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Posts posted by novainfuse

  1. I've encountered a strange problem with a Zeus co-op map. 


    Whenever my players die, they don't respawn into the same squad, and instead spawn into a newly created one.


    This means they're unable to see each other on the map, etc. 


    I can't edit this on the fly in zeus, and so they all play the game in their individual squads. 


    The respawn is setup so that they all spawn on the Zeus spawns. This is my respawn code: 

     respawn = 2;
    respawnDelay = 60;
    respawnVehicleDelay = 30;
    respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuPosition","MenuInventory"};
    respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"MenuPosition","MenuInventory"};
    respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {"MenuPosition","MenuInventory"};
    respawnOnStart = 0;
    disabledAI = 0;
    joinUnassigned = 1;
    aiKills  = 0;

  2. May I ask what program you are using to open the .sqm because either you aren't using Notepad ++ or you have saved the mission as non binary version,




    If the case is that you have just used the binary version, I would recommend saving a copy of the mission but when choosing a name for it, make sure you un-tick binary version or whatever it says then going through the file and viewing the Ares elated lines as you may have deleted things that aren't to do with Ares or you have missed parts that are related.


    If you have saved it as un-binaized but you aren't using notepad ++ here is a link to download it:




    If after doing the above still breaks your mission, I would suggest just making the mission from scratch because it may be quicker doing so either than mucking around too much.



    Hey the programme that I'm using is indeed Notepad++


    I made a copy of the mission, but when I removed Ares from it all (after I saved it as a non-binary version), I get an error message which says "Error when loading the scenario"? It's saved in my MPMission folder, I don't know if that makes a difference? Maybe I did something wrong when removing Ares - All I did was Ctrl + F Ares and delete the sections (including the everything in it { } of that section) which mentioned Ares.

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  3. When you say 'you removed it all' I'm guessing that you have gone through the .sqm and deleting things you think relates to the mod or just deleted the mod within the add on area?

    Because I'm pretty sure that ares doesn't add anything to the actual mission but more when your actually playing the mission.

    If so, I would recommend either using that backup version as you may of deleted stuff that shouldn't of been deleted.

    I can't remember clearly, but I don't even think that ares actually itself into the Adonis part of the .sqm because it doesn't need to.

    Let me know if it works or if I've misunderstood your question :)


    Hey. Sorry probably my fault, I didn't explain it too well.


    Basically this is what happened. I tried to play a game with some friends, and realsied that I need the Achillies version of Ares, and not just "Ares". 


    However, I guess as I had placed down the "GameMaster" module, and tested it a couple of times that it still required Ares. I went into the mission.sqm and did Ctrl + F and deleted EVERYTHING that referenced Ares. However, went I tried to load it back up in the editor, it just literally wasn't a selectable map - it had vanished. I managed to add it back in after a lot of work, so I can now load it up.


    When I look at the "Required Addons" option in the menu, it still says Ares, and I have to have Ares on to load the map.


    This is an example of what I would have deleted, but as it's the old file, the Ares is still there for the sake of this picture:



  4. (I did do a forum & google search, but I could not find anything - so sorry if there is something I have missed).


    I just uninstalled Arma 2 today, to try and fix a problem with TS linked to Arma2, people say that install and doing another action fix it.

    Now I am trying to re-install the game and it gets "13 bars in", and stops with this error message:

    File copy error (CRC does not match).

    C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Add ons\Characters2.pbo

    After the first attempt (with the error message coming up) I decided to delete the BI folder on my computer (and purge it) - all that was in there were mod folders, and ironically an add on folder.

    Thank you in advance for any help.
