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About Jonofwrath

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    Gaming, Film, Squash, Camping, Cycling
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    Contracts Admin

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    Avid Gamer and Product Designer
  1. Jonofwrath

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    There are at least two other threads about the stupid mouse lag/smoothing/latency problem and I checked here and there's good news about plans for the upcoming 1.04 patch. " Patch 1.04 for ArmA II is currently in progress, we carefully read the feedback on the forums as much as possible, sometimes of course it can get a little heated and unclear so we also use the Community Issue Tracker, these are the two main points for collecting feedback from the community. A couple of prioritised areas we're hoping to address for 1.04 are "mouse lag" (this is something we've not been able to reproduce locally but we believe there are a couple of things we can do to help the situation for those users who do seem to suffer from it), the second area we're prioritising is improving performance, especially in urban areas, of course there will be other things addressed in 1.04 but it's too early to go into details about those just yet. " ...so I'm sure the powers that be are listening and working on perfecting their baby. It's a hell of a thing and I'm sure they want to see it achieve its potential as much as we do. Now I'm off to make a mission in 5 minutes in which I take on increasing numbers of enemies to hold the top of a hill! SKIDOOSH!
  2. Jonofwrath

    Badlands.....Bohemian Rhapsody

    Know the scenario well. It's a bit like a super model - with herpes. You really want to play, but the bugs are irritating.
  3. Jonofwrath

    Into the Storm - Laser Designator

    Wow. That IS realism. They should put in a SPAR shop or something so you can rush in and get some... Maybe it could merge with the Sims, so you have a bladder meter which slows fills...
  4. Jonofwrath

    Badlands.....Bohemian Rhapsody

    This is hilarious. Bugs can be funny. I admire your attitude - someone else might be furious with all the buggy tom-foolery. Bravo! ---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ---------- I don't know but if you can buy troops without actually being there you could simply order one of your troops to drive back there (or maybe posess them when they get there if you can't order new troops at range?) then get them to all get in the vehicle and drive back. ...It's not ideal though...
  5. Have you seen the other thread on this (there may be more...) Mouse movement in ArmA II
  6. Jonofwrath

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    If you were 20 you'd vote 15-20 since you're not yet 21 (in which case you'd vote 21-30. Or am I SO old I've gone senile?
  7. Jonofwrath

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    Well I set everything to low and decreased the res and the mouse lag does seem to be less BUT significantly, it's still there. I should get hold of an fps program so I can post what I'm getting but it's a bit more manageable now. @ Funkee, thanks for the info, certainly sounds like hope on the horizon. And I hope the patch sorts some of the campagn bugs too and not just the mouse lag issue (for another thread I know...) @ Lugnut, sounds like my situation. I'm pretty sure the fps is pretty high on mine but the mouse lag is still there. Any ETA on the 1.4 patch?
  8. Jonofwrath

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    I have XP. If they are working on it (great news) then would it be useful if we sent in dxdiags (or something) to help? Just a thought.
  9. Jonofwrath

    Mouse movement in ArmA II

    I'll turn down all settings tonight to stupidly low settings just to make sure it's not due to poor fps then repost but just to add my small voice to the chorus above. This Mouse lag is a game stopper for me. Aiming is made near impossible and destroys any sense of immersion. People have suggested this is a 'feature' I'm not going to debate this point. What's surely more important is that people hate is and therefore there should be some way to dissable it (if indeed it is a feature as seems likely; I run all my other FPS's on medium - high with none of this springy-vision). More follows after my test later. J