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About goguapsy

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. MAN YOU ARE A HERO! Thanks for this addon! For some reason I get very low FPS when distance is increased, even if I'm the only person in the map (whatever map). This helps me. Thanks you dude!
  2. goguapsy

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    Awesome man works great! My fav sound mod so far :thumbs:
  3. goguapsy

    User mission requests!

    I'd love a mission that would resemble For Whom The Bell Tolls, the book...
  4. But if you are prone and holding still, it's like you're lying down ;)
  5. LMGs have 8~10 when deployed for the first time IIRC. Assault Rifles = top accuracy at 5 seconds IIRC. You got the sniper part right. And the "deviation" was added because there was no such thing as weapon sway (accurately descripting the deviation, at least - ie. your weapon could sway left but you actually fire to the right...). Since ARMA 2 has real sway... :)
  6. *Tries to imagine how was it before, exactly* :j::icon_wink::436: *Fails to do so.* *Arrives to conclusion: -Read weird DEV statement -Think -Fail to understand -Trust the DEVs blindly -??????????? -PROFIT!*
  7. goguapsy

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Whilst I don't think it should be a payed DLC, I think the editor should have easy access to all scripts (names + description on easy access, such as changing weapons on classes, creating paradrops and fastropes, respawns and artillery-ammo types on a list in-game instead of having to browse the internets and typing that in). I think it would allow to least-experienced mission-editors here do more complex missions :) It's just that I dislike having to type a lot of information. Not that I am lazy, but I think that if everything was in-game (rather than having to move a file into your PC and then linking it in the game) would just favor some people, the more casual-like ones I suppose, if I got the meaning of that word correctly ;) What do you mean by that, exactly?
  8. goguapsy

    Undercover Missions

    How about murdering someone (an 8 of Hearts, for example) while disguised as another guerilla faction - I mean, pretend you were trying to sneak and silently kill but you get discovered. You run away (?) but they think the other guerilla tribe killed their leader, so then the attack happens? And then you call-in tactical strikes when both guerilla groups meet for a face-off, safely away from the civilians in their tribes/cities? And the opium idea - kill and disguise and everything - sounds pretty awesome. If you need help beta-testing, gimme a bump (PM me). I would like to be more helpful, but I am not educated on scripts and stuff :) My own missions are pretty elementary, so... yeah. Also, if you need ideas (?) let me know as well, through PM or through this thread right here!
  9. goguapsy

    Undercover Missions

    As you can't destroy Opium plantations because it would destroy army-population relations (or at least I read it somewhere), turn an operative into a Taleban and make him one of the truck drivers. You must destroy all the opium you can before it gets traded so the Taleban doesn't get money :) You could: hop in one of the escort trucks where the leader is making the trade and shoot everything up (hopping people back at the farm think you were attacked and the only survivor (ie. you got a bullet wound perhaps?) and assign you another task... Not so easy now (you must try another tactic: Murder the guy with the money behind closed doors or when noone sees him when he's walking by a cliff and you kill him with a silenced pistol...) Just some suggestions!
  10. goguapsy

    Comparing 1.07 vs 1.54.....

    Hey guys I have a question, I don't know if it's just me, but with Arma 2 OA when I ask "Have you seen any targets?" to an AI they just answer "Yes I saw something". Just that, they don't say what... If I ask again they ask me if I'm kidding them XD or that I asked that "just now". Help please? It's important for a mission I wanna do!
  11. goguapsy

    Comparing 1.07 vs 1.54.....

    I don't like it how they added the BAF music with low samples... You use the Jukebox module and you get low quality songs... Any way to disable BAF songs with jukebox?
  12. goguapsy

    Chinese Army Addon!

    How about a bigger city conflict?
  13. I think he meant with SLI... You have a powerful PC, but I guess your card performance is lower than the rest..? That IS a guestimation.
  14. goguapsy

    Project Reality Development

    Hey guys, I was an active realitymod.com forum member, not so much here ;) If there's anyway I can be of help, just let me know :) I'll gladly do what I'm asked for, if possible ;) BTW I know you guys probably already have the Afghanistan map done by now. But if for some reason you don't... this video that I just watched shows pretty nicely how everything in Southern Afghanistan looks like (reminds me of Operation Archer from PR:BF2). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9sOgjpmd4c&feature=fvw m9sOgjpmd4c&feature=fvw