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About Leving

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Yeah thats fine, but not if I want to order him to take off at some point.
  2. Leving

    Light sources

    This is an excellent script. Works great.
  3. I have an interesting issue with planes. If I put down a USMC plane, it moves with no orders. No waypoints, nothing. All I wanted was for him to stay put, but for some reason...the plane decides he wants to drive around...crashing into things and the like. Anyone else had this issue?
  4. I'm having a strange problem with the task hint boxes - for some reason, the objectives are repeating themselves over and over. Any ideas? Furthermore, once Ive created a task via a trigger in game - how can I get the NEW TASK ASSIGNED box to show like it does at the start?
  5. create the file description.ext then u need to save it as ALL FILES. then it should save an ext not a txt
  6. This is how you end your mission as you want; Set a trigger with the following parameters; - Set axis 'a' and 'b' to the size that you want. This will create an area which the trigger will cover. Essentially, in your case it will represent the area which you have to get to for the mission to end. - On the 'Activation' tab scroll down and select 'BLUFOR' and then directly below that, make sure that the word 'present' is highlighted. This means that when BLUFOR is PRESENT the trigger will be activated. - Go down to the tab labelled 'Type' and select from the list 'End #1'. - Make sure the condition is set to 'this'. - In the 'On Act' Box type 'ForceEnd'. That should make your mission end when you enter a certain area. Leving.
  7. Ah right, so is going in the On Act box of a trigger. I thought perhaps Id have had to mess around with it in the breifing file. Thanks very much, this solved my problem. Thanks, Leving.
  8. Okay, so this worked, however, the message appears when the arty has started firing, but thats okay because I can put a timer on the message. Just on a side note, RIPPER is the name given to the artillery module not the name of the artillery group leader. I was planning on naming the GL Ripper (its currently unnamed) but I guess I don't need to. Thanks very much for your help. I appreciate it. Its cool when you get something like this to work. Thanks again, Leving.
  9. I think maybe you misunderstood my request. This code I'm already using this code in the briefing for tasks which appear at the start of the mission. I don't want the task to appear at the start. and this Looks like a code to create a nicer looking hint, and is linked to a script I assume you have to put in your mission folder. What I want to do is create a new task midway through the mission, not at the start. The task will become active after a set event (condition). As I said Im sure this was already answered somewhere in this thread, but I could make no sense of it. I'm not as good as most at mission editing. Thanks, Leving.
  10. yes I had thought of that myself, but there are too many variables which might cause the hint trigger to be activated at the wrong time, or not at all. IE, someone kills the unit too early/no one kills the unit/the artillery doesn't kill the unit, and so on. That kind of thing works in some situations, where certain variables are definite. It almost certainly wont work for me though. ---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ---------- Okay, that didn't work Pro. Is there anything specific I should add to the trigger other than condition; arty_group getVariable "ARTY_COMPLETE" and on Act; hint 'blahblahblah' I tried this with the arty set to both repeating and once. neither worked. Perhaps the group naming code is wrong? I'm not sure but I've seen code for it, looked a tad different to the one you posted. You have any other suggestions? Thanks, Leving.
  11. Leving

    Location help

    Yes. If you create a trigger with a radius, and set it as for example; Activation;BLUFOR, Present. Then when a blufor unit enters its raduis, the act in the trigger will happen.
  12. Okay, this is how I made my arty; 1. Add in Secops, name 'som1' and link to the player. 2. Add in a logic trigger: Condition; 'som1 getVariable "initDone"; '!alive car1'. On Act; [["artillery_barrage"], player, [[RIPPER, [1,7,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; Set timeout 900 seconds. This artillery then becomes active 900 seconds (fifteen minutes) after car1 is destroyed. For the artillery its self, I placed three MLRS, grouped, and synched to an Artillery module named 'RIPPER.' So anyway, what I want to happen is, IF the player decides to use the artillery, after it has finished, a message (hint) will show - which gives more directions into the mission. Thanks, Leving.
  13. I'm sure that this question has already been answered in the this, as I have read bits on information on it. I created a trigger which cancels a task after an event. Can I create a trigger which adds a new task after the same event? I saw someone wrote you use the 'create' command instead of succeeded/failed but I cant seem to get it to work. Any ideas? Thanks, Leving.
  14. Okay, so I have an interesting question... I want to add a message to the game (ie hint 'xxx') but ONLY AFTER someone has fired an artillery barrage. I assume that it is possible to add a condition to the trigger, for example; Condition: 'arty fired' On Act: hint 'the artillery has been fired.' I do not however, know what the condition would be. Any ideas? Thanks, Leving.
  15. thanks, thats the ticket. note; damage not dammage? Okay, so clearly I don't know how to make it blow up via a trigger. I tried inserting a trigger 50x50, Activated by BLUFOR Present, On Act car1 set Damage 1;. When the car passed into the trigger radius I hoped it would blow up. This was not the case. Any one know the reason for this?