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Everything posted by Damonkey

  1. Damonkey

    SLX Mod WIP

    What wrong with it when i ask, can you upload it to ofpec.com or armedassault.info, and not mentioned your site?? Ofcourse it would be a waist. PS. You were voted in the year 2008??? so what are you talking about? You are admin WTF pretty arrogant there. So ofpec.com may not have file mirrors?? It doesnt mean that you are owning this community even if you have won the awards. Ps. Does anyone have picturesof this addon?
  2. Damonkey

    SLX Mod WIP

    Great work, can you please upload it to ofpec.com or armedassault.info
  3. Damonkey

    AAS Night Watch

    Hey BIG, Can't you stop with spamming in every thread about Armaholic, first of all your downloads are slow like hell and can't download it from there. Can't you stay on your own forums, playing the "good guy" there. To missionmakers out there. Please upload it too Ofpec.com or filefront. News sites come and go..
  4. Damonkey

    Operation Fist (SP)

    Found another great place for news mission etc, www.armedassault.info, my god didn't knew it was here such a great site!!!! I spotted a mirror http://www.armedassault.info/download.php?cat=solo&id=90