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Everything posted by Gazmtk

  1. This Script either has errors or it does not work, thanx but please put in the rest.
  2. Ok I forgot that part, I did have it on switch already but the hold waypoint worked a charm! thanx so much! Next problem, the SU 34's when taking off they ignore my move waypoints when taking off and bank left right after take off, I have used the "this flyinheight 400" and put move markers forward from the runway, but they continue to go left right away then crash into the trees. I have just played with it for 40min's and Nothing I have done so far has worked? Any Idea on why they are ignoring move orders and going right for the Seek and Destroy? ---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ---------- well I was hoping to have it so if you wanted to get creative you could take out the air assets before going for the main base, thats the plan anyway. I am just working out the issues atm, like all 6 jets hitting the same tree :( but so far everything else seems to be going well, I have Blackhawks bringing the teams in, then then ground assets waiting for Radio contact to begin assaults and I think I have the artillery under control, but I haven't tested that yet, just getting these jets worked now I have the Helis working well :)
  3. Hi, I have looked every where, I have searched the forums here and Armaholics, I have read the Armed Assault Editor Guide Deluxe and I still cant work it out, so I am asking for help. :o I have a Mission setup already, units are where they are meant to be, and I have 6 SU-34's in the top airfield on Chernarus and 3 Mi-24's in the lower left Airfield ( with "Bolota" I couldn't get planes to take off there without exploding at the end of the runway?!) plus multiple units around the place that I have synced to a Trigger that when the BlueForce is detected by the Opfor they will come to the area and seek and destroy. I have the trigger set and then I have the Seek and Destroy way points synced to the Trigger. But The aircrafts are taking off right away and so are the Helis, I have then tried having Pilots next to Empty Vehicles and syncing the Get In waypoint, but then they wont get into the Vehicles. any help would really be appreciated. :D