this game working properly for 2 days and getting pretty sick of it. First I got triangular graphics artifacts and layers all over the place. Then after pushing the graphics settings up to near maximum the artifacts went away. But guess what? Constant crash to desktop, slowdowns and pauses. Seems somebody forgot about memory management when this thing was programmed.

    I'm using a Geforce 8800 GTS card.

    Tried setting the meory uasage to 512 on the command line as one poster suggested. No effect.

    Does anyone have any suggestions before I repackage it and send it back to Amazon as not fit for purpose?
