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Everything posted by romes

  1. Hi Norrin! Nice scripts Mate, very nice indeed, and thaank you so much for them! Now, bit of a problem. My mission starts with a group loaded into a couple of Hunters (this moveInCargo blah blah blah), when they get out at the drop off point the Revive script doesn't activate properly. If we get banjo'd we respawn at "Respawn West" with no options of revive....and no option to drop a Mobile Spawn! I've taken the group out of the vehicles and viola...the script works a treat! I'm probably doing something wrong but buggered if I know what it is fella! Any help would be welcome, as I've just spent hours making a bloody intro to this headache of a mission.....many thanks in advance!
  2. OK, I've hit on a bit of a problem! For one, there's no 'initline' in the trigger, so I'm guessing you mean the 'On Activation' field? Secondly, when I run the test mission, the chopper flies in, starts to land, then the game totally locks up and shuts down! Any ideas will be greatly appreciated...and many thanks in advance!
  3. Hi all! Firstly, a total noob stands before you, so it's more than likely me that's done/not done something right! Anyway, I've made my map and got to the point of putting the Satellite and Textures on. Importing Satellite and Mask seems to work through fine, but at the end of compiling it in Buldozer I get this error: "Cannot load texture mymap\data\mesto2_detail_nohq.paa"/ The Satellite texture is working in Buldozer, but not the not the Mask! I'm only learning this stuff at the moment so I'm only using one texture (until it's working...then POW!!) So, all I can do is place myself at the mercy of you good people who know what you're doing to point me in the right direction.......and many many thanks in advance Mates! PS. I've read through ALL the tutorials I can find and followed them to the leter, but I get this problem with all of them...wierd!
  4. OK Peeps, well, I really like the sound of this, but I'm a total noob with ArmA....so can somebody please explain to me in laymans terms exactly where the sqf file goes ect to make it work? I've bunged it in the mission folder and tried it in the editor but all I end up with is a satchel on the ground! Ta muchly in advance for your patience and assistance.
  5. romes

    Military Humor

    Our Skipper used to enjoy SCUBA in a big way, so when we were ever in Cyprus, and got new blood sent our way he used to like taking them out for a dive. We always went out to this cove that had more sharks per square foot than you could shake a shitty stick at....Theshers, Tiger, Blues....just about every type except Whites (fortunately) but these buggers were as tame as dolphins due to the cove being fed by the main sewer outlet for the island! Anyway, this particular day we had a couple of new lads with us so off we all went. We were getting our kit sorted when the Skipper came round to check us out. He noticed one of the noobs had a length of bamboo with a six inch nail attached at one end and a string loop at the other. The skipper asked him what it was....."It's me shark stick!" he replied. The Skipper said "Don't be a twat lad....you'll not kill a shark with that!" "Oh I know that Sir....but if one of those sods start getting a bit bolshie, I can stab you in the leg with it and the scent of your blood will keep 'em busy while I escape!" Needless to say we all pissed ourselves as The Skipper took it and broke it up, throwing expletives, and bits of 'shark stick' to the wind! ---------- Post added at 01:01 ---------- Previous post was at 00:49 ---------- Whist on the subject of watersports (now come on you pongos', ya know ya love it!) We were doing a UDT cousre down at Poole and were in the midst of shaped charge drill when the Sargeant decided it would be a good idea to try it in a practical fashion! The following day there we were sitting in a Zodiac next to this bloody great freighter......"Right then" he says, "All you gotta do it hop over the side, get under it and place your charge!" So in we went and shaped our charges. When we were back on board the Sarge went over the side to inspect what we'd done. After a couple of minutes he surfaced, lifted his gogs and removed his mouthpiece, then, resting his arms on the boat he said. "Alright then.....which one of you bastards did Whinney the Pooh?...and why has he got a fuckin' det for a dick?" No-one would own up so it cost us some serious glop in the bar that night....happy days!
  6. Hi all Well, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here, you see, ever since I installed the 1.03 patch I keep getting shut down and a message about "out of memory". Is there a memory leak? (not a scooby what the hell one of those is, but I've heard the name before!) I'm not the only one having this prob......the mates I game with are all experiencing this annoying phenomenon! I'm sure this isn't the right thread/page for this but I'm shagged out after a 26 hour day(?) so looking forward to hearing something from ya when I finally wake up, and could you please make it as simple as poss......I'm as thick as shyte when it comes to computers!!:banghead: ta muchly in advance!