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About Darkhalo288

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  1. Darkhalo288

    Creating waves of ai

    Ok i've done everything you've said and nothing happens at all, is there something else i need to add?
  2. How would i go about creating an ai spawn point and having it spawn a certain enemy unit or group from there every X min to a certain location, i know how to do way points and all just not the constant spawns of ai. Also how can i create a spawn point that activates after a certain time, for example say after 10min game the spawn point then sends waves of ai to the target location every X min also? ---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ---------- .....
  3. Because its a co-op game with different classes to pick, if i do that people will see it as Assault Grenadier and think its a grenadier and not a machingunner. Evo Blue map has changed names in multiplayer setup where you pick your class, i've been searching all the mission files and scripts for it put cant find anything yet on how he did it.
  4. Ok i dont need the first one anymore but i still need the second; So yeah, units > men (FR) > Assault Grenadier is what i want, but i just want to rename him to Machinegunner, and also to change it in the multiplayer setup to say "Machinegunner" also. I've been searching and all i cold find was the setidentity script. But that dosent seem to be working at all. Is there some easy way to just use the normal units > men > Machinegunner class and changing the skin/model to the Assault Grenadiers either, could that be done?
  5. hey, i'd like to do 2 things... 1. Make it so an engineer can drop an ammo box on the ground which has unlimited ammo but only 1 can be dropped at a time per engineer. The same as Corpsman in Evolution who can drop a MASH each, but make it an ammo box instead. 2. Is there a way for me to change class names? Or even the class skins? I wanted to use the USMC Assault Grenadier skin but it was going to be a machine gunner so i want to change the Assault Grenadier class to Machine Gunner. Is there a way to change that? Thanks.
  6. Hey guys, i was making my new map and wanted to have it so once you enter the game everyone starts as a Rifleman, but if you go to say the barracks you can change your class there. I've seen it in a mp map (cant remember the name of the map) where everyone starts as basic shooter then could go to the ammo box and pick a class, i want it like that. Also how would i go about making vehicles available to only a certain class, only pilots can fly any aircraft, only Engineers can use repair truck, only medics can use medic car etc. Thanks.
  7. So how would i go about doing that? Also the commander dosent control the tank gunner, just his small machine gun how would i do it so he controls that?
  8. Hey guys, I've been playing Arma 2 for a couple of weeks now and am loving it, especially the mp so i decided i wanted to create my own C & H map. The problem im having is in mp (im always in public servers so not really any coordination) whenever i get in a tank or vehicle, or someone else does, i notice no-one ever really wants to be gunner and everyone wants to just go of on their own shooting things which is kind of annoying and makes vehicles less desired when if you are controlling one by yourself you need to drive to location, switch to gunner, shoot, drive,switch, shoot etc and can get really irritating after awhile. So i was wondering if there was anyway to make a script or something where when you get in a vehicle you control driver and gunner and same time (WASD movement/mouse aim-shoot) like in most other shooting games with vehicles (Like in the tank training mission you get to go commander and you can shoot and drive at same time by telling the driver where to go, although the FORWARD, LEFT, LEFT, FORWARD, FASTER does get annoying).Is there anyway to do something like that but for Driver/Gunner and make vehicles just have 1 operator, i know it would kind of ruin the "realism" part of the game but i just wanted to be able to control vehicles without the hassle of needing another person. And also to force it to 3rd person mode wen you enter the vehicle. So hopefully someone can help with this please.