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About jangles

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. jangles

    Why this game sucks...

    I can see where the OP is coming from. I personally really enjoy the warfare games (Becti now), but last couple of night I could only see one running. The majority are 'Altis life' and Wasteland , is a shame but I suppose the players are playing what they want to.
  2. jangles

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    ignore this.
  3. HI, Secops was one of the things I enjoyed the most on Arma2 SP. I haven't had much of a chance to play it yet, but I don't remember seeing it under the scenarios..
  4. jangles

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    how do I attach the optics or suppressor that I sometimes find in vehicles to my weapon?
  5. ooh , did I see ground targets in the first one ? looking forward to this coming out :)
  6. Im at work :mad: , so was wondering if I was to download the game here through steam , would I be able to then copy the game folder from my machine here to an external drive and take it home ?
  7. Grand prix 4 a bit old now , but still good fun , lots of sites out there with stuff to download
  8. Hi, I was thinking how good it would be to be able to create some new secops missions that could be added to the SOM (rescue downed pilot,recon, air support etc) would this be possible ? , do the missions contained in the SOM already exist somewhere they can be edited and can we create and add new ones? thanks.
  9. I tried to enable this on my hosted server last night , but for some reason the server doesnt seem to 'boot' with it. I added a new command line with the -mod=@TUP , but when I select this and restart , the server never appears, i appears again when I change the line back to default and restart. any ideas what im doing wrong here? here is the command line : -config=server.cfg -mod=@TUP -cfg=basic.cfg -maxmem=2048 -world=empty -port=2342 -profiles=C:\UserFiles\<username>\GameServers\TC371400650730745322555422\ -maxplayers=10 -name=Alpha
  10. Thanks , I just ordered a small server :) just trying to get Rcon working now
  11. I was just looking at that alpha networks site , bit of a nooby question , but what is the difference between a 'server' and a 'dedicated server' ?
  12. Last night I could see a server in the list -=WASP=- , playing Warfare with a good number of players , I really wanted to join , but it was showing with a red X and said "bad version" when I tiried to connect. It wasnt showing any special mods in the list , it also said 'version required 1.59" - I have this ...:confused:
  13. jangles

    Disengage targets and follow me soldier !

    its the secops missions, in SP (Missions, new missions , combat)