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Everything posted by Leving

  1. Leving

    Alt Tabbing Crashes the PC.

    yeah this worked a treat. The windowed mode is indeed the best way around this problem, especially if you are into mission making and need to check how to do things on google all the time. lol. Thanks Chaps, Leving.
  2. Yeah, I worked it out by accident. I noticed that when you add in a second way point, the time delay works. I initially assumed the first waypoint could be set to a delay. Lucky guess I suppose. Your post now makes senses to me. Thanks for the help, Leving.
  3. Hi, I have recently become accustomed to using triggers, however, Im stumped when it comes to using triggers with relation to waypoints. For example, if I want to make a vehicle move after a certain time, how would I do it? I have tried adding a timeout onto the vehicle move waypoint but this does not seem to work. Another example would be, making an enemy move to an area after the death of a friendly unit. For instance, the player blows up an enemy tank, and the AI responds by sending troops into that area. For this, I tried using the condition '!alive enemy1' on the movement waypoint, but this would not work. (enemy1 being the tank) Anyone any ideas? Thanks, Leving.
  4. All the timers were set to the same time - in your example twenty secs. Still it won't work, the car just drives off. I also tested the suggestions with regard to the trigger - which seemed logical, but they would not work either. Is there any addition information that could help? Thanks, Leving.
  5. Yeah the thread you linked was the one I refered to in my opening post. The reason I made this was because I did not understand the other threads. I did however, work out how the script, so Ill explain it for other people like me who also may not understand. 1.name your plane 2.Give it a way point when its in the air 3.Edit the way point, and under 'Act' type; name (whatever you named your plane) FlyInHeight 1000 (whatever height you want) In my case it was [plane FlyInHeight 1000] The plane should then change height as it moves towards the waypoint. This should stop the C130 Crashing into treetops or buildings when transporting. Thanks, Leving.
  6. Can Someone please tell me the script for making my c130 fly higher? It keeps crashing into Trees. If you know the script I should use, can you please write it in its full form for me. In other words the exact thing I should type in to get it to fly higher. I read on another post name_of_plane flyInHeight 1000 and this setPos [getPos this select 0, this select 1,100] From this information, Im unable to work out the variables of the script, and therefore cannot get it to work. Thanks, Leving.
  7. Could you put this in simpler terms? I'm confused about the variables in the 'base' script that you put. Could you type out the exact line of script I need to make a C130 fly at 800 ft? Thanks, Leving.
  8. Leving

    Alt Tabbing Crashes the PC.

    When it crashes I do hit alt+ tab like 20 times again, sometimes it fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. Alt+ F4 has never worked. I will try hitting enter, and the windowed mode - even though I think it is already at optimum settings. Btw Im on Windows XP, 4GB ram, 8800 GTX GFX. Thanks for the help.