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About Materkil

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Materkil

    CAA1 public release

    where place the addons? and does it has to have a specific name????
  2. Materkil

    CAA1 public release

    Can I with this only use missions and islands fomr ArmA I or also addons like units/vechiles and weapons? EDIT: sry, I found the answer already: http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cbp-caa1/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#ArmA-I-addons-in-ArmA-II
  3. I am playing now for 3 years guitar, and we could take just an nice guitar player (like milow) and take a song (only the riffs) and add for when ur in a plane or somethingm we could ask CLAY (I thought it was him who moade the carradio) to make a plane radio, so we could have a relaxing song while flying in a dogfight or make bombing runs.... xD
  4. Hey all, I'm making a MP training mission in Panthera, but how can I let it end like as TDM? with that much kills or something??? and If I add units they also can be played by others who join as long as I set them as: Playable.. I'm new to the editer and I only know the basics......
  5. I would like a Dutch mod with Dutch units, vechiles, etc... still now we got only a Dutch F16 I thought.. if some guys wan't to make that I can help with suggestions of the vechiles, weapons, units, choppers etc.
  6. Materkil

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    You better do Single and Full. with the single you shoot like in the movie if you wan't to, and you can use if you don't wat to use single OR if place get's to hot for single shot :P
  7. Materkil

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    Ah, I know the link: admiral ackbar cereal = admiral ackbar stuff Right?? xD
  8. Materkil

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    sorry but I'm Dutch so my question is: what is cereal???
  9. Materkil

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    I have 2 original, that are the laser rifle sound and the TIE fighter this is mirror: http://www.filefront.com/14401709/Star-Wars%20Sounds.7z plz tell me how you think about the sounds, the TIE fighter sound needs to be changed for a continuous sound when flying, and at the other sounds I need to make the rustle less... for the Laser blaster maybe only single and burst???, because in the movie they don't shoot continuous... well that is my opinion got now 2 sounds for pistol, only the 2nd I think isn't really a ''laser'' sound :D Materkil,
  10. Materkil

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    I got the sounds for a Laser Blaster and a TIE fighter... need it??? If yes me or you or anybody could change the sound of the laser to make them fit for bigger weapons or something, like how the sound is now, it fit well for a Laser Rifle, but not for a TIE Fighter... so I can make the sound lower and change other several things to make it fit for a TIE Fighter... Anyway, if you are interested PM and I give you the sounds :P EDIT: you guys should know that that AT-AT has a big cannon, which they used in the movie to destroy the rebels generator??? well I have (at least I think :D) the perfect sound for it, I will make more sounds just cause I like to do it :D even if you don't need them :P EDIT2: got these sounds now: 1. TIE fighter sound 2. Laser Rifle sound (+Burst sound) 3. Laser Sniper sound 4. AT-AT big laser sound 5. Laser Pistol sound 6. And just a Laser sound which you can edit for other vehicles or weapons Materkil,