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Posts posted by bobario

  1. Thanks Ruecan, I had a feeling that was the case, as you cant even open user made missions in the editor. Looks like I have to shell out for the full alpha to play my missions.

    It would be nice if BI made people aware of this, as there is almost no information regarding this matter in the forums or their website.

  2. Does Arma 3 Alpha Lite support user made missions? I've downloaded several missions from Armaholic and none of them show up in the list. The only ones I can play are the showcase missions. Is it something I'm doing wrong, or is the Lite version limited to the showcases? I cant find anything in either the steam forums, or BI's website, or any of their forums regarding this.



  3. Thanks Smurf. Any data about how effective it is? I wonder why the british don't use it.

    Actually, I think we (the British) invented it to use in Northern Ireland. It is very effective in scrambling signals sent to remote controlled bombs. Obviously it is no use against timed or wired explosives.

  4. You need to connect both of the cables in order for the card to work. Most modern power supplies have two connectors specifically for powering the Graphics card.

    If yours doesnt, you need to connect the two adaptors to two of the spare molex power connectors. Look at the power cable going into the back of your dvd/cd drive and look for two of the same which are spare and connect one end of the adaptor to those and the other ends to the sockets on your graphics card.

  5. I have this problem too. The first four or five times I tried to start the campaign, the intro movie stuttered like hell, but when it ends the first mission plays ok. But I started it again one more time and it ran ok, with only one or two slight stutters. Maybe the video was loaded into ram after the first couple of attempts?

    I`ve just tried to run it again after getting home from work today, and the same thing happened. The first few seconds of audio plays ok, then when the Ion logo appears, it stutters like hell. I can play Arma2 and Baf with no problems, so whats going on here?

    My specs,

    E7500, Nvidia Gtx260, 4Gb Ram, Win 7 64 bit. Patched up to 1.56, and I have Baf and Pmc.

    Giuppo, we both have dual cores and win7 64 bit, so it must be something to do with one or both of those.

  6. Hi,

    Dont get me wrong, but IMHO, a PMC/Merc are no better then a street gangster that takes money to kill or beat someone.


    Like the man said, PMC`s have what they call ROE, which almost all operators follow. Otherwise the company loses the contract. The painful truth is, it is cheaper to deploy contractors to do some of the security work than it is to deploy regular military units to do the same job. PMC`s are a result of governments either lacking in manpower, being too cheap to fund the deployment of more troops, or lessening the media impact that KIA friendly troops has. Private operators KIA or WIA never gets into the press.

    All private operators have to be ex-military personnel, so tend to be the calibre of person attracted to that profession in the first place. If they didn`t have at least some sense of loyalty and duty they wouldn`t have joined their nations army in the first place.

    In my opinion, the only criticism you could level at PMC`s is that they are doing their old job for more money, and not through a sense of patriotism or altruism.

  7. FOB Reforger is the same place you start the mission in. The one where Starforce 21 is parked. IIRC you are asked if you would like to go home or continue the mission, then if you choose to stay the officer gives you a briefing. After the briefing is finished, look behind the officer and slightly to the left. There is a trailer there with arial on top. Walk up to it and there is a small panel on it. Use the action menu on it to operate the UAV.

    To steer the UAV open the map while you are controlling it and click on the map. Though as far as I remember, you cant use it straight away, I think I had to go and do something else, and when I came back after a few minutes, it was available.
