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Everything posted by mic1402

  1. LOL. a couple of days ago i was playing Domi on a TAW server and it got hacked. a10's fell from the sky in there thousands. then they exploded.
  2. mic1402

    Opfor discussion?

    the cause for discussion are these pictures: http://www.zing.cz/screenshoty/2625/arma-3/image-43896 http://www.zing.cz/screenshoty/2625/arma-3/image-43912 from what we know at the moment opfor appears to be iran with israeli equipment. which is odd.
  3. you have to wonder though. How did that idiot get his hands on the game?
  4. mic1402

    CoD clone!?! (Extra Credits)

    Keep in mind i don't think he does the slides. i think the artist does. it is a good show either way.
  5. But they have to. it's all about money. AAA games are now so expensive to make that if they want to make money they have to get a million+ sales. so they need to attract everyone they can. Homefront is a indicator of this. seen how the cut a large amount of staff after release. then you also have to keep in mind that EA has become obsessed with taking the shooter crown from cod and Activision. after the problems with black ops i wouldn't be surprised if they did. I have never played BF2. but i did play the demo for 1942. And buy BF2 but i was young and my computer couldn't run it. Didn't rebuy it when I could. did play it on Xbox though.
  6. The term came up after MW1-MW2 mad boatloads of money so a bunch of other companies made (and continue to.) lot's of generic brown-Gray shooters. that pretty much copied COD's gameplay.
  7. mic1402

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    i noticed "TANKED" wasn't in album :( So i uploaded it to Imageshack so sickboy can put it in.
  8. Interesting, not sure about this.
  9. mic1402

    sooo.... its 1st of april

    I've been TANKED!
  10. lol, look at my sig and remember last time. OT it's about time for the next DLC or expansion :D
  11. Ah i see. i downloaded them. Nice job, been using another mod for desert Marines. quite useful. the Russian's look really cool to.
  12. There was a ANA mod being worked on not sure what happened to it. there's also a TNA mod.
  13. yeah sorta: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10427 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10903 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8835 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13187 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12552 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12036 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7484 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10561 pays off to look through armaholic first.
  14. quick question, I installed ace and acex before the ACEX_RU and ACEX_USNavy. been using six updater. do I have to download them?
  15. mic1402

    Return to sahrani

    I would like a Sahrani V2. Maybe the Sahrani government has started shooting people who want democratic reforms? marines get sent in. could work.
  16. I borrowed DR from a friend not long ago and say what you want about it not being realistic or not having a editor because those points are moot if IT'S NOT FUN. I just found it was not fun. it tried to be something like Ghost Recon and failed. it tried to be something like cod and something like OFP. leading to situations where you can take hundreds of bullets. but be killed by a random head shot. it was also boring. my rating 2\10
  17. it's also harder to make addons. it takes longer to make them up to scratch cause you have to make them more detailed.
  18. mic1402

    What is the state of the game now?

    almost all critical bugs have been eliminated, but there are still a few minor ones.
  19. there is also the problem that if you shoot someone they have to finish any animations they are doing before dying and it looks really weird.
  20. mic1402

    Project RACS

    looks AMAZING. good work to everyone who contributed.
  21. about XM-8 not being realistic. well in armaverse mcain is president so things happen differently. I haven't finished the PMC campaign yet, but aa-12 is awesome! i love it good sound to. but i do have a complainant about the XM-8 it feels like a bb gun. and is really weak. it takes a lot of shots to take down a guy with it.
  22. the problem is because of the ridiculous blur I can't use it. the blurs so overdone that it hurts my eyes.
  23. mic1402

    North Korea shells the South, South retaliates

    LOL::j: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/southkorea/8165274/North-Koreas-undercover-journalists-reveal-misery-of-life-in-dictatorship.html