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Everything posted by Atrocious

  1. Wow, reality does stuff like in video games. :butbut:
  2. I was thinking to do the same thing: Raise alert when a dead body is found within a base. I expected this to be somewhat easy ... well, when is it ever easy, hm? ;) Unfortunately I'm kind of new to ArmA scripting, so I might have done something wrong, but this is what I tried: I made a square trigger in the size of the base and selected "OPFOR" + "Detected by OPFOR" + !alive this. That didn't do anything though. My other attempt after reading this thread was the following: Give the victim a name and bind a trigger to a certain other unit, then set this as condition: "!alive targetSoldier && spotty knowsAbout targetSoldier > 0" This actually works, but has some flaws: - both soldiers must be named - This trigger only works for this special case when spotty finds the dead targetSoldier - knowsAbout is inaccurate; Spotty seemed to be able to look through a "large wall" before actually coming around the corner. Anyway, maybe I'll find something that works for my base setup. This brings me to a basic question: How can I access the unit that triggered the trigger? As you can see I tried stuff with "this" but it doesn't seem to work.
  3. Atrocious

    Wait until loaded?

    Thank you. Didn't expect that naming had an effect on the visibility. :)
  4. Atrocious

    Wait until loaded?

    I tried W0lle's approach but when I try to add to the trigger, it tells me that _sniperTeam is a local variable in global area. I registered _sniperTeam within the team leader's init. How can I make it global or make it work otherwise?
  5. I had problems with it at first too. You choose "Plant explosives" from the action menu (middle mouse) and that's it. What I did then was clicking the left mouse button - which you SHOULD NOT, because clicking the left mouse after planting the explosive will pick it up again immediately. Took me a while to realize that.
  6. Atrocious

    Russian tanks

    Not directly ArmA related and just out of curiosity: What do the T72 (and other Russian tanks?) carry in these round barrels at the back?
  7. Atrocious

    Badlands - where is Prizark?

    When you activate the mission you should see his marker on the map. For me he was NE of Vishnoye.
  8. Atrocious


    Exactly. The mobile HQ waits SW of Point Hood. You can use it then to build a base and reinforce your troops.
  9. Atrocious

    Expert level

    Same here. I think you can even change it during a mission (patch 1.03).
  10. I would use Fx - 7 - 7 (stay crouched) Fx - 3 - 5 (engage at will) - maybe even tell this to the AT guys before you tell them to stand up. Don't know if it is the fastest way but I'm pretty sure the unit will engage the APC as soon as they are in crouched position.
  11. Atrocious

    Russian tanks

    Yeah that's what I meant. Being close to a tank when a TOW hits it, is probably not funny. ;)
  12. Atrocious

    DOW @ start question

    It's a bug* (from what I read) that happens because you didn't do a certain task in Badlands. You can go back and do Badlands again to get a proper start in DoW. I did the mission with one team of infantry and a BTR. No need for reinforcements if you are careful. * bug, If you want to call it like that, because it only happens after the cheat command.
  13. You earn money by taking towns. Much more than you get for the kills. After the first town and waiting a bit you can afford a BTR and a few men. I usually shoot technicals with a (sniper-)rifle. Just take cover and kill the gunner before they see you. Then you have a lot time to kill the driver. Once you have the BTR (and/or some technicals) it becomes easier.
  14. Atrocious


    I just checked: You can enter the commander mode with Ctrl+Space. Then you can give orders to the three NAPA teams. I recommend playing the tutorial mission for the commander mode before using it in the mission. I also knew I could give orders to the NAPA (the commander says after the briefing: "Cooper will take command now") - but I didn't remember that key binding from the tutorial, so I didn't find the commander mode and thus chose the Rambo style.
  15. Atrocious

    Bitter Chill walkthrough needed

    Yeah bad luck. I hate when you can't control the team during dialogs. Fortunately it didn't happen to me at that point, so I could tell them to hold fire when the dialog was over.
  16. Atrocious

    why you don't milk grenades

    No because it makes a big mess, as FINALCUT already illustrated.
  17. Atrocious

    Bitter Chill walkthrough needed

    I think the chopper only lands when you fire at someone or when you are seen. My approach:
  18. Atrocious

    Razor Two

    Of course it all has some influence on the rest of the campaign. It's just the question if you can live with 'wrong' decisions and how the campaign evolves or if you ignore it. I decided to ignore any more things that go wrong, as long as the mission is successful. I'd suggest you play the campaign again after it has been fixed (even more) and then do it all right. :) Either way you should get the Prizrak hotfix before you play "Badlands". With patch 1.03 and without the hotfix you will have another important choice in the game ruined (because he is immortal and you can't decide to kill him, even though that was supposed to be the point of the objective).
  19. Atrocious

    Russian tanks

    I thought so too - and actually I just found a picture on this site where the fuel barrels are labelled "fuel barrels" ;) http://www.peachmountain.com/5star/US_Army_Ordnance_Museum_IS3_tank.aspx I just thought it would be very dangerous for infantry to be close to such barrels during a firefight. Then again, diesel is not explosive and being close to a tank in a battle might be dangerous anyway.
  20. Atrocious

    3 target rifleman

    Yeah well then campaign. My bad. Though it's quite obvious what I meant.
  21. Atrocious

    3 target rifleman

    Absolutely not true? Not just only not true? Damn, I must have messed that up pretty badly, hm? And why is it not true?
  22. Atrocious

    Badlands bug: Protect Vyshnoye

    I had this too the first time. I was in a vehicle and nothing happened. I reloaded and this time I exited the vehicle and ran around a bit in the town. Then they showed up. Don't know if it is related to the fact that I was not in a vehicle anymore or I was just lucky.
  23. Atrocious

    3 target rifleman

    Well in ArmA2 singleplayer you start as number 2 and will eventually become 1. So you usually know the number. Beside that, the order that is for you should be highlighted. The others are not. About navigation without 'v' I don't really know what to say. If he tells you coordinates like 013076 you could use your gps and map to find out, but that's only if you are told to move to some distant location, not in fast combat etc. Coordinates are read on the map like this: First three numerals (e.g. 013) on the horizontal and second three numerals (e.g. 076) on the vertical axis of the map. You see the grid numbers when zoomed in at the borders of the map.
  24. Atrocious


    Yes, I think ArmA is mainly loved by people who played OFP. Others tend to get frustrated by the bugs. Anyway if the bugs in the campaign annoy you, skip it and try multiplayer or even better: Try the editor! The editor and sandbox system is what makes ArmA so unique.
  25. Atrocious

    why you don't milk grenades

    As another lesson, from my life as holiday soldier, I'd like to add that cooking explosives happens when the stuff gets too much heat (e.g. in a fire) and blows up. Happened for example on the USS Franklin in WWII (no, I wasn't there): After it got hit and the deck was on fire, some bombs cooked in the fire and went off after some minutes. (There should be video footage on the net somewhere.) So IMHO and AFAIK cooking explosives off is not like milking grenades. Well, any vet here correct me IIDRC. Late Edit: Just for completion ... Wikipedia has it all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking_off More in the article about grenades. lol :D