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Everything posted by bartkusa

  1. I'm not going to go through all 50 pages to see if someone already noticed this, but... Go to the Google Street Maps link. Zoom out one level, and scroll South. Q: What do you see? A: KOMO TV's rooftop helicopter landing pad. If not for the skyline pic, with the textureless cranes, I would doubt Seattle itself was involved. That said, Seattle has pretty awesome urban terrain, and I'd love to see BI do it justice.
  2. I've created a mission with the Ambient Civilians modules. You're a crashed pilot, you don't know where you are. One way to find out is to ask the locals where you are (if there's no patrols in the area). However, none of the women and some of the men in the towns refuse to talk to me, even though I speak their language! The "Greetings (Chernarussian)" action simply does not come up when I flick the mousewheel while staring at them. They simply stare back with a hollow, sad expression. Is this a bug, or do I need to set some variable on the AmbiCiv module? Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?
  3. I'm thinking about creating a mission where you take out a power plant to disable all the street lights in a city. Does anyone have a good idea of how darkness affects the AI's awareness? Can it be quantified?
  4. Feature requests: - If a satchel is attached to a vehicle, can you rig the satchel to be triggered by the engine turning on? - If you ever make this multiplayer-compatible, can you make it so one player can disarm another's satchel? Maybe even have a random chance of accidental explosion during disarm (1% for demolitions/saboteur, 10% for engineer, 50% for anyone else)?
  5. The sheer ambition. :eek: I've made three missions where BLUFOR is trying to take Chernogorsk from OPFOR, but they never enter the city. What gives? Also, do rifle squads have any AT included, or do you have to put in AT teams?
  6. Suppose I wanted to attach an IR strobe to: - enemy AI soldiers, - vehicles, or - dropped/hidden ammo crates How would I attach IR strobes to entities by script? Is it just attachTo + [insert classname here], or do I need to run some kind of script to start the blinking? (For extra credit: How about chemlights?)
  7. Did you sync BIS_HC_0 to BIS_HC_1?
  8. I am having trouble spawning a UN patrol group. I do have other UN units on the map. _unPatrolGroupType = (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Guerilla" >> "BIS_UN" >> "Infantry" >> "UN_Patrol"); // This doesn't work _newGroup = [ _spawnPos, Resistance, _unPatrolGroupType ] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // This does work _newGroup = [ _spawnPos, Resistance, 2 ] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Any ideas? I'm pretty sure my configFile reference is valid. EDIT: NO. It should be "Guerrila", not "Guerilla". I answered my own question. :rolleyes:
  9. I recently tried something like this for a multiplayer game. I've had bad experiences spawning units on the fly, so what I do is statically define most of the enemies in the editor, and selectively delete them at mission start. The missions I make and play aren't long enough for JIP to be a real issue. What's nice is that it's small enough to fit in an AI's Init box in the editor. Theoretically, you could call it at any point in the mission, but Strangelove already pointed out that you need to be wise in deciding when to do that. USAGE: [3, usSniper] execVM "scalePlayers.sqf"; // Delete a unit when less than 3 players [3, group usSniper] execVM "scalePlayers.sqf"; // Delete a group [3, [indMG1, indMG2, indCommander] execVM "scalePlayers.sqf"; // Delete an array of units // Does NOT handle detecting occupied vehicles! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private ["_minPlayerCount", "_unitsAffected", "_fKillTheseUnits"]; _minPlayerCount = _this select 0; _unitsAffected = _this select 1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Do not eliminate troops if you're not the server, or we're in editor mode, or we have enough players // _fKillTheseUnits = (isServer && (!isNil "paramsArray") && (playersNumber east < _minPlayerCount)); // ^^^^^^^^^^^ EDIT THIS CONDITION ^^^^^^^^^^^^ if ( _fKillTheseUnits ) then { private ["_unitsAffectedArray", "_containingVehiclesArray"]; _containingVehiclesArray = []; // // Handle different input types // switch (typeName _unitsAffected) do { case "ARRAY": { _unitsAffectedArray = _unitsAffected; }; case "GROUP": { _unitsAffectedArray = units _unitsAffected; }; case "OBJECT": { _unitsAffectedArray = [_unitsAffected]; }; }; // // Delete units // { // // Keep track of containing vehicles // private "_vx"; _vx = vehicle _x; if (_x != _vx) then { if (!(_vx in _containingVehiclesArray)) then { _containingVehiclesArray set [count _containingVehiclesArray, _vx]; }; }; // // Delete unit // if (typeName _x == "OBJECT") then { deleteVehicle _x; }; } foreach _unitsAffectedArray; // // If we caused any vehicles to be empty, delete those vehicles // { if (count crew _x < 1) then { deleteVehicle _x }; } foreach _containingVehiclesArray; }; !_fKillTheseUnits There's a few bugs still in there.
  10. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/High_Command I guess if you don't sync a commander, it assumes the player is the commander? What happens if you teamswitch into a second unit?
  11. edit: apparently I'm from the first to try this sort of thing.This script is fantastic, and there's so much more it could do. I'm starting to invest in it, and I'd like some help. Here's what little I've got so far: So far, I'm just prototyping, so the code is sloppy. I'm trying to leave spaces to insert other features later. It now has three chunks: 1. How to initialize 2. enablePlayer.sqf 3. engineTriggeredBomb.sqf I've got a few scripting questions, and I'm also looking for feature requests. Planned features Animation when setting up engine-triggered car bomb Setting up engine-triggered car bomb should take time (10-20 seconds) Configure which vehicles (cars, helicopters, etc) can have satchels attached to them, how long it takes to connect the satchels to the engine Make the explosion bigger if there's satchels/ammo in the trunk Allow one player to disarm another's satchel (how?) Known bugs If you move 300m from an engine-rigged bomb, I don't think the bomb will go off Once you rig up a bomb to an engine, the action "Wire bomb to engine" does not disappear If you attach a bomb to a car, and then detach it, the "Wire bomb to engine" action does not disappear
  12. Oh man, I need to see how he did that.
  13. I've been playing ArmA2 for about a year. I'm sure many of you are totally familiar with the radio commands on the number row by now, but I still don't like that interface. Are there any scripting commands that let me know what AI units a human squad leader has selected, and commands to give orders to those specific AI's? I'd like to come up with a better UI for sending out those orders.
  14. I'm running a strange config: ArmA2 from Steam, and OA from Sprocket. When I installed from Sprocket, it found the Steam folder and successfully installed. However, when I start the OA executable, I get this error: Also, I was playing a multiplayer custom mission with Humvees from the original ArmA 2, and some of us could not see the Humvees. I have no idea what's wrong. EDIT: And Arma2.exe has disappeared. Only arma2OA remains.
  15. Thank you! Yes, this is for multiplayer.
  16. Is there any way to enable/disable wind on a per-mission basis? I'm making a marksmanship practice map, and I'd like to have "wind on/off" be a mission parameter.
  17. Artillery Battery Officer I play a lot of ArmA multiplayer, and I really like using the Artillery Module to aim mortars at targets spotted by other players. However, I found that I wasn't happy with the amount of firepower a single mortar offered me, and there was no way to have, for example, AI subordinates shooting their own mortar tubes. Also, multiplying the number of explosions you drop is always more fun. With this pile of scripts, you can order AI subordinates to man indirect-fire weapons, mimic your own gun's azimuth and elevation, and fire coordinated volleys for effect. You'll need to use the built-in Artillery module (or some other addon) to aim the battery. You could also use the Construction module to allow players to place their tubes where they want. All these scripts do are coordinate aim and coordinate fire. Downloads Source code v1.0, plus demonstration mission PBO of demonstration mission, for single-player Demonstration Instructions Order your AI dudes into some mortars. Sit down in a mortar, and use the "Open Targeting" action to aim your mortar. Once you're happy with your aim, toggle Freelook to freeze your aim, and hit 0-0-9 to tell your AI dudes to aim in the same direction.* Hit 0-0-1 to order them to fire. Shots should rain down roughly in the same arrangement as your men's tubes are layed out. Use the Team Switch keys to jump into an aerial observer helicopter, and use freelook to watch the mortars fall. * Once you order your men to aim, some of their AI ("MOVE", "TARGET") will be turned off. To reactivate the AI, you must issue an aim or fire command while sitting in a mortar that's different from the one they're in; this reactivates their AI. ** ** Yes I know this is dumb as hell. Caveats I don't think this will work for anything larger than the ~80mm mortars, for now. With bigger artillery, I think the distance between the gun's position and the gun's muzzle's position screws up my aim-coordinating math. I've only successfully tested the M252 and the PODNOS 2B14 so far. Very little of this code is inside "isServer" checks, so it might not work in multiplayer. It uses Radio Alpha and India to order your men to fire. This might cause scripts to execute on all clients, which would therefore make it difficult to have multiple arty officers in a multiplayer mission. Sometimes the men spontaneously explode themselves. I haven't the fainted clue why. If your subordinates drop rounds on friendly units in the field, nearby friendly units might execute them :o Artillery officers can only be defined at mission start currently; I'd like to be able to promote people to artillery officers at any time. Friendlier support for AI subordinates who are doing security instead of firing tubes. Please report bugs.
  18. Where can I read more about ACE2's wounding system?
  19. In a multiplayer map, if someone leaves a city I want them to die. I tried by making a city-sized trigger with "Anybody not present", conditioned on "!(player in thisList)", and spawned an arty shell over their head. It works fine in solo testing, but if I play with other people, when one person leaves the city, a bomb is spawned over EVERY player's head. Now they're all mad at me. Please help.
  20. That works for units inside an area, but I don't think thisList will ever give you a list of units outside an area.
  21. :butbut: Got it. I can fix this by moving the "if (player in thisList)" bit from the Condition field to the On Activation field.
  22. I'm making a mission on Namalsk, and when I export to multi-player and open the mission on a (non-dedicated) server on my box, I get this error when the briefing finally loads: I have some scripts that give units weapons from ACEX. I don't get these errors when previewing the map in the editor. Here's my mod list: Here's the addons list for my mission. I don't understand what these do, but I'm guessing it's important: version=11; class Mission { addOns[]= { "namalsk", "ca_missions_alternativeinjurysimulation", "ca_missions_battlefieldclearance", "cacharacters2", "CAWater", "CATracked", "CAAir2", "CAWeapons_ZU23", "camisc3", "caweapons", "CAWheeled2_VWGolf", "CAWheeled_Offroad", "CAWheeled_Pickup", "ca_highcommand", "CAWeapons_SPG9", "ca_modules_functions", "caweapons_warfare_weapons", "CAWheeled", "CAWheeled2_LADA", "CAMisc", "ace_test", "acex_c_wep_rifle", "acex_c_sound_wep_rifle" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "ca_missions_alternativeinjurysimulation", "ca_missions_battlefieldclearance", "cacharacters2", "CATracked", "CAWeapons_ZU23", "CAAir2", "caweapons", "CAWheeled_Offroad", "CAWheeled_Pickup", "ca_highcommand", "ace_test", "ca_modules_functions", "CAWater", "camisc3", "CAWheeled2_VWGolf", "CAWeapons_SPG9", "caweapons_warfare_weapons", "CAWheeled", "CAWheeled2_LADA", "CAMisc", "namalsk" }; How can I fix my mission? I'm out of my depth.
  23. I've played other ACE missions, and the ded server definitely has ACE. I use Yoma's AddonSync(?) to keep my client in sync with the ded server. So the timeline is fuzzy, but it might go like this: - Started making the map before ACE 187? - Didn't get far enough with development to start testing in non-ded multiplayer (instead of testing from the editor itself) until I had pulled down ACE 187 - Now I'm on ACE 188 and it's still having the same problems. Btw, I tried deleting all ACE references from addOns[] and addOnsAuto[], playing the mission once with the editor, saving, and opening with non-ded multiplayer, and it hasn't fixed the problem :( My next experiment: Never reference the rifles that show up in my Arma2.RPT file, try the mission, see if it's still broken. I have other ACE entities in the mission, like mines and HuntIR and backpacks, but I never get errors in the RPT file about those. Thanks to shk and snakedoctor for looking at this.
  24. I made a mission in the past week. - No complaints when editing it. - Non-fatal error when opening it as non-dedicated multiplayer mission by myself. - On ded server, people cannot join the mission. The error that comes up when I open it as non-ded mp is "Addon acex_c_wep_rifle ... not found in the list of active addons." I don't know what I did to cause it. Sometimes I see complains about the SKS and FAL rifles in Arma2.RPT, but I have no trouble using the guns or ammo in that mission. Can someone tell me what I might've done wrong? I don't even know how to begin investigating further. More info in this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91926