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Everything posted by novainfuse

  1. I'll give that a shot, and see what it does. Where would I put this? In the onPlayerRespawn.sqf
  2. I was attempting to remove the Ares mod from the mission.sqm. I managed to remove them all, but when I went back in game to load the mission it's missing? Fortunately I made a backup of it before editting, but when I added that one back into my folder it is also not appearing. Have I lost it all? Or, is there a way to bring it back without the Ares dependency?
  3. Hey the programme that I'm using is indeed Notepad++ I made a copy of the mission, but when I removed Ares from it all (after I saved it as a non-binary version), I get an error message which says "Error when loading the scenario"? It's saved in my MPMission folder, I don't know if that makes a difference? Maybe I did something wrong when removing Ares - All I did was Ctrl + F Ares and delete the sections (including the everything in it { } of that section) which mentioned Ares.
  4. Hey. Sorry probably my fault, I didn't explain it too well. Basically this is what happened. I tried to play a game with some friends, and realsied that I need the Achillies version of Ares, and not just "Ares". However, I guess as I had placed down the "GameMaster" module, and tested it a couple of times that it still required Ares. I went into the mission.sqm and did Ctrl + F and deleted EVERYTHING that referenced Ares. However, went I tried to load it back up in the editor, it just literally wasn't a selectable map - it had vanished. I managed to add it back in after a lot of work, so I can now load it up. When I look at the "Required Addons" option in the menu, it still says Ares, and I have to have Ares on to load the map. This is an example of what I would have deleted, but as it's the old file, the Ares is still there for the sake of this picture:
  5. novainfuse

    Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

    He looks like he is constipated...
  6. novainfuse

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Okay, fantastic - cheers.
  7. novainfuse

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Is there a word count limit on Squad Fan-pages for Clans?
  8. (I did do a forum & google search, but I could not find anything - so sorry if there is something I have missed). Hello, I just uninstalled Arma 2 today, to try and fix a problem with TS linked to Arma2, people say that install and doing another action fix it. Now I am trying to re-install the game and it gets "13 bars in", and stops with this error message: File copy error (CRC does not match). C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\Add ons\Characters2.pbo After the first attempt (with the error message coming up) I decided to delete the BI folder on my computer (and purge it) - all that was in there were mod folders, and ironically an add on folder. Thank you in advance for any help.