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About PaGoO

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  1. PaGoO

    3D surround sound

    Thk you for trying to help. Sincerely i don't what i did (i guess i did nothing) and last time i played it was a REAL 5.1 and it's so great to be able to localise all the sounds around!
  2. PaGoO

    3D surround sound

    Hi kklownboy, I hve a Xfi card to and can't make it work in 5.1 with Arma2. Did you do something special to make it work?
  3. PaGoO

    3D surround sound

    Here also it seems impossible to have a real 5.1 like in hundreds of other games. Creative X-Fi Xtreme Audio PCI-E With latest drivers and speaker set to 5.1 It's STEREO with ANALOG connexion and STEREO with DIGITAL connexion. No way...